
Origin Story: Part 1

Bright white light entered my eyes as I tried to open them. Apart from an intense headache, my body felt like it had gone through a complete transformation.

When I finally opened my eyes, I saw my body of a 7-8-year-old boy, who hadn't even started going through puberty. I was lying on some sand, alone, in what seemed to be an abandoned beach. I could see a clear blue sea, wild birds, and a lush tropical forest in the distance.

"Huh… no way… I have actually been summoned to another world." I murmured.

I was still doubting the absurdity of the situation, but the reality was telling me otherwise. My skin could feel the increased humidity in the air, more common with tropical climates. Swisssh... I could hear waves forming and crashing onto the beach. My limbs themselves felt shorter as though they're not mine. I had clearly been 'reincarnated' into someone else's body.

Once I was done accepting my fate, I gritted my teeth and walked towards the forest. It was a long and difficult walk with nothing but a few wild animals on the way. I was already annoyed with my new young body, which felt uncomfortable and weak at the same time.

[Beginner Strength Pack Initiated… Your physical stats are now permanently boosted. Additionally, your growth talent has increased substantially.]

All of a sudden, my body fell and wriggled uncontrollably from shock. I could literally feel the development of my muscles and my height increasing by a few centimeters. This continued for a few more seconds, after which I got up and felt power like never before.

"Woahh… this is too awesome!"

My eyes flashed with excitement as I tested the limits of my new body; I felt like I could run as fast as a cheetah and climb trees like a monkey. I was surely stronger than I was in my previous life, and it was crazier because I couldn't have been more than 8 years old.

Rustle Rustle… Soon I could hear noises coming from the far bushes from a couple running towards me. The human couple were of young age and wearing a tunic, cloak, and woolen stockings.

I was about to rejoice from witnessing the first signs of human civilization in this world, but I noticed something odd. On a closer look, the couple's clothes were tattered and housed multiple blood stains. They were breathing haphazardly as though they were on the verge of fainting from exhaustion.

Fa-Thud… The male member of the couple tripped on a nearby branch.

"Oh no dear! Get up…. We can't stop!"

The female rushed back to her lover and supported him up. He was heavily limping and holding his ankle, which seemed to have been twisted earlier.

"Catherine my love… I won't be able to make it. Run before they get here!"

He bit the bottom part of his lip, urging his wife to run.

"No dear! If you can't make it, then I will die together with you."

"Oh Catherine… I love you so much! But you have to live!"

"I won't leave you dear!"

The couple held each other's hands and gazed warmly at each other with moist eyes.

I clicked my tongue at their whole display, almost cursing my virgin-self for being jealous of a couple in a seemingly desperate situation. I slowly edged away from them; I had to get out of here before whatever trouble they brought with them arrived.

Bang… Bang… In an instant, 2 shots were fired on to the heads of the couple. Their heads burst out with blood and fragments, effectively killing the couple in cold blood.

I squeezed my eye shut from the gory scene. Before I could calm my thoughts and run away, a deep voice echoed from the distance.

"Don't think about leaving you brat… or the next shot will be on your head!"

Beads of sweat formed on my face, and I completely froze all my movements.

Woosh… Woosh… Soon 10-20 bandit-looking men rushed to my location and gathered around me.

"Heh heh… A fitting-end for this couple. How dare they run away from us?!"

"This will warn the Hape village's merchants to pay their tributes instead of rebelling like these fools."

The bandits didn't even flinch as they examined the scene; most of them smiled maliciously at the corpses instead.

Next, a muscular man wearing a red bandana, red shirt, and black leather trousers approached the corpses. He had crooked nose, long black hair, and tanned skin. His face had a twisted smile, which seemed to intimidate a few of the bandits around him.

"Captain Billy, we've tracked and taken out the couple as per your request."

A bandit respectively informed the captain of the situation.

"These poor souls... they were taken too early from this world. I pray to god that they find peace in the afterlife." Billy said.

My body shivered when I observed the man respect the dead with such a frightening smile on his face.

"One more thing… We seemed to have found a child, who got caught up in the scene."

"May God show him mercy in his next life... Just tie him up for now and take care of him later…"

Captain Billy glanced at me with half-closed eyes and started walking away.

'What the fuck is this insane difficulty Isekai,' I panicked. I had to find a way to run away and save myself; however, a few of the bandits displayed strength that could easily kill me a few times over.

"Hey Waitt… I want to become a bandit too. Let me join you!" I yelled, trying to grab on to any last hope I could find.

Billy stopped in his tracks at my words and said, "Ho… Why do you think I would want a brat in my crew?"

"First of all, my name's Cross… Second, look at all these weak looking bandits in your crew. I can surely take out a few of them"

I flexed my biceps with pride and mocked his bandits. Many smirked at my words, refusing to believe they could possibly lose to someone my age.

"Hmmm… Amusing, pick anyone and fight him to the death to join our crew."

Thuk… Captain Billy threw me his bladed quarterstaff, which had curved blades at each end. I didn't mind receiving his weapon since I'd taken a course on stage-combat with a staff in my previous life.

I analyzed all the bandits at the scene and pointed to the thin, weak-looking bandit.

"Oh… you want to challenge our vice-captain and take his spot… ambitious I see." Captain Billy said, stroking his chin.

"N-No way… I-I'm talking about that guy."

My face paled, and I immediately pointed towards the shortest bandit next to the vice-captain fellow.

"I see… challenging our strongest sharpshooter, rumored to be stronger than the vice-captain, will be better for your reputation."

"What the hell is wrong with you bandits?!… Just please choose an average strength bandit for me."

"Ah… That Rick just joined a few months back. I want to see how much his skills have improved... but are you even a challenge," Captain Billy mused.

I pointed by blade towards the Rick fellow and smiled, 'Whew… I think I was going to suicide if this continued any longer.'

Rick walked towards me with an evil grin on his face. Shiiiin… He unsheathed his sword and faced me. I sized my opponent too and practiced with my weapon for a little bit. Rick's smile widened after observing my poor techniques.

Woosh… Rick charged at me with his sword.

I firmed my jaw with determination to survive, using all my strength into blocking his overhead blow.

Thunk… The sound of metal hitting metal resounded in the area as I blocked his overhead blow with my quarterstaff.

The bandits watched my parry with wide eyes, unable to believe that someone my size could survive that.

Taking advantage of the momentary shocked Rick, I quickly stabbed my weapon into his shoulders. Puchi… I drove my blade deep inside his shoulders to be sure he wouldn't move after this.

Rick screamed in pain and fainted soon from the loss of blood. He fell, still skewered by the bladed quarterstaff.

"Huff Huff… Smirk… Was that enough to join you guys?"

Ha ha ha ha ha… Suddenly, all the bandits started laughing at my victory.

"Tee Hee Hee… Captain, we need to have this kid. It's going to be less boring from now on."

"What great physical strength from someone his age… even though he had no technique"

Captain Billy sized me up and nodded. "Hmmm… great performance. But I see that your opponent is still breathing."

Silence reigned at Captain Billy's words. His words demanded absolute authority from the rowdy bandits gathered here.

'These fuckin psychos… I have no other option,' I clenched my fist and retrieved the staff from Rick's body.

Without delay, I struck the staff back into his body… Of course, it was the man's heart this time.

After a while, only cold corpses and the lingering smell of blood remained.

Where's my Celestial Dragon origin story, Isekai services?

Jordan_Jowanicreators' thoughts
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