
Arriving at Shells Town

After agreeing to be part of my crew, Nami told me that she'd found out about a map to the Grand Line. It was currently in the possession of the Buggy Pirates, led by Buggy. Of course, I already knew that and agreed with Nami's plan of action. However, there was one place we needed to go before we could get started…

Currently, Nami was some distance away from me, setting up the tangerine plants she had taken away from her mother's farms. For her, this was an important memento of home and an important source of Vitamin C for our journey ahead.

I couldn't help but check her ass from behind while she worked at those plants. Her body was surely just as good, if not better than her sister Nojiko's

"So, what made you want to become the King of the Pirates", Nami asked.

I reached out my hands to hold hers. "I think it will look impressive in my resume when I apply to be your husband in the future…"

With a tinge of red on her face, she pushed my hands away. She said, "Fine don't tell me… Well, with your powers Cross, it wouldn't be too hard for us to go to Grand Line at least...".

"Hmmm… With great power comes great responsibility."

I shamelessly quoted the words of Spiderman. Nami just tugged her earlobe, not understanding what I meant. "Marines, bandits, pirates, nobles… power corrupts all... I may also not be an exception to this rule either." I continued.

"Don't get so philosophical with me Cross… Besides, you defeated the Arlong pirates… I'm sure you're a very nice gu-"

ZAPP… I poked Nami's arm and sent a very light electric shock into her body.

"Are you sure I'm a nice guy?"



I could only tease her a few more times until she got angry enough to hit me with her rubber sandals.

"So, what's your plan for robbing Buggy?" I asked.

"Hmph… All I need to do is get these simple pirates drunk and then we can easily steal their treasures." Nami answered.

"Not a bad idea… but… since we're going to be needing a crew for the Grand Line anyway, we should look for someone called Roronoa Zoro for extra firepower first."

"Whatt… no way… that famous pirate hunter demon… one that's held by Marine Captain Morgan?!" Nami's face paled at the mention of Zoro.

"Yup, that's our guy. Chart a course to Yotsuba Island right now. There's more to this story than you think."


Once I was done convincing Nami about recruiting Zoro, we headed towards Shells Town on Yotsuba island where Roronoa Zoro was held. After reaching the island, I'd told Nami and Noelle to wait 2 days before we made our move. They were confused, but they agreed to wait it out anyway.

The 2 free days, we had been roaming around the town, buying a few supplies for our boat. Nami had found out about the tyranny of Lieutenant Morgan and had been a little scared to rescue Zoro.

"Okay… as you insisted, we've waited for 2 days but whyy?"

"Yeah! I want to go to the Fishmen Island already Cross!"

Unfortunately for them, I was in my own world and didn't hear their doubts at all.

Hmmm... Ever since that night I defeated Arlong, I was expecting something like this to happen. My interactions with this world have bigger consequences on the course of history than I thought. Even though Zoro is still is being held by Lieutenant Morgan like in the original timeline, my rival Luffy isn't here on this island for some reason.

My best guess was that something different happened in the current time-line that prevented Luffy from reaching this island. I had given Luffy enough time, but he still failed to show up.

Nonetheless, I had to be clear-headed and continue. Any inaction from my side would only cause Zoro to starve further now.

"Heyy Cross… are you listening to me…. We're here to recruit Zoro but the mar-"

Clash… Clack… The customers panicked at the mention of 'Zoro' and toppled some tables as they rushed towards the exit like headless chickens.

"Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned Zoro so loudly." Nami whispered and stuck her tongue out.

"You think!?... Anyways, it's time we had a look at him at the marine base."

I was actually little excited to meet Zoro; in fact, he was my favorite One Piece character and childhood hero of all time. Nami was a little stressed from Lieutenant Morgan's infamy, but I assured her that it would be fine.

Next, we walked and arrived at the Marine base. Zoro was hung up on a cross at the center of the courtyard, on display to the entire town. Just like in the manga, Zoro had killed the pet wolf of Helmeppo, resulting in the latter threatening marine action against him.

Right when I was about to walk into the Marine base, a girl and a boy arrived at the scene.

"No don't go! Lieutenant Morgan will kill us if he sees you,"

The boy said. He had pink hair and glasses and looked just like the character 'Koby'. The girl on the other hand was Rika, a young girl with black eyes and brown hair with pig tails. Zoro had killed Helmeppo's pet when it attacked Rika.

