This fanfiction is stupid and just completely bad but I had so much fun laughing at a joke I made about another fanfiction I just had to right it. (One Piece: Dream of Immortality by scarletarboretum) I will warn you now my writing is shit and so is my plot 99% of the time so if you want to read a fanfiction about another fanfiction then go right ahead. Don't blame me when it's nothing but cringe brain rot. if scarletarboretum ever sees this and wants me to take it down I will
It's was the aftermath of the battle of Dressrosa.
Cherry and Cabernet were just about to return to the other strawhats, after Cherry reawakened some of her old powers from her past, and threw Akainu into the void, then she changed the world with celestial energy forever.
"After all that I could use a beer and some loving from Ro-" before Cherry could finish that thought she felt an unusual presents way above her.
Cabernet stopped midair as they both felt it and looked up into the sky. At first it looked like the sky was about to shatter into pieces, before ripping it's self open revealing a swirling vortex, of bright vibrant colours as an unnatural flow of energy basically poured out of it.
Even the people of Dressrosa and the people on Whitebeard's ship could see the once in a lifetime event with their own eyes. Cherry was just worried if this is going to be more troubles.
But as quickly as the vortex appeared it shot something out and disappeared. At an unbelievably speeds that only a few were able to see Cherry and Cabernet were not fast enough to get out of the way and got hit by whatever the vortex shot out sending them crashing to the ground.
Luckily for them they weren't seriously hurt and just so happened to crashed right around were the rest of the strawhats were.
"Hey you guys okay!" Luffy asked worried about his friends.
"Yah were fine but I can't say the same for the corpse that did that." Cherry said as she snapped her head back into place feeling very pissed off right now.
"Well you should tell them that." Zoro said as he pointed at the massive crater just a few metres away from them with a person in the centre hidden by the smoke.
"Who are you?" Cherry asked as she got the weirdest feeling from this stranger.
The person in question just responded with a hardy laughed that sounded like it belonged to a woman, or more accurately a girl, then they answered sarcastically with. "What!? don't you recognise me?" They walked out of the dust revealing themselves.
She had long unruly Jet Black hair a fairly skin complexion, built slightly tall standing at 6"1 with a slim but muscular body. The outfit she was wearing was baggie blue cargo pants with puffy ends at the ankles paired with a loose black belt and sandals, a red sleeveless unzipped hoodie a black bra. And then finally she had an old wether strawhat on her head that covered her eyes and that giant unnatural goofy smile that so many Legendary D's had.
She simply crouched down for a moment and jumped out of the crater and landed right infront of Cherry. "Isn't obvious who I'm. I'm Monkey D Lilly." as she said that they were finally able to see her eyes. Her scarlet hawk like eyes and started directly into Cherrys eyes. "I'm your daughter and I come from the future."
The gathered strawhats were silent for a moment before they all broke out into laughter all except for three Luffy because he was kinda confused, Cabernet who was super confused cause as far as she could tell there were two Cherrys, it had her head looking like it was about to explode and finally Cherry. She wasn't laughing or anything she just glared at Lilly, while Lilly herself still had her large then life grin.
"Oh yeah you're Cherry's kid that's very funny." Franky said as he continued to laugh.
"It true uncle Franky. Harpin D Cherry is my Mom and Monkey D Luffy is my Dad." Lilly explained.
"Oh my God guys! I'm a Dad!!!" Luffy grabbed his face in pure shock at the revelation.
"No your not you idiot this is clearly someone pulling a fast one on us" Ussop dismissed
"Who… no. What are you." Cherry damned the answers as the air around them got thick as Cherry's ora made everyone see that they should take this seriously.
Lilly wasn't really affect by Cherry's pressure or her Demon glare. She simply respond with "I'm yours and his daughter and you can stop trying to threaten me with does eyes never worked in the past not gonna work now." Lilly could clearly see that Cherry wasn't buy any of this so she was going to risk it on a gamble.
"Look as a very capable cultivator yo- Lilly stopped mid sentence as she blocked Cherry's spear with haki coated arms before it could stabb her in the face. Everyone was shocked at how quickly thing got out of hand."Wow you are protective about that" Lilly mocked as Cherry's glare turned murderies "Who told you about that!" Cherry said as her spear began spinning rapidly, while her sword Sakura Tengoku appeared behind Lilly's head crackling with electricity only for a black arm to appear out of Lilly's back and grab the sword.
"You want to know who told me about your little secret. Well of the six people who know about cultivation in this world one being you, two of them you killed today and two you taught. I learned the basics from my aunty who loves history and My sweet great grandma. The rest… well it's amazing what devil fruit can do isn't it Mom."
"Cherry I think we should hear her out." Luffy asked as he could see the anger in her eyes. "LUFFY STAY OUT OF THIS!" It was clear Cherry wasn't having any of this. "Come on Cherry Captain orders." Luffy said as he got serious in the tone of his voice. Cherry looked back and saw his eyes then everyone elses. "Fine what ever" Cherry mumbled as she put her spear away and Lilly gave back the sword.
