
An Unexpected Stop

After taking their money and guns Gilgamesh throws the bodies into the ocean and decides to search the rest of the ship for supplies.

"I've never seen so many nice clothes." Enkidu stares wide-eyed at the pile of clothes in the captain's room.

Gilgamesh makes a needle from some metal on the ship and shreds some clothes for thread. Cutting the clothes into strips of fabric he begins to sew.

"Your banana leaves are getting damaged and you have already been wearing the same thing for a couple of days. A girl needs at least a change of underwear every day." Using his powers the needle glides through the fabric almost like a machine.

Enkidu sits down and watches him work. To help out she constantly hands him strips of fabric she thinks are nice colors.

"One of the sails are broken so this ship is pretty much worthless. We will take the dingy in the morning and head west."

"Whats west?" Enkidu blinks curiously as she holds up a pair of patchwork panties.

"The red line." Placing the twenty pair of panties aside, he begins making a patchwork dresses.

"Enkidu I have an important mission for you." Looking into her eyes Gilgamesh stops sewing for a moment.

Startled by his words Enkidu freezes. Swallowing hard she nods her head.

Waving his hand causes the box to float in front of Enkidu. "I want you to store this box with your ability so we can't lose it. Some very important items are inside and only you can keep it safe."

"I can do it!" Enkidu jumps to her feet with a smile and hugs the box. Her body turns to swamp and she slowly pushes the box into the mud.

"Hmm" Gilgamesh grabs his chin and watches. "I think the absorption speed is based off your physical strength."

"When I'm done sewing you can store all your clothes the same way."

"Ok, count on me."

"And we can resume your lessons."

The night passes and a new day begins. Without one of the sails, the ship is almost impossible to sail accurately and needs to be abandoned. Because of Enkidu, no cargo needs to be left behind and they store the barrels of water, fruit, and the icebox with her devil fruit ability.

Because the stove is useless Gilgamesh melted it down and turned it into a propeller and two rotatable fins. After attaching them on the sides and back of the dingy Gilgamesh couldn't help but smile.

"Let's go!" attaching the two guns to the ring around his waist he walks towards the dingy.

Enkidu walks from the navigation room in her patchwork dress and a small yellow bow in her hair.

As they both sit in the dingy Gilgamesh removes the sail completely and looks at Enkidu. "Hold on."

Grabbing his left arm Enkidu looks confused until Gilgamesh turns his right hand slightly.

Suddenly the sound of a jet engine roars and the propeller spins rapidly, pushing them through the water at fast speeds.

The wake caused by the small ship is massive as they speed through the water. Feeling his ponytail flapping and the wind on his face causes him to relax.

"My bow! My bow!" Enkidu screams as she tries to block the wind from ripping the bow from her hair.

Seeing her distraught face Gilgamesh rubs his left fingers together and forms an EM field in front of her to block the wind.

"Hmmm? This is good training?" Feeling the constant pressure of the wind on his  EM field he can feel the strain on his power, pushing it to improve.

Enkidu releases a long breath after the wind is gone and finally relaxes.

After sailing for a few hours her eyes suddenly perks up and she points forward. "Is that an island?"

Distracted because he was too focused on the shield, he failed to notice the ships heading towards an island on the horizon. Curious, he slows down the propeller and decides to cruise into port.

"Ok Enkidu, remember to hold my hand the whole time so you don't get lost."

"Hmh hmh!" Enkidu's eyes sparkle as she looks at all the ships docking and fancily dressed people walking around the docks.

Instead of going towards a dock, Gilgamesh runs the ship ashore the beach. As they disembark people stare and some even point and laugh.

"Come." Grabbing her hand Gilgamesh pulls her towards the city. Looking at all the beautiful white western style homes Gilgamesh's heart drops.

"It's so pretty!" Looking at all the trees, grass, and even flowers with a white tint Enkidu's eyes sparkle.

