
Chapter 68: Buster Call (V)

The tranquility of this once-beautiful island was shattered within a matter of hours, reduced to chaos by relentless shelling. Amidst the cacophony of explosions, a storm of dust and debris engulfed the landscape. Remarkably, amidst the devastation, the absence of bodies along the path bore testimony to the timely evacuation of civilians to refuge ships, a precaution that spared countless lives from the wrath of Sakazuki's onslaught.

Meanwhile, the remnants of Ohara's scholarly community had congregated around the revered Tree of Knowledge, seeking solace amidst the chaos that engulfed their sanctuary. As Marines scoured the island in search of survivors, Sakazuki made his way to the heart of the island, drawn by the allure of the Tree of Knowledge.

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki!"

Doberman and his cohorts remained aboard, their gaze fixed upon Huoshaoshan, who stood at their helm. As Sakazuki approached, Huoshaoshan inquired about Kuzan's whereabouts.

"I'm uncertain. He should be back on the boat," Sakazuki replied matter-of-factly.

Though Huoshaoshan's (a Vice-Admiral) expression soured, he refrained from further comment, departing with his entourage to seek out Kuzan.

Unperturbed by Huoshaoshan's discontent, Sakazuki turned his attention to the situation at hand. "How's the situation?" he inquired of Onigumo.

"Come see for yourself," Rear Admiral Onigumo beckoned, leading Sakazuki to the site where the once-majestic Tree of Knowledge lay felled. In its wake, a colossal pit had formed, now brimming with water, resembling a somber lake.

"What's this?" Sakazuki queried, his gaze fixed upon the myriad of books floating upon the lake's surface.

"These are the remnants of the Tree of Knowledge's library," Onigumo explained solemnly. "Despite the carnage, these scholars valiantly preserved these volumes, prioritizing knowledge over life itself."

The gravity of the situation hung heavy as Sakazuki and Onigumo contemplated the sacrifices made to safeguard human knowledge. Determined to honor their legacy, Sakazuki ordered the retrieval of the salvaged books, acknowledging the profound impact of their selfless act.

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki! Several survivors have been located," a soldier announced, interrupting their reverie.

Accompanying the soldier, Sakazuki ventured to the survivors' location, where six individuals bore witness to the island's devastation. Though battered and bloodied, their survival underscored the tenacity of the human spirit.

"Isn't she the wanted archaeologist?" Lucas pointed to a white-haired woman among the survivors, identifying her as Nico Robin's mother, Nico Olvia.

Confirming her identity, Sakazuki approached Nico Olvia, offering her a moment of reprieve. "Your daughter has escaped," he divulged, his words a lifeline amidst the despair.

In a moment of clarity, Nico Olvia expressed her gratitude, her relief palpable as she embraced the fleeting hope offered by Sakazuki's revelation.

With a silent nod, Sakazuki signaled for the soldiers to proceed, their duty clear. As the survivors faced their fate, Sakazuki reflected upon the resilience of the human spirit amidst tragedy.

As the chaos of Ohara Island unfolded, Sakazuki issued orders for the warship's return, the task at hand nearing completion. However, their respite was short-lived as a World Government vessel approached, bearing unexpected visitors.

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki. Spandine-sama of CP9 requests a meeting," a subordinate relayed, prompting Sakazuki's begrudging acquiescence.

Upon Spandine's arrival, tensions simmered as accusations were hurled, prompting Sakazuki's terse response. Unwavering in his resolve, Sakazuki's steely demeanor left no room for doubt, his actions dictated by duty above all else.

Amidst the turmoil, a realization dawned upon Spandine: beneath Sakazuki's stoic exterior lay a formidable adversary, one whose allegiance to justice was unyielding, even amidst the chaos of war.


"How do I do things, you still need to teach me, huh?" Sakazuki's voice echoed with a chilling undertone, his gaze piercing through the tension-laden air. Surrounding the warship, Marine soldiers fixated their steely stares upon the trio from CP9. Despite sharing allegiance to the World Government, camaraderie between the Marines and CP9 was a rare sight, especially under Sakazuki's unwavering command.

Spandine, attempting to salvage his composure, faltered in the face of Sakazuki's icy stare. His voice quivered as he stepped back, nerves betraying him. "What's your game, Vice Admiral? I'm here representing the Five Elders. Don't overstep your bounds."

Rear Admiral Onigumo, unimpressed by Spandine's display, waved dismissively, signaling for their departure. Sakazuki's disdainful dismissal only served to underscore Spandine's inadequacies.

"Don't invoke the Five Elders to intimidate me. If you've got nothing else, get lost," Sakazuki's words dripped with contempt, leaving Spandine seething with frustration, though he dared not challenge Sakazuki directly.

"I'll report this to the Five Elders," Spandine spat, his parting shot laced with defiance. Onigumo's earlier assessment of Spandine proved accurate as he slunk away, his departure punctuated by a surge of fear.

Once Spandine had departed, Onigumo voiced his concern. "He may be a fool, but he's a direct line to the Five Elders. Was it wise to treat him so brusquely?"

Sakazuki's smirk conveyed his unwavering confidence. "He's CP9, not CP0. The Five Elders won't bat an eye at his complaints. He's nothing more than a clown to them."

As Onigumo observed Sakazuki's evolution, he couldn't help but marvel at his newfound confidence. Sakazuki's ascendance was undeniable, a testament to his growing strength and conviction. Onigumo couldn't shake the feeling that Sakazuki's newfound assurance was linked to an awakening of Conqueror's Haki, a development he viewed with cautious optimism.

In truth, Onigumo's intuition was correct. Sakazuki's growing confidence was inextricably tied to his mastery of Conqueror's Haki, a power that now coursed through him with undeniable potency. Though bestowed upon him by external forces, Sakazuki's mastery of Conqueror's Haki had imbued him with a newfound sense of authority and resolve.

With the successful execution of the Buster Call, Sakazuki's path to Marine Admiral seemed all but assured. Onigumo speculated on the implications of Sengoku's imminent abdication and the subsequent vacancies within the ranks of the Admiralty. Sakazuki's ambition burned bright as he envisioned himself ascending to the highest echelons of Marine Headquarters, a position that promised both power and prestige.

As Onigumo pondered the future of Marine Headquarters, Sakazuki's gaze turned resolute. "Once I become Marine Admiral, the balance of power will shift," he declared, his eyes alight with ambition. "And with Borsalino at my side, we'll usher in a new era of dominance."

Onigumo nodded in agreement, recognizing the inevitability of Sakazuki's ascent. With the winds of change at their backs, Sakazuki and Borsalino stood poised to reshape the future of the World Government.

Despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, Sakazuki's conviction remained unshaken. As he gazed out at the vast expanse of the sea, he felt a sense of purpose wash over him. The road to Marine Admiral would not be an easy one, but Sakazuki was more than ready to seize his destiny and lead the Marines into a new era of strength and stability.


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