
One Piece: Dark Justice Spandam

Spandam, the de facto enemy boss during the Water 7 arc. He harbors an insatiable thirst for power and madness, gaining enough strength to easily destroy the world, yet still yearning for a peaceful happiness that will never return. Caring only for himself, he disregards all others. If they don't oppose him, they can do as they please; if they become his enemies, he shows no mercy. It is the tale of a monster living in such madness-drenched darkness. *** You can indulge in more than 10 chapters ahead of the regular schedule by visiting our Patreon page and subscribing. Feel free to explore our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/KangTL Your support will enhance our productivity in creating more captivating and wonderful works. *** [TL] - Cat tail

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85 Chs

Prelude Before Dawn

In the darkness before the break of dawn, I had a stick candy in my mouth. Being in Enies Lobby, where there was usually no night, made the night feel somewhat refreshing.

While pondering such thoughts, I called out to the person leaning against a large rock nearby.

"... How's the undercover mission going, Lucci?"

"It's progressing smoothly, but... I must admit, it gets a bit boring. Still, I won't let that affect the mission by showing it... It's really helpful that the Chief Justice provides us with opportunities to take a breather like this."

Currently, Lucci was temporarily away from Water 7 under the pretense of going back home. Being unable to perform assassinations in such an environment seems to be causing him some frustration.

Well, as Lucci himself said, he wouldn't show that frustration openly as a professional agent, but even so, I could sense a bit of excitement in him during this breather.

"Kaku seems to be enjoying himself quite a lot."

"Yeah, come to think of it, Kaku has always loved ships. In a way, he might be well-suited for the mission."

Kaku, who loved ships, seemed to be having fun during his infiltration into the Galley-La Company.

"... Now, about the mission this time, it's an extermination. I'll mainly provide backup for any slip-ups, so feel free to go all out."

"Haha, I'm looking forward to it."

This time, as it was supposed to be a breather for Lucci, I prepared an extermination mission instead of an assassination. The team consisted only of Lucci and me... It wasn't as large-scale as during the previous fortress mission, so I planned to support and let Lucci have his way.

Lucci seemed excited at the prospect of being able to kill after a long time, so I expanded my Observation Haki.

"You'll find the exact number as indicated in the information I provided beforehand."

"... I've been wondering for a while, what is that technique of yours that senses my presence?"

"Hmm? Ah, you mean Observation Haki?"

"Haki? Ah, I've heard rumors about it before. They say it's an advanced technique..."

As Lucci mentioned, Observation Haki could indeed be considered an advanced technique. Although it might feel a bit trivialized due to many characters using it in the original series, for example, even Zephyr, the former Fleet Admiral, is said to have learned it in his thirties, making it a challenging technique to master.

On a global scale, only a very limited number of individuals can use it.

"It's a technique you'll need eventually, so I do plan to teach you, but it takes time to master... After the undercover mission is over."

"What can it do?"

"It has various applications. For example, with Observation Haki, you can keenly sense the presence of your surroundings. As you refine your skills, you can even glimpse into the future... Well, more accurately, it's like predicting the future based on the information you obtain. If you want a demonstration... 48 seconds from now, there'll be a wild dog howling in the direction of 1300 meters to your right."

As I informed him, Lucci took out a watch from his pocket and precisely 48 seconds later, we heard the howling of a dog.

"... Haha, isn't that almost cheating?"

"Well, relying too much on future prediction isn't a good idea. It can deviate due to various factors... What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just that... I can't believe I can sense such a thing through Observation Haki."

Observation Haki was only briefly explained, but with Lucci's talents, it wouldn't be surprising if he awakened it in a few years even without being taught. Being a former intelligence agent, he was skilled at reading auras.

But well, he lacks the eagerness for strength, so it might take more time compared to Pochi...

"Now then, that's enough talk. It's about time to move... Since it's an extermination mission, there's no need to sneak around. Charge in from the front and annihilate them all. We'll handle anyone who tries to escape."

"... There might not be much work for the Chief Justice."

