
Swamp Thing

"Gilgamesh! Gilgamesh wake up!" Rushing forward Enkidu grabs Gilgamesh's shoulders and tries to shake him awake, but with all the extra weight on his body from the rings, she can't even budge him.

Slapping his face and chest she tries everything she can to wake him up but nothing works. "Get up, get up!" Tears begin to stream down her face as she looks at his unmoving body "You said you wouldn't leave me, you have to get up!" Seeing that he's not even breathing she continues to shove him, trying to get some sort of response. Suddenly she sees a small spark flicker across his body.

Stunned for a moment Enkidu quickly removes her hands as she remembers what he said earlier about his ability killing her. Taking a few steps back she looks at the sparks.

Suddenly a current streaks across his entire body, causing his chest to jerk up. The current shocks him a total of three times before stopping.

Enkidu looks at Gilgamesh with worry but suddenly his chest starts to slowly rise and fall. Seeing this Enkidu's eyes to shine and a broad smile forms on her face. "Gilgamesh!" Rushing forward excitedly she begins to shake him once more.

Even though he doesn't wake up, she can see that he is alive and finally calms down. Sitting down next to him she grabs her knees and waits while they both are soaked by the rain.

Hours go by till the storm finally stops and the ocean regains its calm. Sitting there in silence Enkidu continues to stare at Gilgamesh until a voice breaks her from the daze.

"Fred this ship looks pretty damage, do you really think it has any treasure?"

"We're pirates now, eventually all the treasure in the world will be ours so we have to check. And for the last time call me Captain Fred now."

"I've known you my entire life, there's no way I'm calling you captain. Plus, you only became captain after winning a single rock paper scissors match when it's supposed to be best two out of three."

Hearing the voices is like an electric current running down her spine. Just as she was about to scream for help she remembers Gilgamesh telling her not to trust anyone but him. Taking a deep breath she clenches her fist and walks up the stairs.

Opening the door and sticking out her head she sees two boys with black hair in their teens. The moment she sees them, they see her too.

"Trevor, do you see that little girl or is it just me."

"Why would it be just you Fred. This isn't a dessert, she's not a mirage." The boy on the right looks at Fred with disdain.

"Hey little girl, are you on this ship alone?" Fred begins walking towards Enkidu

"Hey what if she's a pirate, be careful." Trevor creeps slowly behind Fred while resting his hand on the pistol at his waist.

Enkidu watches the similarly dressed boys in black pants with a blue and gray shirt walk closer and closer. Fearing that they will find Gilgamesh down the stairs if they enter the navigation room she steps out and closes the door.

"You can't be here, go away." Enkidu frowns as she looks at the two teens.

Finally getting a full view of the barefoot girl wrapped in banana leaves Fred and Trevor share a glance before walking closer.

"Listen here girl" Trevor sneers as he walks right in front of her. "We're pirates and can go anywhere we want." Reaching down he grabs her by the neck and lifts her into the air. "Now I want you to scream, scream loud enough to draw out your rat parents or whoever is driving this ship. Let them know the Dice Pirates are here." A sinister grin appears on his face as he starts to squeeze.

Feeling the pain on her neck Enkidu begins kicking her feet and waving her hands in fear but refuses to scream as she won't listen to them.

Seeing Trevor's actions Fred frowns slightly but doesn't stop him.

As it becomes harder to breathe Gilgamesh's voice sounds in her head "I've already given you the ultimate weapon, you can beat any adult back on that island, you just don't know how to use it."

Remembering the training from earlier and how Gilgamesh's finger sank into her body she calms down and grabs Trevor's arm with her hands.

Suddenly her entire body turns into swamp around his arm and pulls it towards the ground as she falls. As she hits the ground his feet are trapped in the swamp and begins to sink as well.

"What's going on?!? What is this!" Trevor begins to freak out as he tries to pull out his feet and hand.

"Trevor!" Pulling out his gun Fred begins firing into the swamp but accomplishes nothing.

"Help! Fred pull me out!" Finding it impossible to get out as every time he puts power into his feet to push off or move, he sinks further and has no choice but to look at Fred for help.

Fred rushes over and grabs Trevor's free arm and begins to pull.

