
Loguetown: Part 1

Somewhere in the streets of Loguetown, I was chasing after a girl with a straw-hat. Before I could recover from the shock of what was going on, she had gained a distant lead on me.

Along the chase, I'd run into a small updated bounty poster on her. Her name was Lucy, and her current bounty was now a whopping 35 million Berrys.

I chased after Lucy and called out to her, "Hey Wait…! Wait up!"

'Just wow… how did Lucy possibly make it here at the same time as me?' A tight-lipped smile formed on my face.

Lucy stopped soon after, eyeing me for stopping her. "Ah… are you the meat guy…?!" She pursed her lips, trying to recognize me from her memories.

"First of all, my name's Cross…! I know you are Straw-Hat Lucy, and I want to kno-"

Sniff… Sniff… All of a sudden, Lucy leaned in towards my face and started sniffing me.

"W-What are you d-doing." I said; my face flushed red from inhaling her scent and warm breath from so close to me.

I was about to panic further but then I noticed Lucy's shifty eyes, zeroed in on the extra meat sticks that I'd packed in my bag at a stall before. Her mouth drooled, and she sneakily stretched her small hands with her devil-fruit powers to my bag.

"Hi, I'm Lucy. G-Good weather huh… Whistle., Whistle…"

Lucy started whistling close to my face in an attempt to distract me; however, it ironically made her stealing attempt even more discoverable.

"You're a terrible actor you know!"

With a slight frown on my face, I grabbed Lucy's outstretched hand, preventing it from reaching its destination.

Kyahhh… Lucy screamed as her entire body flew from the potential energy towards the outstretched arm that I'd grabbed. The Logia powers that I'd glorified in my head for the last 8 years failed, as she crashed into me, head on with a… Bahm!

When I recovered my composure, I noticed that something big, soft, and firm was blocking my nose. I gritted my teeth and grabbed on to it to push it way. The soft, firm feeling reached my hands, and I gave it a few squeezes while pushing it way.

"Eek… D-Don't press them…"

I opened my eyes to observe that Lucy was looking at me with a slight blush on her face. She was lying on top of me with her tits plastered to my face. Squeeze… I couldn't help myself groping it a few times due to the amazing elasticity of her tits.

Lucy started heavily wiggling her body, her crotch lay on top of mine as she tried to get away. Her rapid movements caused our crotches to start grinding hard against each other.

"Gasp… Gasp… P-Please stop moving completely… Something bad will happen otherwise!"

I clenched my jaw and tried my best to control my natural biological reaction.

Fortunately, Lucy seemed to calm down after I stopped holding her breasts, and she said, "Okay, sure! But, thanks for the food though… Shishishishihshi…!"

After calming down a little, my eyes widened from seeing how Lucy was eating my food, while still sitting on top of me. I couldn't do anything to stop her as she sneaked in more of my food… because any more movement there would now risk public exposure.

'Damn, that's all my food! How dare she…?!' I glared at her, my mouth drooling from seeing her insert so much food inside the small mouth of hers.

I couldn't handle it anymore and bit the other end of the meat stick she was eating. Munch… Munch… I started eating the other end of the stick and smiled mockingly at her.

Lucy pouted cutely when she saw that, a competitive spirit rising within her.

Munch… Munch… our mouths closed in on each other, but none of us were ready to give up on the last piece of meat. In the end, the meat piece somehow fell on the ground, and our lips caressed each other's instead… Smooch. I bit into her tongue by mistake, feeling the wetness and the slipperiness in my mouth.

Wahhh… Both of us went red in the ears, and Lucy started wiggling once again. Her jean shorts grinded roughly against my pants, resulting in the awakening of my beast.

Soon Lucy was able to jump away from me; however, it was too late. I teleported away from every public space in Loguetown.


In due time, I arrived at the infamous Execution Platform, where the Pirate King Gol D. Roger was executed, at the center of Loguetown. Not only did I want to see the monument, I also wanted to find Lucy and take my revenge on her.

I needed to hurry, since it won't be too long that a massive storm hits Loguetown. I could feel the massive energy from the lightning in the distant clouds, and I was on the verge of signaling my crew to leave.

'Hummm… Now, where is Lucy… And these small-fry marines should just stop trying,' I thought as I detected a form of organized movement at different parts of the Island at my location radar.

Soon my attention turned towards the execution platform, which was a story high and made of timber and stone. I noticed the massive ionization taking place on the particles surrounding it, and I deemed it necessary to personally stop it.

Now that I'd change the plot, there was no need for the destruction of such a historic monument… or so I thought.

Tak… Tak… All of a sudden, a group of people took strides towards me.

It was Buggy, the star clown and captain of the Buggy Pirates. His subordinates were all there with him and they stared at me with evil grins.

"I, Buggy, have returned to have my revenge on you. I'm going to kill you in a flashy way."

Woohooo…! The Buggy pirates cheered at Buggy's proud claim to finish me.

"Don't tell me that you want me to me to seriously kill you this time…" I curled my lip at Buggy, a little entertained by his attempt at my life.

"Ba ha ha ha… I've learnt my lesson Cross. The sword in my hand is coated with Sea Prism Stone!" Buggy's grin became even wider, and he showed-off his weapon with pride.

Just when I was about to teach him true misery…. Chinnn… my radar picked up something that made my jaws drop from shock.

An armada of anomalies were detected approaching the docks of Loguetown… and the marines in the Island seemed to have start setting complex formations. I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't dare to take this stuff lightly anymore.

First, Wham… I delivered a swift kick on Buggy's face, sending him flying across the courtyard.

"Ahh… Captain Buggy!" All of Buggy's subordinates ran to get him, their faces pale.

Next, lightning let loose from my body as I flew high up in the air. Despite any possible neurological consequences, I chose to start tuning into every conversation and sound available in the entire Island.

While a human mind can never have two thoughts simultaneously, my Rumble-Rumble fruit powers allow me to tinker with my brain circuitry to do so. It makes it so that I'm able to handle processing the entirety of conversation that may run in my head. Also, it would significantly improve the control of my lightning attacks.

Lamenting a little bit, I said, "It's time to enter God-mode."

Next chapter