"If that's the case, so be it... Enjoy yourself to the fullest."


With a smirk on my face, I bid farewell to Lucci, who was heading for his mission, and while using Observation Haki to check if there was anyone trying to escape from the base, I took out the machine that Lilith had created from the box I brought and installed it.

This machine had a function similar to a Den Den Mushi, disrupting the Den Den Mushi's telepathic waves and rendering communication impossible. With this, as long as I didn't let anyone escape using Observation Haki, no information would leak outside.

With a new stick candy from my pocket in my mouth, I quietly contemplated. It should be my favorite flavor, but it didn't taste quite right.

The cause of this discomfort might be the simmering, boiling anger deep inside my stomach... Lucci had nothing to do with this. It was my own issue, and even if I were to tell Lucci, he wouldn't understand. However, the discomfort had persisted and hadn't disappeared for years. My patience was wearing thin.

The first time I felt this discomfort was... yes, during the incident at Ohara. I made the decision myself, to not get involved with the Ohara incident... but looking back, that might not have been the best move.

What I should have done at that time was... to obtain information about the ancient writings, even if I subtract Robin's genius. There should have been information about decipherable ancient writings at Ohara.

For me at that time, being able to read the Poneglyphs would have been a tremendous opportunity to gain a means of obtaining information about unknown entities like ancient weapons that could threaten me in the future.

I knew the location, and it was before the Ohara incident... during the half-year I had after my training. If I had gone to Ohara then, sneaked in at night, and used my enhanced memory to memorize the documents, regardless of whether I used them or not, I would have gained a significant advantage.

But at that time, I didn't even consider the idea of going to Ohara. Later, when I arrived at that thought, I felt some regret... but there is also a saying that goes "there's no use crying over spilt milk," and I understood that such thoughts often come after the fact.

...The second time I felt this discomfort was after the Fizz incident was resolved. Why didn't I thoroughly check the mission given to Fizz? Dad assigned it. I had just taken over, and I was busy... I could come up with countless excuses.

However, it wouldn't have taken much time to simply check the list of the important item escort mission. I should have known. That year, the Gomu Gomu no Mi... Human-Human Fruit, Mythical Type: Model Sun God Nica was stolen by Red-Haired Shanks... In other words, I could have prevented it.

But for some reason, even though I had such an obvious hint in the East Blue mission, I overlooked it. The "advantage" I placed great importance on, thanks to my knowledge of the original story, was disregarded until after the matter was resolved, and I finally realized it as if I had forgotten.

At this point, suspicions started to arise. There were several other minor instances as well. For example, when I had thoughts of assassinating key characters from the original story, I felt discomfort afterwards... But the doubt turned into conviction during the Tom incident in Water 7.

It was the same at that time. Although I had decided to go by myself to examine the compulsion force of the original story, during that incident, I just couldn't find the motivation to do anything.

I didn't have any particular interest in Pluton's design itself. However, I knew that Tom possessed it, and I also knew the timing when it would be passed down to his apprentices.

Indeed, even in Water 7, the thought crossed my mind multiple times. However, I just couldn't bring myself to take action.

There are many reasons that could be attributed to this as well. I had no interest in the blueprints. I was aiming for the downfall of the CP4 chief, and at that time, I believed it was the best course of action.

But that's not it. The best move at that time wasn't that. The CP4 chief's downfall was enough with the failure in the assault on the judicial ship. Therefore, I could have taken action after that.

For example, I could have abducted Tom. Knowing that Frankie would appear ahead on the tracks, I could have captured Frankie and then used him to... or even, with Iceberg involved, I could have negotiated with the two, offering them Tom's innocence in exchange for Pluton's blueprints.

Iceberg might still have resisted, but Frankie would have prioritized Tom's life. At worst, if I could get them to give me a firm promise, I could have broken in and taken it by force. Moreover, I know about Robin, whom Tom and the others were concerned about, and I know that Pluton is in Wano Country.

Depending on the negotiation, it could have worked out, and everything in Water 7 could have ended there.