Enkidu is stunned for a moment as she sees what she is capable of. As Enkidu sees the other guy trying to pull out the guy she just caught she can't help becoming upset. A tentacle of mud shoots from the swamp and wraps around Fred's legs before pulling hard. Due to the fact Fred is pulling Trevor's arm backward Enkidu finds it easy to sweep him off his feet by applying force in the opposite direction.

Not expecting to be attacked, Fred falls straight onto his back and his legs are pulled into the swamp.

"Fred! Get up! Fred!" Trevor yells as he watches his best friends head smash onto the floor, leaving a small pool of blood and being dragged into the swamp with him.

Dazed for a second Fred's senses come back to him. "Oh god, what's going on! This girl is a monster!"

Watching them both squirm a sense of accomplishment washes over her. Seeing the power of her tentacle more ideas pop into her head and more tentacles are formed to wrap around their bodies, pulling them down faster.

As tentacles of mud wrap around their nose and mouth, they can only struggle in horror as they sink slowly. With the fear of death and being unable to breathe due to the mud filling their mouth and nose they can only exchange eye contact as their hopes and dreams are smothered. After struggling for thirteen minutes their entire body is finally absorbed.

Enkidu reforms herself with a smile on her face, but that quickly disappears as she places her hand on her belly. Tilting her head in confusion she opens the door and walks back downstairs.

As night falls Gilgamesh's eyelids begin to flutter before he slowly opens his eyes. "Uhhh" Looking around he notices the huge hole in the roof and the destroyed wood around him. To his left he sees Enkidu leaning against the wall while hugging her knees asleep.

"I made it." Closing his eyes he takes a deep breath. "My injuries seem to be flesh wounds, but when my forcefield broke from the lightning strike the rebound was terrible. I got overconfident and made it to big, making it to weak and brittle." Contemplating his failure he forgets that he's speaking aloud.

"Hmmmm" hearing Gilgamesh's voice Enkidu wakes up groggy. Looking at Gilgamesh sitting up her eyes widen "You're up!" jumping to her feet she rushes over.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Help me get up to the deck, I want to check the damage."

"Ok, sure." Nodding her head she helps Gilgamesh walk up the stairs and around the cabin to the aft of the ship.

Looking at the damage Gilgamesh frowns. The first thing he notices is the giant hole in the back of the ship and only half a sail that got snapped from his impact. Next, he sees a small dingy attached to the side of the ship with a rope. Pointing at it with a finger he turns towards Enkidu.

"What's that, I don't see anyone else on the ship." Suddenly his brow furrows and he looks around but doesn't see his box "Where did you put the box?"

"Two people came earlier and I put the box under the bed." Covering her mouth with her hand she's afraid he will be upset that she left the box and steps back slightly.

Looking at Enkidu his brow relaxes and steps closer. Grabbing the hand covering her mouth Enkidu begins to shake slightly.

Moving her hand aside Gilgamesh looks at the bruise on her neck. Rubbing the bruise gently with his fingers his face sinks. "Are you feeling ok? What happened?"

Feeling his concern she immediately stops shaking and throws her hands into the air "Two big guys way taller than me came onto the ship! You were hurt and said not to trust people so I told them to leave." Putting her hands on her hips she tries to look fierce "But they didn't listen and grabbed me."

Gilgamesh's eyes widen in surprise from the series of events "So what happened next?"

"I went shoom shooom" opening her hands wide she makes an exaggerated expression "And they went ahhhhh!" Slapping her belly she smiles "And now they're here."

Looking at her flat stomach Gilgamesh pauses for a second. "You ate them?"

Enkidu frowns for a moment as she drops her head. After a few seconds, her head tilts to the side "Maybe?"

Contemplating her words for a moment Gilgamesh snaps his fingers "Ohhhh! You absorbed them with your devil fruit ability?"

"Yeah!" Enkidu nods excitedly.

"You can feel them? Can you bring them out?" Gilgamesh looks her up and down while wondering if she can do it.

"I don't know." Closing her eyes she begins to concentrate.

Her stomach begins to ripple and a large blob expands from her belly. After becoming quite large the blob begins receding back into her body, leaving behind two dead teenagers.

"Suffocated." Looking at their cold dead bodies Gilgamesh glances at Enkidu's calm face. Seeing no reaction from her Gilgamesh smiles broadly.

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