
Chapter 280

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Seven days later, the Sea Train was officially completed.

Just as Abel had expected, Tom was taken away by Spandam that day to hand over the blueprints of the "Pluton."

At this time, Spandam had not yet taken over CP9 from his father but had, with great cost, been appointed as the chief of CP5 through his father's efforts.

Being only 27 years old and already in charge of a secret agency under the World Government, his future was undoubtedly promising.

However, to advance further, he needed more than just money; he needed accomplishments.

That's why he was determined to complete the task assigned from above, to obtain the blueprints of the "Pluton."

He thought by simply stating his purpose, the other party would obediently hand over the item, but what happened next turned his well-prepared script into scrap paper.

Of course, Tom would rather die than comply.

Furious, Spandam had his men beat Tom up, only to have to release him eventually.

This was because, in two days, the Sea Train was scheduled for its first trial run, and the Celestial Dragons were also coming to witness this marvel.

If anything were to go wrong then, Tom would be needed to address the issue.

If he killed Tom now and something unexpected occurred, he would be the one to face the consequences.

But it was clear that this matter was far from over!

With his initial plan failing, Spandam concocted another scheme.

Knowing that Tom was a hard nut to crack, it was almost impossible to obtain anything from him.

He could only look for another breakthrough.

And he had thought of targeting the people around Tom.

Immediately, he issued his orders, a cunning smile spreading across his face.Two days have passed.

The Celestial Dragons really came!

And they were escorted by Enies Lobby.

"Start it as soon as it's ready. A train that sails across the sea, indeed fascinating," said Saint Rosward impatiently.

Spandam immediately nodded and bowed like a sycophant, then slowly backed away.

Once he reached Tom and the others, his attitude changed to one of arrogance and disdain, urging them to launch the train.

Thus, under the watchful eyes of many, the sea train "Puffing Tom" officially set off!

When people saw the train moving across the sea, they let out an enormous cheer.

It meant that islands connected by the sea train could now be accessed in a very short time without worrying about extreme weather and tsunamis.

Both travel and trade safety were greatly improved!

The sea train would definitely be a significant entry in the history books.

Even the aloof Celestial Dragons showed interest, wanting to try this sea train.

"There are no malfunctions; the sea train is running well. We've succeeded!"

Cutty Flam was extremely excited.

It was not only because he participated in constructing this marvel, the sea train, but also because his mentor, whom he regarded as a father figure, Tom, wouldn't have to die.

"A man's gotta be proud of the ship he builds!"

This was a phrase Tom often said, and in his view, building ships and constructing sea trains were the same.

But at that moment...

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