
Chapter 6 - Abandoned Little Girl


In a village that seemed dry and barren, a woman and a little girl were surrounded by several people.

One of them then said,

"Why are you still taking care of that brat?"

Another answered in a reproachful tone.

"It's pointless and a waste of food rations."

Another person then said,

"There's already too many to feed here. Just leave her on the mountain."

The woman then took her daughter away towards the mountain. After arriving in the middle of the forest, the woman stopped.

"Stay here. Don't follow me."

The woman said.


The little girl looked at her mother.

The mother then said.

"You are useless and unneeded."

After saying that, the woman turned around and left leaving the little girl alone in the middle of the forest.

The little girl could only stare at her mother who left her with a face that looked sad and disappointed.

"Mom too.... Even you don't need me."

The little girl could only bow her head in sorrow.

Almost a month had passed since Lepus first woke up in this world.

During that month, Lepus stayed in the forest to hone his physical and psychological endurance. In addition, of course he also explores and trains the use and mastery of his devil fruit abilities.

And thanks to his devil fruit ability, Lepus doesn't have to worry about housing or safety issues because he can sleep in the space tear he calls the gap/chasm.

Orange streaks appeared in the sky. The twilight will come soon.

Lepus, who was practicing, stopped his practice.

"Hah... Hah... Hah... Time to rest."

And as usual, Lepus went to the river to look for ingredients for his dinner as well as to clean himself from thick sweat.

However, while he was hunting for fish in the river, Lepus faintly heard crying sound.

"Hm? Crying voice? And from the sound of it, it looks like a child? But..., at dusk in the middle of the forest like this?"

Lepus wondered.

"Ehh... I'll try calling her."

Then using a little of his ability to louder his voice, Lepus called out to whoever the owner of the crying voice was.

"Heeyy! You the one crying over there! Whoever you are, can you hear my voice!? You can follow my voice and come here! I'm in the river!"

Not long after, the sound of approaching footsteps was heard. And then, a small child appeared who seemed to be shedding tears.

"Little girl?"

Lepus then waved his hand towards the little girl and said.

"Hello, come over here. Don't afraid."

The little girl, looking nervously, slowly approached the riverbank near Lepus.


"Hello, what's your name, little sister?"

"... M-my name is... ******.

"Oh hello, my name is Lepus. Nice to meet you."

"... U, un."

"Why were you crying?"

"... I... was abandoned by my mom."

"Huh? Abandoned? In the forest? Alone?"

"... Un."

The girl nodded slightly.

Lepus became a bit awkward because of this.

"Uhh... Y-yeah it's okay. You wait there. I'll look for fish first. After that look for tubers and fruits. Then we'll grill them."

"... Un."

Lepus took the little girl to his base in the big tree.

After lighting the bonfire, Lepus starts to burn the fish and tries to start a conversation.

"Uhh.... Do you want apples? Eat these fruits first if you're hungry."

"... Un."

Some time later, the tubers and grilled fish were cooked then Lepus took them. Then he used a little of his ability to slightly cool the tubers and grilled fish.

"This is for you. Eat it."

Lepus give some sweet potato and grilled fish to the little girl.

"... Un. Tha-thank you."

"Yeah. Let's eat."


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