

"Toma!?" exclaimed Shun as he saw his companion in the street confronting the gyojins.

He turned his head and noticed that the door was open. Shun remembering his mother and brother, forgot to keep an eye on Toma.

"Damn, where did this brat come from!?" thought Pisaro as he glared at Toma with hatred and tried to cover the big deep cut on his hand, to stop it from dripping blood.

'It's the marine boy...' thought Ines in surprise as she looked at Toma who was carrying his new sword and had an angry expression.

All the villagers looked at Toma with surprise, many had already met him, as he interviewed them a few minutes ago.

Chew looked up and looked at Toma without much concern, "You are not from this village, where do you come from?"

"I don't have to answer you" Toma said in an angry tone.

'Damn, I wanted to cut his hand, but his skin is too tough, I wasn't strong enough' Toma thought nervously as he didn't take his eyes off Chew and the other two gyojins.

'It's weird to see him so angry' thought Shun who was still watching everything from the window.

"Oh brat, looks like you have some guts" said Chew who was amused at such a situation.

"We'll have to torture you a bit to get you to talk" he added with a sadistic smile.

Toma was frightened by this, but he didn't show it on his face, although whenever he talked about Arlong and his crew he always did it with fear, he couldn't see how they killed an innocent woman in front of his eyes, and with the two sons of is watching everything.

'Don't be afraid... I have to use what I learned in the dojo' Toma thought as he took a deep breath.

"Chew leave it to me! I'll get the information out of him" Pisaro said with bloodshot eyes filled with hatred. He took off his shirt and wrapped it tightly around his hand so that it would stop bleeding.

"Don't kill him" Chew said.

"He only needs his mouth and teeth to talk, I'll break all his other bones" nodded Pisaro as he approached Toma slowly.

Ines looked nervously at this scene, on one hand, she felt grateful to Toma, but she didn't have much faith in him defeating these 3 gyojins. Once he is defeated, the gyojin can punish the whole village for hiding a person who doesn't belong there.

All the other villagers were thinking exactly the latter, now they would all be involved because they didn't say anything about Toma.

'Damn brat, Why did he go out!? If they find out he left my house what will happen to me...?' thought Albert terrified just thinking about it.

Toma was backing away slowly approaching Albert's house. Seeing the gyojins from outside wasn't as intimidating as having them in front of him, about to attack him.

"Where did your bravery go child?" asked Pisaro as he continued to slowly approach to give Toma more nerve.

Toma did not respond to his provocation and slowly kept backing away. Pisaro got tired of this game and launched himself at full speed towards Toma. With his huge fist, he struck Toma who managed to cover himself with his sword.

The blow of the fist colliding with the sword produced a metallic sound, Toma was pushed several meters, 'How does he have so much strength?' thought Toma with a grimace of pain, although he managed to defend himself from the attack, he felt pain for all the strength he had to dispose in his defense.

Pisaro threw another punch with a grin, Toma managed to dodge the blow by the skin of his teeth and slashed towards his arm.

The sword made a small cut, but due to lack of strength, it couldn't penetrate very deep.

"Damn you!" shouted Pisaro feeling ashamed that he had been hit. This time he threw Toma a kick with all his strength.

Toma managed to set the sword to take much of the force of the kick but was sent flying straight into Albert's house. He crashed into the wall and felt a great pain all over his back.

"Cof... cof..." coughed blood Toma who leaned as best he could against the wall of Albert's house.

'Damn... I'm so weak' thought Toma in pain as he looked at the large amount of blood he spat out.

He couldn't even grip the sword again anymore.

'Lucky you're still alive, brat' said Pisaro as he stood very close to Toma looking up at him arrogantly.

'No... it's over' thought Ines as fear filled her whole being again.

Toma looked up and a slight smile formed on his face. Pisaro seeing this didn't understand why this boy was smiling.

"Have you gone mad-

Before he could finish his sentence, the window of Albert's house shattered and a white hand came out and grabbed Pisaro's head very tightly.

The hand was not large, however, its grip on his head was firm and the gyojin could not free himself, his face started to turn bluer because of the great force that was squeezing his face.

"W-what... shit?" said Pisaro with difficulty.

Before he could do anything else he was pulled into the house with great force as if he was a rag doll, he could do nothing.

Chew, the other gyojin, Ines, and all the villagers watched this scene with surprised faces without understanding what was happening.

When Pisaro was taken inside the house, some barely audible screams were heard and then silence reigned.

'Serves you right' thought Toma with a smile, then grimaced in pain, his whole body was wounded.

Footsteps were heard coming from the house and out the door came a boy with black hair and blue eyes that gave off a cold aura. His white right hand was full of blood, however, it was not his.

It was Shun.

Shun glanced at Toma and frowned. Then he looked at Chew and the other gyojin.

'That's the guy who talks little' Ines thought with her mouth hanging open. The scene of the white hand grabbing the gyojin and pulling him inside the house kept replaying in her mind.

He wondered how much strength this boy must have had to have to immobilize an adult gyojin with just one hand?

"Who are you!?" asked Chew much more worried than before. When he saw Toma he didn't take him as a big threat, but what he just saw, made him feel that this kid was a bigger threat.

"Really gyojins have strength ten times stronger than humans?" asked Shun in a cold tone that hid a lot of anger.

"It doesn't seem so, your friend was very weak, he was a little minnow I'd say" Shun added with a malevolent grin.

'He's angry...' thought Toma, he knew that Shun when fighting pirates didn't talk much, however, now he was making fun of this gyojin.

"Damn human know your place!" shouted the curly brown-haired gyojin as he lunged with all his speed toward Shun.

As he reached Shun's side, he swung his fist straight at Shun's head. Shun didn't move, when the blow was about to hit, he made a small movement and the fist passed by his side.

The gyojin could not believe that his strike had missed at the last second, before he could make another attack, Shun with one of his hands grabbed him by the shoulder.

He then concentrated a great force in his hand and in addition to that created a great air pressure on the Gyojin. This caused the Gyojin to kneel on the ground, feeling great pain in his shoulder.

"What...is wrong!" he asked with difficulty as a great invisible pressure crushed him.

He slowly raised his head and his gaze met the cold gaze of Shun who was watching him from above. Seeing the ice-cold eyes he felt a chill he had never felt before.

"What's wrong is that you are weak" Shun said in a cold tone as he closed his fist and punched straight at the gyojin's head. However, this was no normal punch, around his fist air was compressed giving it a grayish glove shape.


The fist connected with the head and the compressed air exploded destroying the gyojin's head like a watermelon.

The gyojin, whose name was unknown to Shun, fell dead to the ground with its head in pieces.

The atmosphere fell into a deathly silence, some villagers could be heard swallowing saliva without believing what they had just seen.

Shun looked directly at Chew, who upon noticing Shun's gaze retreated several steps, sweat could be seen on his forehead, although he was arrogant, he knew that he did not have the strength to kill his companions with one blow.

Shun felt a great rage for several reasons. One for the gyojin pirates who treated others like garbage and killed without caring about the lives of others, it reminded him of the situation he lived in the Frauce Kingdom.

Then he felt anger for the marine, Where was it? They are supposed to take care of these things and they are conspicuous by their absence on many occasions. Even though he knew the situation because Catalina explained it to him, he was still angry.

And finally, he felt furious with himself. He didn't want to be a hero, but why did he always end up playing the role of the hero?

And why did playing the role of the hero see him as a bad thing? Deep down he knew it, no one helped him when he needed it, so why should he have to help others?

It was a selfish thought, and that was what made him the angriest, especially since his mother would not be happy about it.

Next chapter