"Dame Mom you hit hard." Lilly stated as one of her arms was injuredj as you could see the bone but then the wound quickly healed like nothing happened. "I was trying to kill you so start talking before I actually do it."
"Like I was saying. Some one of your "skills" should already be able to tell what I am. Your blood runs through my veins combined with Dads. I'm not a clone, or a new model of Pacifista or some other kind of bullshit. I am the daughter of Monkey D Luffy and Harpin D Cherry and that is a fact you already know Mom but your just to scared to admit it to yourself."
'It's true I can feel mine and that rubber idiot blood in her, and there isn't any signs that she was made artificially with celestial energy or anything. So the main question is how.' Cherry thought as all eyes turned to her who had here best poker face on right now.
"Let's say you are my kid from the future. How does this happen with Luffy. I'm a hardcore lesbian and Luffy is... well Luffy. " Cherry pointed out as Luffy picked his nose with out care in the world while a life changing even involving him was happening.
"Oh it won't happen. It already happened back at Sabado archipelago when you guys got back together. You were all celebrating when You joked about how Dad was spending his time on Amazon Lilly with Boa Hancock and how dense he is. Then somebody bet that Dad would never get some even if they threw themselves at him. Mom accept the challenge and here I am or more accurately there I am."
Lilly pointed out Cherry's stomach which made the whole crew go wide eyed "Luffy you bastered you slept with Cherry before I could even get a kiss. It's not fair." Sanji cried while some of them gave Cherry and Luffy congratulations others like Zoro and Law were still sceptical. "One certain historian strawhat was trying her best to keep her laughter contained .
"HOLD ON!! There are things that don't add up. One I would never sleep with a man and Two I would never cheat on Robin."
"All those things are true, but just because you wouldn't sleep with a man doesn't mean drunk Cherry wouldn't and Second aunt Robin made and did that bet with you. I'm mean she was the one who told me the story of how you three hocked up."
Cherry and everyone else turned to look at Robin and just asked "Why"
"You were drunk I was drunk and I thought it was a funny way to get a three way. Plus I thought you knew and was just too embarrassed to talk to me about it." Robin said with reminiscent smile.
'Dame it! I knew I should have reviewed those memories.' Cherry cursed herself for slipping up this one time.
"Wait one second!!! Even if I did by some double miracle fucked Luffy and get pregnant. How would a baby survive the kind of injuries I suffer all the time? I was a skeleton back at Fishman island." Cherry fired her last ditch effort in denial.
"Mom your a sixth realm cultivator and his a Destiny child. Do I really need to have that talk with you." Lilly replied smugly as the evidence was undine able and Cherry had to face reality.
"So that means-
"That I'm
"Pregnant with You."
"Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner and her prize is. Parenthood."
And once again the congratulations continued with Luffy including the ones that didn't believe at first but if Cherry herself had to admit it then why shouldn't they believe. The only one who still couldn't believe was Law, but that was mainly because he heard Cherry say she was a skeleton.
Cherry was having an internal panic attack as she just looked at her stomach, while Sanji was on the floor Slamming his fist to the ground screaming to the heavens
"It should have been me not him!! It's not fair!!!"
All the noise and commotion finally caught the attention of someone other than the civilians standing around them.
"Luffy!!" Ace shouted as he approached the group, following behind him was Sabo and a few revelations while Rebecca, her father and grandfather arrived from and different direction.
"Oh hey guys what's up?" Luffy asked curious why everyone came rushing towards them.
"What do mean what's up!!! We all saw that thing in the sky then there was that explosion near you guys!!" Ace explained a little frustrated with how Luffy act's some times.
"What happened here Miss Cherry?" Kyros asked thinking get a straight answer from her.
Cherry on the other hand just pointed at Lilly while mumbling something.
"Hey! I heard that!" Lilly yelled while puffing up her lips as she turned to Robin for help. Who which hugged the girl while giving Cherry unapproving look.
All the new arrivals turned their attention to the mystery girl as Sabo asked "Luffy who is that?"
Hearing the question Lilly step away from Robin and gave Luffy a look as he gave her one right back then she wrapped her arm around Luffy while he did the same as they put their faces next to each other.
"I'm Monkey D Lilly." "And she's the Daughter of the Man Who's going be.
""King of the Pirates!!!""
They both yelled the last part together with those larger than immortality smiles as if they planned on introducing her like that but in reality it was a seper of the moment thing.
Everyone stared on in complete confusion while the Strawhats smiled fondly at the fact their Captain and his daughter shared similar traits. Actually the shared more than personalities. When they were looked at side by side, even the new comers could see that Luffy and Lilly were identical the only difference they could find apart from the gender was that Lilly had those soul piercing scarlet hawk like eyes that came straight from Cherry, but unlike her mother Lilly's eyes didn't invoke fear in whoever looked at them. In fact caused the opposite effect filling you Joy and happiness like having giant man eating Tiger licking you like it's a puppy play with it's owner.
"Luffy who is that really?" Sabo asked again because the conclusion he was coming to was just unbelievable.
"She's my daughter didn't we made that clear." Luffy answered