
One Piece Heavenly Upgrade System


Noland29 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

chapter 74

Malin Vandor, Naval Headquarters, Marine Marshal's office. At this time, Sengoku is also anxious about the impending events in the New World.

The alliance between BIG·MOM and the Beasts to attack the Red Hair Pirates has caused chaos and uncertainty in the New World. Sengoku is well aware of the situation.

Although Sengoku harbors a deep hatred for pirates, he doesn't want this war to start. The combined power of BIG·MOM and the Beasts is overwhelming, making it difficult for the Naval Headquarters to fight back. The Red Hair Pirates, on their own, stand little chance against such a formidable force.

The most likely outcome of this battle is the demise of the Red Hair Pirates. However, Sengoku is not concerned about the fate of the Red Hair Pirates. What worries him is the aftermath of their defeat. The delicate balance that has been maintained in the New World will be shattered, potentially leading to an unprecedented and horrifying war.

"Pollum... Pollum..."

The phone worm on the table suddenly rang.

The white phone bug has a built-in feature to prevent eavesdropping.

"Major General Nice, what's the situation with the BIG·MOM Pirates?" Sengoku didn't need to ask to know who was on the other end of the line.

"Marshal, the BIG·MOM Pirate Group has been blocked," Nice reported.


Sengoku stood up from his chair in shock.

"BIG·MOM has been blocked!? Who did it!? Did Whitebeard join the battle!?" Whitebeard was the only person Sengoku could think of who would dare to challenge BIG·MOM.

And Whitebeard's involvement would only escalate the situation further.

Just the thought of the Four Emperors of the New World in chaos made Sengoku's scalp tingle.

"No... it's not..." Nice's voice sounded strange.

"It's Silver Rayleigh, the 'Pluto'... And there's another pirate involved. Rayleigh is fighting against two commanders, while the other pirate is facing off against Charlotte Linlin," Nice explained. The presence of Rayleigh, a formidable pirate, was unmistakable.

"Rayleigh!? Why is he here!?" Sengoku exclaimed in horror.

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel even more troubled. Rayleigh's appearance meant that the remnants of the Roger Pirate Group might also be involved.

"Major General Nice, continue to monitor the situation, but do not engage in the battle. I will immediately send Admiral Kizaru to the New World for support. Understood?" Sengoku instructed.

"Understood, Marshal," Nice replied. However, his voice trailed off as he witnessed a sudden turn of events... (Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Although the Wooden Golem was infused with abundant life energy, it proved to be incredibly resilient. However, wood is still susceptible to fire, especially the soul-infused flames of Charlotte Linlin's Prometheus. Its temperature even surpasses that of Sakazuki's Lava-Lava Fruit!

Under the burning heat of Prometheus, the Wooden Golem's arms turned black.

Rayleigh, who was engaged in battle against Charlotte Cracker and Charlotte Smoky, remained composed. After blocking their attacks, he turned his attention to Mu Feng and said, "Boy, Charlotte Linlin is one of the Four Emperors. If you don't show some strength, you'll be at a disadvantage."

Rayleigh was well aware that Mu Feng was still holding back.

At least, the state that made Rayleigh's heart race hadn't manifested yet.

"So... let's end this battle."

Mu Feng, who initially appeared relaxed, suddenly focused his energy. A terrifying aura emanated from his body, sweeping across the entire sea...

Feeling this overwhelming presence, everyone in the vicinity couldn't help but be taken aback.

At that moment, Mu Feng's eyes turned vermilion red, and vermilion lines appeared under his eyes and above the center of his eyebrows.

Rayleigh, Charlotte Smoky, Charlotte Cracker... Their battle had seemingly come to a halt, as all eyes were now on Mu Feng.

"This kid... his aura is even more terrifying than when we last fought," Rayleigh murmured.

"It's not Conqueror's Haki... Why do I feel a sense of dread? Is it just his imposing presence? Why do I sense a greater strength than my mother's!?" Charlotte Smoky exclaimed in astonishment.

"Wow... this is so scary!" Charlotte Cracker's eyes widened.

Charlotte Linlin also sensed the impending danger and her expression grew frantic.

Her bloodshot eyes intensified, and her killing intent ran rampant.

".` Thundercloud Zeus!!"

"Sun Prometheus!!"

In one hand, thunder and lightning crackled, while the other hand held the scorching sun! The combined attack was unleashed upon Mu Feng. The thunder and lightning shattered the space, while the sun distorted the air. Charlotte Linlin unleashed her full power without reservation.

But it was too late, as Mu Feng had already completed the seals with his hands.

"Sage Art Wood Style·Real Number Senju!!!"

As Mu Feng's voice echoed, the sky grew dark.

"What's happening? Why is it getting dark!?" The members of the BIG·MOM Pirate Group looked up at the sky, bewildered... They were left speechless.

What... what is that!?

From the sky... did something fall from above!?

A colossal Buddha statue! It was immense in size.

Everyone in the BIG·MOM Pirate Group was left dumbfounded. However, they had no time to ponder over these questions.


Charlotte Linlin's eyes widened in anger.

She wanted to summon her soul incarnation to defend against the attack, but time was not on her side.

Being on the sea, even though the ship beneath her feet was the flagship of the BIG·MOM Pirate Group, it couldn't withstand such an overwhelming force.

With gritted teeth, though unwilling, Charlotte Linlin shouted, "Braggie! Take everyone in the family to the mirror world, leave me behind! Hunter Guild! Senju Hashirama! And Rayleigh, I, Charlotte Linlin, will remember you! Let's see..."

Mirrors appeared in front of every member of the Charlotte family. With a light touch, they were all sucked into the mirrors. Finally, Charlotte Linlin jumped in as well...