

Gilgamesh and Enkidu train in Tiger Forest on the Red Line for months. They are limited in strength due to their underage body, so they mainly focused on maximizing their skills and endurance. As time goes by their bodies become more efficient in the use of oxygen, greatly increasing their base stamina as they exercise.

With time, their bodies continue to grow and the day before his fifth birthday Gilgamesh stands close to four feet tall and Enkidu three feet four inches.

"We have been practicing all this time, this fight, I won't help you." Looking at the tiger stalking between the trees he pushes Enkidu forward.

"Don't worry, I've been ready for a while but you insisted on waiting for the end of the year." Enkidu's original short black hair now drapes down to her shoulder and her back a little straighter, exuding confidence.

Suddenly she breaks out in a sprint and charges the tiger.

Seeing the small creature running towards him the tiger instantly meets her charge.

Enkidu smiles as she slams her right foot to the ground "Sludge Wave!" From her foot a massive wave of swamp swarms across the ground towards the tiger. The further the wave travels the bigger and wider the wave becomes.

Seeing the massive wall of mud charging towards him the tiger runs towards the side to dodge. Looking at the tiger running away Enkidu sneers.

"Swamp Road" Her body collapse into swamp and joins the wave from where she was standing. Losing its source of swamp the wave begins to break and collapse to the ground, but before it does Enkidu's body shoots into the air over the tiger.

Cocking her fist back she punches towards the tiger. Punching forward she opens her hand and a giant muddy hand begins traveling towards the tiger.

The muddy hand increases in size the closer it gets until it collides with the tigers back and pushes it to the ground from the sudden increase in weight.

Breaking the flow of mud Enkidu reforms her arm and lands on the ground. Looking at the tiger rising to its feet Enkidu bends down and stabs her fingers into the dirt.

"Raaaaaha!" The tiger roars furiously as it shakes the mud from its body and charges forward.

"Stupid cat." A smile forms on her face as she sees the tiger about to jump off its back legs and maul her. If there is anything she has learned these months, it's how a tigers body moves from watching Gilgamesh.

Right when every muscle in the tiger's body constricts the ground cracks.

"Marsh Land." The ground explodes all around with swampy tentacles swaying in the air. Enkidu's body instantly sinks into the swamp that she permeated throughout the area and begins wrapping tentacles around the tiger.

"RAaaah!" "Raaaaah" The tiger struggles fiercely as the tentacles pull him in. Behind the tiger Enkidu's body is recreated.

"Sludge Wave." Lifting up her foot and kicking out straight with her heel she makes contact with the tigers back. From the sole of her foot, a massive wave of swamp envelops the entire tiger in a few seconds.

Her body once again breaks down into swamp as all the mud in the area begins surrounding the tiger and eventually combines to reform her body.

"Is it really necessary to absorb all the mud back into your body?" Looking at Enkidu Gilgamesh asks the same question he asks every time.

"Of course! I can't just leave my swamp everywhere, it's bad manners." Enkidu sticks out her tongue as she looks at Gilgamesh.

"And the tiger?"

"We can save it to eat later." Placing her hands on her hips she looks at Gilgamesh with a triumphant smile.

Taking a look around there campsite for the past few months Gilgamesh nods his head. "We need to be at our next destination before September of next year, so we have time but you never know what could happen."

"Where are we going." Enkidu's eyes shine "Is it a fun place?"

"Well, Maybe?" Holding his chin he searches for the right words. "It depends on what you call fun." Taking a few steps forward his body transforms into a huge White Tiger. "Get on"

After Enkidu jumps on his back and sits cross-legged in the center of his body. Feeling her in place Gilgamesh begins charging through the forest and nimbly dodging trees.

With complete control over his tiger body, he moves as though he was born a tiger. After a few strides forward wind wraps his legs up to his joints and his entire tail, causing his speed to explode three times as fast as before.

Refusing to run on the wind as it takes more energy, they continue to cruise on the ground. Without intense concentration, his Observation Haki can only encompass 1KM but that's enough to move around without worry.

Running south for a few hours they exit the spring biome and enter a summer biome. Even though he is a tiger now his body is still lightning so the heat doesn't bother him, and this level of heat is nothing to Enkidu's swamp body.

"Interesting, lots of snakes, lizards, and insects seem to live in this part of the red line." The trees begin to decrease and small hills covered in large shrubs take their place. Without having to dodge trees Gilgamesh runs a bit faster.

"Are we in the area of the calm belt yet?" Enkidu pats Gilgamesh's back excitedly "Can we go get a sea king? You said fish can live inside my swamp and I can keep it as a pet."

Unable to respond Gilgamesh is completely stunned. "Girl it would take you an entire day to maybe absorb a sea king, and that's if it remained perfectly still for you to do it and set itself on land as well."

Enkidu puffs her cheeks as she looks off towards the side. "I'll definitely get a sea king in the future."

Gilgamesh pretends he heard nothing and continues to run south.

A few days later the summer biome becomes extreme and transforms into a desert. The strange thing for Gilgamesh is the strange reception from his mutant ability.

According to his senses north is now all around him and the smooth EM field is now like static. If he wasn't sure that he was traveling south, he'd be lost.

The worst thing is, he can feel a strong magnetic pull towards what he knows is west. After thinking about it for a while he figures out he is now in the calm belt, and the magnetic pull is an island.

Due to this strange feeling, they stopped in the desert for a few days.

Looking at Gilgamesh meditating in the air Enkidu lays on her back with her tongue hanging out. "I'm drying out, I'm dying." Spreading her hands out to her sides she begins making sand angels. "To much sand." Taking one last glance at Gilgamesh Enkidu closes her eyes.

A few hours later Gilgamesh takes a deep breath with a smile on his face. "My understanding and control over EM fields has benefited greatly from the environment. Before I was trapped in the EM field of the planet, but now I'm free, just like the islands of the grand line."

Landing on the ground he looks towards the southwest "What a Magical place." Glancing at Enkidu on the ground he's quiet for a moment.

"Are you done playing around?" Transforming into a tiger he begins walking away.

Suddenly Enkidu's eyes burst open and she jumps to her feet. "Wait for me!" Running forward she jumps onto Gilgamesh's back with a smile. "How did you know I was ok?"

"Your body has so much moisture you can turn this desert into a bog if you had time, your fruit is the complete nemesis to sand." Feeling her on his back Gilgamesh picks up speed.

After running for three days the desert biome transforms into winter, forming a stark contrast from before. Feeling the wind picking up he begins running southwest instead of straight south.

Another two days and they arrive at the edge of the calm belt. Looking down towards the blue sea below both Gilgamesh and Enkidu are silent.

"That's paradise." Gilgamesh's voice breaks the silence.

"This is the place from your stories?" Enkidu looks towards Gilgamesh "You said we will become pirates here?"

"It's not time to raise my flag yet, there are things I need to do first. If my actions are too big the ripples I cause will set off a maelstrom I can't predict. For now, we must be shadows, but before my tenth birthday the world shall know my name and my empire will rise."

Looking at Gilgamesh Enkidu doesn't really care what his plan is, just that she can help him as much as she can. Everything she has was given by him and she will do everything to help him.

"Remember Enkidu, don't show off your devil fruit." Removing his eyes from the sea below he looks towards Enkidu.

"Release the boat."