
Chapter 49 : Leek needs fertilizer to grow!!

Because what Lieutenant General Kahn had stated was undeniably true, Tashigi was speechless for a moment.

Captain Smoker had indeed ignored Ace earlier, shifting his focus to the Straw Hat Pirates.

It was almost like Kahn had pointed at Smoker and said, "Your strength is inadequate; do you really think you can capture Fire Fist Ace?"

While the battle from moments ago seemed to corroborate this fact, it was an undeniable blow to Smoker's pride to have it stated so bluntly.

"Are you mocking me, Tashigi? Don't be misled by this old man's words. He's just—"

However, before Smoker could complete his retort, Kahn's fist had already met his face.

He had sensed the incoming attack, but his speed wasn't enough to evade it.

Consequently, Kahn's punch sent him flying.

"You still haven't learned your lesson, have you? The old man is going to make sure you do. I told you last time, don't smoke in front of me.

After you finally managed to quit smoking, you're back at it, and you're even smoking two at once? Are you trying to provoke a beating? Have you no respect for your seniors?"

As soon as Smoker regained his footing, he attempted to retort.

But Kahn's swift kick preempted his words.

This time, however, he was wiser. He vanished into smoke before Kahn's foot made contact.

However, even against Kahn, his smoke manipulation was ineffective.

Kahn's foot still struck him, and he was sent him in the air once more.

Transforming into smoke mid-flight, he attempted to escape Kahn's reach.

Yet, before he could fully disappear, Kahn grabbed hold of his foot and yanked him back down.

The sheer strength of the pull left Smoker powerless to break free.

He was subsequently thrown to the ground.

Despite feeling dazed from the impact, Kahn lifted him by neck up before he could react, an act that oozed humiliation.

Smoker tried to resist, but Kahn flung him aside with ease.

He crashed to the ground some distance away.

Before he could even rise, Kahn was upon him.

He stared at the figure before him, his pupils constricting.

Kahn's fist swung forward.

"Lieutenant General Kahn!"

Tashigi's alarmed cry rang out.

Kahn's fist stopped just an inch from Smoker's eyes, the intensity of his fiery punch incinerating the cigar in Smoker's mouth.

Smoker's face turned pale.

"Is it true that I'm powerless against this old man?"

Kahn withdrew his fist.

"Kid, remember, if you're going to lecture the old man, you better be prepared to take a beating! And don't smoke two cigars in front of me; I only smoke one."

Smoker's defiance remained evident in his eyes.

Kahn grinned.

"Those eyes of yours are good; it's good to see you hold your ground under the old man's fist."

Smoker's frustration only grew in response to Kahn's words.

Kahn, however, paid him no further mind.

"Boy, remember this: your abilities need to improve before you can achieve anything. Otherwise, it's just empty words. And as for your goal—capturing Straw Hat Boy—I'll tell you this much: your current strength won't cut it. That's enough for now; I'm about to depart, and that guy Sengoku has been pestering me several times."

Smoker was left somewhat dazed.

For a moment, he found himself at a loss regarding Kahn's true nature.

Kahn had, after all, fulfilled his promise by pummeling Smoker.

He had also apprehended the significant bounty of Ace, which had undoubtedly buoyed his spirits.

This might explain his comments to Smoker—perhaps he had intended to motivate him.

Whether or not Smoker would take this advice to heart was up to him.

But considering he had been overwhelmed by Kahn on two separate occasions, Smoker needed to make some progress to avoid further setbacks.

However, Kahn no longer dwelled on these matters.

"Pochi, let's go!"

"Yes, Lieutenant General Kahn."

Observing Kahn's departure, Smoker couldn't decipher his intentions.

"Captain Smoker," Tashigi interjected, her concern evident.

"Tashigi, I'm fine. By the way, what's the status of the Straw Hat Pirates?"

Tashigi blinked, taken aback.

"They've set sail, but not long ago."

"Summon the crew; we're heading out to sea immediately. We have to catch those Straw Hats. The old man's words have reinforced my conviction—the Straw Hats aren't to be underestimated. We must apprehend them!"

Tashigi felt baffled by Smoker's proclamation. However, the usually infuriated Captain Smoker didn't appear quite as agitated.

"Tashigi, what are you waiting for? Move!"

"Understood, Captain Smoker!"

With a nod, Tashigi hastened to carry out his orders.

On Kahn's ship:

"Pochi, contact the idiots at headquarters and emphasize the threat posed by Straw Hat Boy and his crew. The steel-cutting swordsman and the prince of the Vinsmoke family have been pirates for so long without garnering a bounty. What are they doing?"

Kahn's irritation was palpable.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Kahn, I'll relay the message immediately."


"Lieutenant General Kahn, is there something else?"

"Emphasize their danger clearly! For instance, mention how Captain Smoker has repeatedly failed to capture them."

Pochi was momentarily stunned; this seemed like a prelude to raising their bounties!

"What are you waiting for? Get moving!" Kahn's tone was far from accommodating.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Kahn!"

Pochi promptly departed.

"With the leeks not growing quickly, I need to apply some fertilizer for a bountiful harvest next time. As for that Smoker boy, he needs a little motivation."

Kahn felt rather pleased with his idea.

Just as Kahn and his crew left Alabasta, news regarding the Shichibukai was released—a report that quickly spread across the seas.

The report unveiled the truth of Alabasta's ordeal, a tragedy the World Government had chosen not to disclose.

It detailed Crocodile's sinister plot and the massacre that had ensued.

The report captured the public's attention.

For the first time, the world learned that Alabasta, a mighty kingdom, had been manipulated by a Shichibukai.

The ensuing uproar cast doubts on the integrity of the Shichibukai system.

Kahn's heroic actions were highlighted, as he had played a pivotal role in saving Alabasta's future.

Of course, his penchant for collecting funds remained unmentioned.

This predicament posed a challenge for the World Government.

"Cobra's quite the character," Kahn remarked after perusing the newspaper.

"Blu, blu, blu."

"Hello? Is this Sengoku? I'm on my way back. What's going on?"

"Kahn, didn't you vow to minimize the impact of the Alabasta situation?"

"Sengoku, you're not quite right to say that! I've warned Cobra countless times about the implications.

If you don't believe me, you can ask him. However, while he gave his word outwardly, his subsequent actions were a different story. There's really nothing more I can do!" Kahn responded with a tinge of helplessness in his voice.

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