But I only arrived at that thought... yes, for everything, after it was all over. The Ohara incident, the Fizz incident, the Tom incident... it was always "after it was all over" that I realized what I should have done.

It's not that any of those ideas were difficult to come up with. In fact, they were ideas that should have been at the forefront of my mind.

However, I couldn't even realize any of them.

So, I became convinced... that I have some kind of "wedge" holding me back.

The moment I thought of that, I unconsciously bit down on the candy I was holding in my mouth, breaking it. I'm the type who licks the candy until the end, but... I wonder if my anger surfaced.

I must be careful not to show that in front of Lucci...

Now, getting my thoughts back on track, this "wedge" that confines my actions. To express it differently, it's something that could be called "destiny"... it certainly exists.

This also applies to the developments that lie ahead. I spent years contemplating and chose the form that would be most beneficial for me. There were no other ideas interfering, and it was a conclusion I arrived at after proper consideration. I still think that way now, and I can't think of a better move or consider taking a different approach.

However, the discomfort lingering in my heart doesn't go away. Although I should have made the best choice and decided on the right path, there's a feeling that I haven't transcended the predetermined framework.

But no matter how many times I rethink it, I can only arrive at the same conclusion, and I can't find the motivation to try something else.

I've come up with a hypothesis. I've considered countermeasures, and since the discomfort turned into conviction, I've been preparing for it. It's about time to put it into action.

Is this like a curse, I wonder? With my current methods, I can't do anything. So, to remove the wedge, I need some other factor that I don't currently possess.

To put it in perspective, no matter how much strength I gain, I'm still just an extension of the character Spandam. To remove the wedge, I need something that can transcend that framework... that's how I should express it, I suppose.

I have an idea of what that "something" is... but whether this hypothesis is correct or not...

With mixed feelings, I took out the third candy and put it in my mouth.


In the early morning light, Lucci returned with a satisfied expression. As expected, I didn't have to take any action, and he single-handedly completed the annihilation.

"The mission is accomplished."

"It appears so... Not a single one escaped. They say we can leave the bodies as they are, so let's head back like this."


"So, did it serve as a good diversion?"

"Yeah, it's been a while since I moved my body so freely. I'm satisfied."

It seemed like he had a good time during our downtime. I packed up the interference device and started walking slowly. Lucci followed behind me, and the morning sun illuminated our backs.

Behind us was the Revolutionary Army's base, now nothing but corpses... Quite a calm and refreshing morning.

"By the way, the nearby town is known for opening shops early in the morning and closing them all by evening. There should be plenty of places open at this hour. How about having breakfast somewhere before we head back?"

"Hmm, that sounds good. Naturally, in a scene like this, the boss treats the subordinates, so I graciously accept the meal."

"Haha, well... eat as much as you want then."

I smiled back lightly, jokingly responding to Lucci.

"By the way, Lucci, as I said, Iceberg won't be easy to deal with, right?"

"Hmm? Ah, yeah, as you've correctly evaluated, he's quite formidable. He won't slip up and is quite troublesome."

"Well, that's true. If I were to offer some advice, it would be to investigate beyond just Galley-La. You might find hints in unexpected places."

Probably, by now, Iceberg has already handed over the blueprints to Franky, and no matter how much you investigate Iceberg, you won't find the blueprints. Unless you discover his connection to Cattie-Brie, who was thought to be dead, and the fact that he was with Tom's Workers...

Well, I won't tell you that now because it would deviate from my plan. However, if everything goes as planned, I might be able to tell you soon.

"...Is that also part of your Observation Haki?"

"No, this is just a prediction. But sometimes, intuition surpasses logic. Remember that."

Yes, my current hypothesis is also mostly based on intuition.

Well, soon, after finalizing all the preparations and verifying some things, it will be time for the main event. If everything goes well... I will gain a power unlike any Devil Fruit or Observation Haki... a power that can even shatter concepts.

I want that power...

Soon, I'll be fully prepared and ready to meet you... Demon King Tot Musica.


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