
Saying Farewell!

In the coming days, I trained and made multiple preparations to leave. I was worried that Arlong pirates would completely blockade the Conomi Islands soon.

In due time, the fated day of Arlong's arrival took place…

In the morning, Nami still got into a fight with Bellemere-san over money. She ran away from her home to my house.

Presently, she was staring at the floor, sad over recent events.

"Mwah ha, so you ran away from home to come live with me" I said.

"Yeah… If Bellemere was living without us, she would have money to buy nice things and won't be hated in the village."

"So, you finally care about her feelings eh. You know something… I've heard from Genzo that Bellemere-San was the biggest trouble maker back in the days."

"Wha… Bellemere?"

Nami's eyes blinked and she stared at me.

"Yeah… let me tell you what Genzo told me… how Bellemere-san left for the marines and found you."

I told Nami a long story about how she was adopted. I would have preferred if Genzo was here, but this is all I can do to fix Oda's canon I have ruined.

BAMM… Suddenly, Nojiko barged into the house.

"Nami! I knew you'd be here!"

I put my hands over Nami's shoulders and said, "Now go home, your family's there for you."

Just when Nami was about to go home and reconcile with Bellemere, Genzo rushed towards our house.

"Gasp… gasp… Pirates are here! Nami and Nojiko, follow me now!" He yelled.

Events similar to the manga took place once again: Arlong arrived at the village and took the Cocoyasi village under his control immediately.

Nami and Nojiko hid in the forest while the rest of the villagers paid heavy tributes to the Arlong pirates. Despite his taxation being cruel beyond anything, no one could do anything about it.

Soon the pirates spotted smoke coming from Bellemere's house at the outskirts of the village. Arlong went to her house and defeated the former marine easily. Genzo told her about the tribute requirement so that she could stop fighting Arlong and just pay him.

Bellemere's secret savings were enough to cover her but not nearly enough for the whole family. She could have lied by saying she was not a mother, albeit it was not something her heart could do.

According to my plan, Nami had to be captured by Arlong for Oda's canon to stay similar. I had taken zero steps from preventing this day from coming.

I pinched my lips at the scene, unable to watch the entire scene coldly any longer. Given my plan, this was the maximum I decided to do to reduce Nami's anguish.

Currently, Arlong was holding a gun on Bellemere's face. She stared at the barrel of the weapon bravely and with pride of being a mother.


I jumped over the fishman by using my staff for pole jumping.

"Mwah ha ha… The hero comes to save the day at the last moment eh."

Everyone at the scene was silenced from my actions. The fishmen sweated, embarrassed from letting a kid through them. The humans looked at me with half-hope half-worry as I took strides towards Arlong.

"Stop Cross! Get out of here!"

Bellemere rush towards me but was held back by the fishmen.

Arlong surveyed me with a mocking smile on his face.

"Shahahah… Are you here to die human?" He asked.

"Do you really believe all humans are such idiots?" I answered.

Thukkk… I threw a bag containing the tribute money for Bellemere.

"Here's her money. Let her go… or do you want to go back on your words."

Arlong paused for a second before… BAMM… using the handle of the gun to knock out Bellemere. This enraged people, but at least the Arlong pirates let her live.

"Shahahah… Very good human, I'll let her go. You're very impressive to know your limits because humans are inferior" He said.

'What about humans like Vice admiral Kizaru, who fucked you up,' I was barely able to hold myself back from correcting the idiot.

"Under my rule, those without money shall all die! Is that clear, you pathetic humans!?" Arlong continued.

Later, Hachi came and announced to Arlong about how he found sea charts in the house. Arlong still took Nami with him, resulting in people trying to rebel. Luckily, I was able to single handedly knock down their rebellion without injuring the people.

In time, Nami came and told the villagers about how she chose to join the Arlong crew and become their cartographer. No one could do anything more after that point.

Bellemere and Nojiko understood Nami's intentions and calmed down the village. As for me, I went to talk to Nami for the last time before leaving the Conomi Islands. I'd already bid farewell to Nojiko and told her about the hidden location of emergency funds if her family ever needs it.

Tak Tak… I climbed towards Nami, who was gazing at the island scenery from the top of a cliff.

"Hey Cross, do you hate me too?"

Nami asked, moving her hand to cover the tattoo on her shoulders. I went ahead and sat down next to her,

"Mwah ha… you're not capable of making me hate you … even if you betray me or the village… Well, unless you decide to raise the prices of touching your chest further."

"He He He… Stop joking Cross"

I didn't dare tell her that I wasn't joking. Her breasts had gotten bigger and softer over last year under my supervision; any price hike would make a heavy blow to my pocket.

"Anyway, I've only told this to Bellemere, Nojiko… I've made a deal with Arlong to free this village for 100 million Berrys. Bellemere used to tell me that I've to survive because fun times are ahead… so, I've decided to never cry and fight alone!"

Nami grinned, but I could feel the anguish inside of her.

"Hum… I understand. Now that you'll be working for Arlong pirates, it won't be that easy to see me or your family anymore eh"

"I'll find the time to see my family… You on the other hand will have to pay me 100 million Berrys to meet me!"

I choked on my own saliva at the price she mentioned. Nami's smile became a little bit more genuine after she saw that.

"Kuhum Kuhum… Swallow… Okay on a serious note Nami… I have decided to leave the Conomi Islands to further my training."

"W-What… don't leave! I'll save the village… So, please don't leave!"

Nami's eyes moistened, and she hugged me.

Looking at her like this, I pulled her further into my embrace… and groped her chest slightly.

"Sigh… I'm going to have to go and follow my plans… Hey, look me into the eye Nami and promise that you'll always be my friend and work on your dreams!"

"No! You're staying he-"


Aahhh… Nami moaned from me tightly squeezing her breasts

I threatened her and said, "I'm going to keep squeezing until you get pregnant if you don't give in to my demands... You already know what I do to people who break their promises!"

"Sob… Sob, Okay, Stop! I promise to forever be your friend… and navigate the whole world and make its map."

Nami finally wept in my embrace, and we stayed together for a long time.

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