
Chapter 67

Once Lucien was out of sight, Senor reverted back to his cool demeanor.

In response to Abel's assured inquiry, he first lit a cigarette for himself, then tossed the remaining half-pack to Abel.

The way they smoked, their actions nearly mirrored each other.

If Lucien were to see this, she surely wouldn't doubt Senor's earlier explanation.

After a while, once he had finished his cigarette, Senor finally spoke slowly, "Her name is Lucien."

Abel listened quietly to his narration, to the most genuine thoughts in Senor's heart, along with his internal unease and anxiety.

Although Abel had anticipated this outcome.

It was indeed the first time he had seen this man falling for a woman, emotionally attached.

Don't underestimate Senor's charm, wherever he goes he could attract a flock of women.

But Senor had always been indifferent, as if even the most beautiful women held no allure for him.

As a result, there were always people in the family joking about this.

But such a man was now wavering and fretful over a woman, which left Abel speechless.

Perhaps this was the power of love.

"So, what are you planning to do? Just drag this out indefinitely? Neither expressing your feelings nor returning to the family?"

Senor hesitated for a moment, then, with frustration, lit another cigarette for himself. "I haven't figured out what to do yet. Give me some time. Once I handle things here, I'll return."

Abel looked at him seriously, "I don't think you should be so hesitant. This isn't the Senor I know."

"So what should I do then? Just give up?"

"No, you should boldly pursue her. Trust me, I can see it. The way Lucien looks at you is different from how she looks at others."


Hearing this, Senor was immediately excited, his cigarette dropping to the ground. He grabbed Abel's shoulders in a flurry of emotion, seeming to fear that Abel was deceiving him.

Abel nodded, "I have no reason to lie to you about this. She probably has some feelings for you too, or at the very least, she doesn't dislike you. That's undoubtedly a good start."

Senor gave a silly chuckle, but then seemed to remember something and once again became troubled, "But my identity... She hates pirates the most. If she finds out I'm not a bank employee and have been lying to her all along, she will never forgive me, let alone be with me."

Abel furrowed his brows; indeed, this was a serious issue.

Even if Senor could deceive her for a while, how could he possibly keep it a secret forever?

Unless he left his family now and returned to the life of an ordinary person.

But was that possible?

Putting aside whether Senor would be willing, he wouldn't be able to get past Doflamingo!

Doflamingo is known to despise traitors the most!

And Senor leaving his family for a woman would undoubtedly be the greatest betrayal!

Then, even marriage is out of the question...

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