
One Piece : God of the Rinnegan

“They call themselves Gods ; yet still they depend on the protection of those they deem lesser for their safety . A true God is the epitome of strength without equal. And they shall learn one day who the true god of this world is “ ———-

Gs9Gosohard · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Logue Town

"They call themselves Gods ; yet still they depend on the protection of those they deem lesser for their safety . A true God is the epitome of strength without equal. And they shall learn one day who the true god of this world is "


Logue Town

Marine Base

"You pay too much attention to the sword Tashigi, the entire human body can be turned into a weapon especially for those who know how to wield it as such " the tall white suit wearing figure said after delivering a punch to the gut of the sergeant major sending her skidding away and into coughing frenzy.

"Within this world and amongst the seas there are those who will do anything to survive . They shall use every method known to them no matter how dishonorable it may be. For their only aim is to win and see their opponents lose . Keep that in mind sergeant . You show great promise , but there will come a time where you mustn't hold back for your life will depend on it. Heed my warnings with care "

"He's such a harsh teacher that one there . He didn't have to hit her so hard either. " Grunted the black haired senior lieutenant his arms now folded over the chest of his neatly pressed black suit .

And draped over his suit and shoulders was a white great cloak with light golden epaulets displaying his rank of a within the marines .

"It's good practice for her , plus she doesn't seem to mind . If anything ,hurting her is perhaps one of the last things Junior Lieutenant kenshin wanted to do Lieutenant Spike. Especially as he seem to he have taken a liking to her." Spoke Captain Gyro as he grinned at his swordsman down bellow unbeknownst to him .

"Ahh, lover boy huh? I should've seen it sooner . Kenshin does have a certain enthusiasm when it comes to blades even as a swordsman . A common interest your junior officer shares ain't that right Captain smoker ? " Lieutenant Spike uttered.

"Indeed she does" replied the cigar addict blandly.

"Even though I dislike having you lot here . I do find your Junior Lieutenant's help in improving tashigi's swordsmanship very useful . And since there is no one here that poses a match for her with a blade plus it's apparent she appreciates the challenge especially before we leave for Arabasta within the next day or so . The Grand-line is forever harsh . Only strength and knowledge can save one from its terrible waters" Smoker spoke again .

To two men nodded at smoker's words .

"Nevertheless there is a matter i wish to discuss "


Smoker now gazed at his companion with curiosity.

"Ive read one of your reports recently. A pirate of 30 million berries was saved by Monkey D Dragon , the world's most wanted man and coincidentally that pirate's name is Monkey D luffy. "

"A many at Marineford or at-least those who are onto the revolutionary leader's case are rather curious behind this reasoning of saving a rookie pirate especially as they possess the same last name ."

"Now I know it ain't uncommon for pirates to take the initials of great criminals to gain some form of notoriety but this incident that happened recently brings a lot to attention at hand or perhaps I'm just overthinking?"

Pretending was one thing gyro thought cunningly but he already knew why dragon saved straw hat . He already knew a lot for that matter but it didn't stop him from taking advantage of said events that would happen in the future .

For Knowledge is power after all.

"Perhaps a new recruit ?" Spike added.

"No. Straw hat doesn't even seem close to the revolutionary type .The buffoon of a pirate doesn't even know much about the happenings of the world much less Dragon himself and to say that Dragon was his father and Straw-hat saw him but haven't to have a clue to who he was . Such a father like figure that dragon surely is heh? " Smoker added

"Something funny Gyro ?" Smoker grunted in annoyance as he saw the younger Captain smirk.

"Just a mere thought " Came his swift reply

"Nonetheless it makes one curious but thats a matter for another time"

"Under orders from Admiral Aokiji my crew and I have another

mission to carry out smoker and Seemingly as our destination aligns . Why don't we sail together to alabasta tomorrow the grand-line is a dangerous place after all. " The Captain spoke seriously this time the smile now gone from his face .

"And here I thought that you merely came here to annoy me " Smoker surmised

"And here I thought you didn't know how to tell a joke Smoker" Gyro fired back .

"Hmph! "

"Do as you wish . " Smoker grunted before walking away . The man couldn't hide it no matter how he tried or no matter how he refused to admit it . Gyro grew on him like how he grew on others. He was amongst the few within the marines that smoker could call a friend and not just a colleague.

"Dejected ain't he" Spike stated as he watched the logia user leave the balcony .

"Indeed he is " Gyro chuckled

"Make sure the supplies are ready for departure tomorrow , it'll be a dangerous and long journey through the calm belt and into the grandline"

"Aye captain " The gunslinging lieutenant replied before turning to leave as well .

He could feel the power within his eyes the flaring of his chakra he was excited . And he couldn't hide it any longer . It was a good thing smoker and spike left he mused .

'And now it shall truly begin the arena is set'


The Rinnegan (Literally meaning: Saṃsāra Eye) is reputed as the most exalted eye amongst the "Three Great Dōjutsu",the others being the Sharingan and the Byakugan. It is said that in times of disorder, one who wields the Rinnegan is sent down from the heavens to become either a "God of Creation" who will calm the world or a "Destroyer" who will reduce everything to nothingness.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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