
Chapter 2: System

Believing that he had transitioned into another persona quite admirably, Lucas accepted his new reality, albeit still feeling a tad uneasy and taken aback. However, fortune favoured him as he now assumed the role of Sakazuki, the Vice Admiral stationed at the Marine headquarters, with a promising future ahead. No longer would he, a former commoner from USA, need to scurry about for survival, yet finding peace remained elusive.

Once just an ordinary youth in USA, Lucas had known the struggles of poverty, with hardworking parents who sacrificed decades to raise him and his siblings. Despite the lack of wealth, they ensured his upbringing was secure. Nevertheless, the urban grind had worn him down day by day. Now, as he abruptly became Sakazuki, a surge of excitement mingled with his lingering unease, feeling as though chains within his heart had been unshackled, granting him newfound freedom.

His sole regret lingered in his inability to honour his parents. Thankfully, his siblings, each more promising than himself, alleviated his concerns for their well-being in their later years.

"Am I truly leaving behind my former self to fully embody Sakazuki?" he pondered, his emotions a complex mix of unease and anticipation.

"Yes, I am Sakazuki now," he affirmed.

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki?"

Interrupted from his reverie, Sakazuki's gaze turned sharply towards the Marine soldier, irritation evident despite the interruption. Such was his reputation within the Marine, his mere glance instilling immense pressure, evoking fear.

Fear Score of Lucas Benioff: +155.

"What?" he grumbled.

Another soft whisper, and Sakazuki found himself startled by a peculiar notification appearing in his mind without warning, further increasing his confusion.

Fear Value of Lucas Benioff: +226.

An interface materialised within Sakazuki's mind, reminiscent of a computer screen, displaying only three options: shop, lottery, revenue and expenditure.

Intrigued, he opened the store, revealing a list with only one item illuminated, shrouding the rest in darkness. The single available item puzzled Sakazuki greatly.

Haki Fruit: Price - 1,000.

Beneath, a balance of 381 appeared, prompting Sakazuki to recall the fear value prompt he had received earlier. Was this inexplicable fear value the currency for purchasing items in the store?

As if to confirm his suspicions, another fear value materialised.

Fear Value of Lucas Benioff: +82.

The balance promptly increased to 463, solidifying his understanding that fear value served as the currency within the system, derived from instilling fear in others.

Must he continue to induce fear to accumulate value? Such a notion left Sakazuki bewildered. He had anticipated a swift ascent to power as Akainu, but now faced with a system akin to those in novels, he pondered the implications.

The ground tremors interrupted his contemplation, signalling intense battles outside. Though confident in his colleagues' capabilities, Sakazuki's concerns mounted upon learning of the ferocious Golden Lion's strength and the havoc wrought by his flying pirates.

"Vice Admiral, the Golden Lion's flying pirates pose a significant threat. Fleet Admiral requests your immediate assistance," Lucas Benioff relayed, momentarily forgetting his fear.

Alarmed, Sakazuki realised the reality differed from the animated tales he once watched. Accepting this, he comprehended the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for action.


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