"In this beauty, all I see is death." Gilgamesh's face sinks as he pulls her closer "Don't touch anything." Looking at their bare feet Gilgamesh contemplates if they should even continue into this death trap.

"Do you think by parking here you can avoid paying the docking fee?" A tall man with scruffy black hair and a fuzzy beard breaks Gilgamesh's train of thought.

Glancing at a man dressed like a 90s gangster walking towards them causes Gilgamesh to smile.

"I don't care how old you are, pay up." Stretching out his meaty fingers he curls them back and forth as if to hurry them along.

Enkidu looks at the man curiously, wondering what Gilgamesh will do with wide eyes.

Stretching out his finger a small electric arc shoots towards the man and zaps him in the chest, causing him to collapse to the ground and convulse.

"Fool, your just a normal civilian, worse than pirate cannon fodder." Reaching out he rips the scarf from the man's neck and tears it in two.

Dropping to his knees he picks up Enkidu's small feet and wraps each one with half the scarf to form cloth shoes.

Enkidu moves her feet curiously as this is the first time in her life her feet have been covered.

Pulling her hand he walks towards the town. Due to the commotion, more people have noticed the two children walking towards the town.

"Why is everything so bright in this town?" Enkidu's head swivels about as she looks at all the new things.

Everything in this town screams wealth and prosperity, not a single poor family can be seen which draws a lot of attention to Gilgamesh's party.

"This is the country of Flevance, also known as the White City. This place is rich because of an ore called Amber Lead that's mined here, it's also the reason everything is white."

"It's so pretty, can we get some?"

People on the street look both surprised and smug as they hear Gilgamesh's knowledgeable words.

Looking around Gilgamesh shakes his head "You don't want any."

Enkidu's face sinks a bit and she lowers her head.

Looking at her disappointed face Gilgamesh can't help but shake his head. Pulling her hand he moves towards a street vendor selling white jewelry. "Excuse me old man, do you know where Dr. Trafalgar is located?"

"Dr. Trafalgar?" An old man dressed in a black vest with grey hair looks at the oddly dressed children in front of him. The patchwork dress is OK but the young boy in a loincloth is very strange.

If not their clean skin and hair he'd think they were homeless.

"Dr. Trafalgar is the best doctor in the whole country, I can't send you there to waste his time." The old man shakes his head.

"Grandpa don't worry, I'm not actually looking for him but his son Water Law. I figured If I asked you where Water Law is you might not know him."

"Ohh" A bright smile forms on the old man's face "Your so smart for your age, why didn't you say you were friends with Water Law, everyone knows the tiny doctor."

"Take this road passed two more streets and then take a right. Walk down that street till you see a house with a red cross located on the left-hand side."

"Thank you!" Pulling Enkidu's hand he begins to walk away.

"Young boy catch!"

Turning around Gilgamesh catches a small white ring.

"For your little friend" The old man shows his teeth as he gives Gilgamesh a wide grin.

"Grandpa you're really great!" returning a wide smile to the old man Gilgamesh gives him a thumbs up.

"How can I let someone who calls me grandpa walk away empty handed."

Gilgamesh nods heavily as he squeezes the ring in his hand. "I'll always remember your kindness."

Enkidu's eyes sparkle as she looks at Gilgamesh's right hand.

Pulling her hand they continue to walk down the street. "I know what your thinking Enkidu, but I can't let you have this ring."

Enkidu's small mouth opens as she wants to say something but stops herself.

Seeing the look on her face Gilgamesh leans towards her ear "Everything in this town is poison, it's bad for you. All this white stuff shortens your life and will eventually kill you." Gilgamesh's face turns solemn "Everyone in this town will die."

Enkidu's eyes widen and slowly looks towards Gilgamesh. Seeing the serious look on his face and remembering how he wrapped her feet causes her head to sink. "I'm sorry" A mosquito-like voice exits her lips. "I was angry even though you were protecting me."

Gilgamesh smiles as he discreetly drops the ring into the trash bin on the side of the road.

Walking a bit further they finally arrive outside the doctor's office.

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