
Chapter 59: Punishment?

Kong's gaze bore into Sakazuki, an aura of expectation hanging heavy in the air. "Alright, Sakazuki," he began, his voice carrying the gravity of the moment. "I've always seen potential in you. But these allegations of private dealings with Dragon to kill Jeremy? That's a serious breach of trust. If it's true, own up now, and I'll go easy on you. But if I find out later, you're in for a world of trouble."

The tension in the room was palpable, each person present waiting with bated breath for Sakazuki's response. All eyes were on him as he weighed his words carefully.

But Sakazuki remained resolute, his demeanor unwavering. "I can't confess to something I didn't do," he stated firmly, meeting Kong's gaze with unwavering resolve.

Before Zephyr could interject with his own thoughts, Kong swiftly redirected the conversation, shifting the focus to another pressing matter.

"Now, about the Whitebeard Pirates incident," Kong continued, his tone measured yet authoritative. "Yes, you saved Harrington and the others, but at what cost to Marine's reputation?"

One of the Vice Admirals seized the opportunity to voice his concerns, emphasizing the blow dealt to Marine's prestige by the events surrounding the Whitebeard Pirates.

Sakazuki shot a pointed glance at the dissenter, keenly aware of the underlying political dynamics at play within the room.

Undeterred by the tension, he countered with a sharp question of his own, momentarily silencing the room and demanding attention.

Recognizing the need to steer the discussion back on course, Kong pressed Sakazuki for answers, his tone a blend of authority and concern.

Sakazuki didn't hesitate to respond, admitting fault while simultaneously defending his actions with conviction and clarity.

Unexpectedly, Harrington rose to Sakazuki's defense, his words carrying a weight of authority and respect that commanded the room's attention.

Sakazuki, in turn, expressed his gratitude, acknowledging Harrington's support and pledging to make amends for his mistakes.

As Harrington took responsibility for his part in the affair, Kong encouraged open dialogue among the attendees, fostering an atmosphere of transparency and accountability.

Sengoku, ever the voice of reason, offered a measured response, highlighting the success of the operation while also acknowledging its potential repercussions.

Meanwhile, Zephyr reiterated the importance of discipline within Marine ranks, emphasizing the need to uphold the organization's standards at all costs.

With the floor open for discussion, Kong invited others to share their thoughts and concerns, fostering a collaborative environment where every voice could be heard.

Amidst the deliberation, tensions ran high, with each participant grappling with the weight of their decisions and the consequences that lay ahead.

Despite the differences in opinion and approach, one thing remained clear: the commitment to upholding Marine's integrity and safeguarding its future.

Garp, seated near Sengoku, let out a disdainful snort. "This is hardly a matter worth fussing over. I have no strong feelings either way," he remarked casually.

Although still displeased with the dragon's rebellion, Garp wasn't inclined to target Sakazuki over the incident.

The lone female Vice Admiral Tsuru chimed in, her voice carrying a blend of pragmatism and empathy. "Marine's reputation isn't won through negotiation but through strength. While the withdrawal of the G1 branch from the New World is a setback, shrinking our influence might not be entirely disadvantageous. Harrington's safe return is paramount above all else."

Women bring a different perspective to discussions, often leaning towards a more emotionally-driven approach, especially the seasoned ones. While she refrained from outright expressing her stance, her final words hinted at her underlying sentiments.

Another Vice Admiral, antagonizing Sakazuki, spoke up, his imposing figure commanding attention. Sakazuki, unfamiliar with him, failed to recognize him amidst the crowd.

Before anyone else could react, Borsalino interjected with a sardonic remark. "I wonder if you'd still speak so confidently if you were the one caught in Sakazuki's shoes?"

The Vice Admiral's response was swift and impassioned. "If it were me, I'd choose to take my own life rather than violate military discipline!"

"That's the reason why you weren't sent in the first place."

Borsalino's mockery struck a nerve, igniting a heated exchange between him and the Vice Admiral.

Kong intervened sternly, reminding Borsalino to mind his words and maintain decorum.

As tempers cooled, others began to voice their opinions, with the majority expressing support for Sakazuki's decision to rescue Harrington, albeit with some reservations about his breach of military discipline.

Kong, finally weighing in, announced the decision to cease further discussion on the matter, opting to levy a relatively light punishment on Sakazuki for his transgression.

But there was one more issue that demanded attention.

Kong's expression turned serious as he addressed Sakazuki directly. "Sakazuki, there have been reports circulating in the New World regarding the Four Emperors. Care to shed some light on this?"

The revelation sent shockwaves through the room. Apart from Aokiji, Borsalino, and Sengoku, few were aware of the origins of the rumors surrounding the Pirate Four Emperors.

'So much for keeping in under wraps!' Aokiji, Borsalino and Sakazuki shared similar thoughts.

Sakazuki's admission only confirmed the rumors, leaving many stunned.

The implications of Marine endorsing such rumors were profound, sparking a flurry of speculation and concern among the attendees.

Kong, visibly troubled, confronted Sakazuki, questioning his actions and reminding him of his responsibilities as a Vice Admiral.

Sensing the need to intervene, Onigumo, Sakazuki's right hand, stepped forward to defend his superior's decision, citing the strategic advantages of sowing discord among the pirates.

However, his justification was met with skepticism and disapproval from some present, who questioned the wisdom of such a risky maneuver.

Sengoku, in particular, pressed Onigumo for more information, ultimately revealing that the strategy had originated from Monkey D. Dragon himself.

The revelation cast a new light on the situation, prompting a reevaluation of Sakazuki's role and intentions in the unfolding events.

As the discussion drew to a close, the ramifications of the Four Emperors strategy loomed large, leaving the future of Marine uncertain and fraught with challenges.


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