I was a little shocked when I saw Koby with Rika, but this at least confirmed the theory that Luffy didn't end up with Alvida.

Rika jumped over anyway and headed straight towards Zoro with rice balls in her hands.

"Hey kid, have you seen a skinny guy with a Straw-Hat recently?" I asked.

"No, I haven't… and who are you?" Koby answered.

"I am Cross, and the pretty ladies here is Nami and Noelle… what're you all doing here?"

"Ahh… I am Koby… you guys shouldn't be here. I arrived here 2 weeks ago to become a marine and met Rika…. Then one day, we were attacked by the pet wolf of Helmeppo… but I couldn't do anything. Instead, Zoro saved us and got tied down for us…"

A few tears came from Koby's eyes when he mentioned all of this.

"This kid's so wimpy and useless." I yawned when I heard this story all over again.

"Cross! Don't say that to a kid… but what is your friend doing jumping on the wall like that." Nami bit her nails; she couldn't help but worry for Rika who had trespassed inside.

While Koby was explaining to Nami what Rika was doing, events identical to the manga took place. Rika offered rice balls to Zoro, but he refused it to prevent her from being implicated. Helmeppo walked in on them and crushed those rice balls, as he didn't like its sweetness. Then, he went on to order Rika to be thrown over the wall and left the scene.

Zlopp… I easily caught Rika by predicting the trajectory of the throw with my mantra. I put her down next to Koby and climbed the wall.

"Okay Nami and Noelle, we're jumping over the wall… and take the girl home Koby… we'll take care of Zoro from here."

"Eh?! Don't go in… you'll be executed by Lieutenant Morgan."

Koby said, worried about our chances of getting out of this alive. I reassured Koby further and forced Nami to climb the wall with me.

In the middle of the courtyard, Zoro was tied to a large Cross. His movements seemed weak, as this was the 9th day of his restraint without any food or water. Before talking to him, I picked up the sweet rice balls and offered it to Zoro.

Chew… chew… chew… He munched on the rice balls with happiness before he finally got a proper look at my face.

"Hi Zoro... My name's Cross and I'm here to recruit you for my pirate crew."

"S… Swallow… W-What… Cross… I'm not going to join a pirates crew... Just leave or that guy's dad will come back her" Zoro stopped talking to me and focused on getting the most out of his rice ball.

"Aww don't be like that! Cross has told me that we'd be fighting strong enemies and seeing a beautiful world at the Grand Line!"

Noelle had broad grin on her face as she fantasized about her adventure at the Grandline.

"Hmmm interesting… But, I can't join pirates. I also have something I need to take care of"

Nami was trembling and constantly on the lookout for anyone spotting them. She heard this and said, "See Cross… he doesn't want to travel with us… l-let's get out of here before Captain Morgan arrives."

"Yes leave… and you can't force me anyway. I just need to hold on for a month I'll be free." An aura of determination surrounded Zoro. He was absolutely sure of himself that he'd be able to survive 30 days without food and water.

"Ignore our navigator for a second Zoro… While I can't force you to come with me, you don't have many options available too. Helmeppo has tricked you and publicly announced your execution in 3 days."

I clenched my jaw and informed him of his current tragedy. I had to make sure Zoro didn't die at the hands of these small-fries.

"Nonsense! That bastard promised me that he'll free me up in a month." Zoro bared his teeth at me, refusing to believe his fate.

"Zoro… Don't be naive…. Choose Now … Become an Outlaw or Die! Mwah ha..."

My lips curled as I looked at him. Nami and Noelle also nodded at my statement and provided further verification.

In the next moment, a twisted smile formed on Zoro's face. He laughed madly before he said, "I don't care anymore if I'm bad… My name is Zoro and my name shall be known world-wide as world's greatest swordsman!!!"

All 3 of us shivered a little when we saw his strong determination.

"Oh, and where's your Katana?" I asked.

"Humm… That bastard kid took away my treasured swords and kept it somewhere in the base."

"Wahh… did I just hear treasure!" Nami's eyes sparkled at the mention of treasure.

"Come on closer guys. So, our plan will go like this…"

I went on to explain everyone my plan. Furthermore, I also gave Zoro a brief overview on Devil-Fruit powers, so he wouldn't be too shocked when he witnesses mine soon.

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