
Don't Drink too much!

Night fell upon the island once more, and the waves were as quiet as always; however, the festivities had just started. People had been enduring for 8 years and they had now received a break after so long. They may not live tomorrow under Arlong's rule, but tonight was a night of celebration.


"Ha ha ha, this is so great… I've never had such good booze before."

"I heard it's provided by that rich bandit… a former resident who came back"

"I don't know whether I should be happy for us or sad for him returning, but I'm never going to say no to such good food and drinks."

In the centre of Cocoyasi village, a huge tent had been set up with all kinds of food and drinks available. Almost all the villagers had come tonight for a break and they were happy to celebrate for once.

Currently, I was drunk and having a friendly chat with Genzo.

"Mr. Sheriff… you may not be too handsome but you're a very nice man. How come you're still a bachelor?" I asked

"Ahhh son, I never got the time to be with someone… and the person I liked was always too busy being too amazing…." Genzo had a touch of a smile in his face.

"Oh… just ask Bellemere-san already!"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance; it was that obvious who he was talking about.

"Whaaaat h-how'd you know?"

"Mwah ha ha…Never mind that, I saw Nojiko today… she has become decent too… some great curves on her for sure!"

I had somewhat of a perverted grin at the end of my sentence. Genzo saw that and got up from his chair…

"Stay away from Nojiko… She's like a daughter to me. "

Genzo's veins popped out his neck. His love for the family of three was second to none. How could he let a drunk me blatantly comment on them like that?

A few people came between us, trying to calm down Genzo before he could continue.

"Relax Sheriff… he's just a kid… which one of us never had their hearts taken by beauties when we were young."

Just when Genzo calmed down from the words of the villagers, Noelle dragged Nojiko towards us. I swear to god… she purposefully did that.

"What's happening here…" Nojiko asked.

"I was just saying how you had a great body and personality and the old geezer got mad." I was grinding my teeth at Genzo for yelling at me for no reason.

Genzo lost his cool again, and he glared at me. He said, "Damn brat... while I agree with you that Nojiko has a great body… you heavily downplayed it by saying it's just 'decent'… how can you be fit for someone li-"

Bam... Bam… Nojiko hit both of us in the head, knocking both of us down.

"Whhyyy are you out here discussing my body!?"

Nojiko's ears were a little red as she yelled at us for another 2 minutes. She left after that and walked away from the party. I chased after Nojiko because half the reason for me throwing this party was because of her.

"Nojiko, I'm sorry… I just get drunk too easily and say stupid stuff…"

Nojiko was standing at the corner of the party, gazing at it with dampened eyes. She chuckled a little when she heard me.

"Ha ha ha Cross… tell me… do you like having parties like these all the time?"

"Uh… I mean there's not much else to do for me. B-But I promise I don't meet any girls at these parties, so we're good…."

"Humm... I see, that's good to know. We've been living in pain for the last 8 years that we completely forgot what fun could be like… Thank you for this Cross!"

Nojiko's eyes sparkled for a second, and she left the party with a smile. I tried a little to stop her from leaving, but I'd figured that she'd not really party with Nami suffering out there anyway.

At that point of the night, the booze had already hit my lightweight body, and I would have no more memory of what was to come. I had officially reached the blackout drunk stage...



'What an intense fucking headache', I thought as I tried my best to get out of bed.

It had been a long time since I'd drank this much alcohol. Back in the Haven town, there were too many factors stopping me from drinking too much. For one thing, I had to limit myself to prevent Zeff from punishing me during training. Now that I was free from a lot of these limitations, I had really gone too wild last night.

At this instant, I was in a room, which I thought to be Nojiko's. Due to the intense headache, I refused to open my Rumble-Rumble sound channel to find out more about my situation.

I opened my eyes to see that I was lying naked in a bed. 'So, what happened to me last night,' I winced in pain when I tried to recall how I ended up here.

"Hey… you awake..."

Adjacent to me, Nojiko's voice sounded. I turned my head to see that she was seated next to the bed, peeling oranges. My mind exploded with a plethora of speculations as I looked at my naked body and her being present in the same room.

'Oh crap… What have I done?!… but this is probably the best thing that's happened to me in my 2 lives combined… even though I don't remember it,' I held my head as I stared at Nojiko's body. I knew I needed to take responsibility here as the proper gentleman I'm.

"Nojiko… I know something's happened between us… but I'm ready to take responsibility and take you as my wife."

For some reason, Nojiko just giggled when she heard what I said. She pinched my cheeks like I'm a child, leaving me dumbstruck.


Right at that moment, a slim young woman with orange hair opened the door and walked in. She was wearing an orange mini-skirt with two white rings on each side and a short sleeve shirt.

'Gulp… Is that Nami', I stared at the new Nami a little more than I should have. Her curves and her voluptuous body tempted my heart a little too much…

"Cross, are you okay!?"

Nami clutched my fingers with hers, and she hurriedly checked my condition with moist eyes.

"I'm fine Nami… I just apologize for what I did to Nojiko. She was just too attractive and my drunk self coul-"

"W-What the hell are you saying!!" Nami yelled.

"I'm sorry Nami… but you see. I'm naked under the bedsheets and Nojiko was with me wh-"

Bash…! Nami punched my head with her full power.

I put on a wronged expression on my face, believing I was hit for no reason.

Tak Tak… At that moment, Bellemere, Noelle and a doctor-looking fellow approached from outside the room. Seeing them walk into this room, I felt that this situation was a bit more peculiar that I previously thought.

I recognized the doctor to be Dr. Nako; the Cocoyasi village's doctor from the manga. Dr. Nako was an elderly man with a wrinkled face, grey hair and a grey moustache and goatee. He wore a bandanna with red cross and sunglasses with a doctor's coat on him.

"As I expected… his alcohol poisoning has made him forget everything that happened yesterday. Hmmm… this is rare; this kid is a real light-weight."

Dr. Nako nodded his head and started to take my temperature. I could sense that he was slightly wary when he came close to me. It was easy for me to see that I must have done something big yesterday.

Suddenly, I noticed something strange about Nami. She had a blue tattoo on her left shoulder, representing a tangerine and pinwheels where she used to have a tattoo for being a member of Arlong's crew.

I bit my nails from worrying that something horrible must have happened last night. I activated my Rumble-Rumble fruit powers to catch all the electromagnetic waves around me.

- Pray to the lord for he has provided us with salvation for our suffering…

- Kneel child, god has taken into a body of the mortal."

- May the lord of thunder cleanse your soul…"


"What the fuck…" I blurted out.

"Sigh… so this the story we've gathered from the villagers so far." Nojiko said.

Next chapter