
Chapter 54 - Debut


"Brisa, make some noise."

"Yes, Onii-sama."

Brisa then turns her arm into a Gatling Gun and shoots into the sky.


Not long after, the Marines came and surrounded them.

Then looking at Lepus and the others, someone who seemed to be an officer spoke.

"Who are you all!? How dare you fire on the Marine Base!? What do you want!?"

But then, someone who seemed to be his deputy or assistant said in surprise after seeing Lepus and the other two.

"W-What!? Y-You guys are Masked Reapers! They are Masked Reapers, Captain Anchoor!"

"Masked Reapers? What's that?"

Captain Anchoor looked clueless and finally asked his subordinates.

"Masked Reapers, they are the name for a group of bounty hunters that suddenly appeared and became known about a year or two ago in this West Blue! They are called 'Masked Reapers' because they are always seen wearing black masks and black robes. Another reason is the fugitives who they hunt and catch are pirates or criminals worth over 35 million!"

"What!? They caught a fugitive worth over 35 million!?"

"Not only that, Captain Anchoor! In less than a year, around 5-7 fugitives of such high value they managed to hunt and capture! .... However, they suddenly disappeared without a trace since about a year ago and no one knew why and who their real identities are!"

"What!? More than 5 fugitives that high!?"

Captain Anchoor and the Marine soldiers were very surprised after hearing the Captain's Assistant statement.

Seeing their reaction, Lepus then spoke.

"Heh~.... Masked Reapers? That's a pretty cool name.... But, we're not a bounty hunter group or anything like that. We're pirates! So don't call us Masked Reapers or anything."

Captain Anchoor and the other Marines were stunned by Lepus' statement.

"What!? Pirates!? Pirates are hunting other pirates!? What the hell is that!?"

Lepus then spoke again.

"Is that weird? Pirates also compete with each other. The strong will survive. And coincidentally at that time we were in need of quick and lots of money. So we hunted. Hehahahaha!"

The Marines were more and more dumbfounded and speechless.

"Well, since here West Blue probably no one recognizes me.... I'll give you a free poster. Here."

Lepus takes out a scroll of his wanted poster and then throws it at Captain Anchoor.

After opening Lepus' wanted poster and looking at it, Captain Anchoor and the rest of the Marines looked confused.

"Rex Lepus? 20,000,000 B?"

They didn't recognize or have heard of Lepus' name, so it wouldn't be strange if they were confused.

"You can ask to North Blue if you're curious about my poster.... Oh, and you asked why we're here? The answer is that we're picking up our members that you've arrested."

"Pick up? Who?"

".... Sera. And you guys want to extort 100 million? You dream! I am most disgusted by corrupt Marines like you!"

After a while, from a distance, three figures broke through the encirclement of the Marines and headed towards Lepus and the others.

The three figures who broke through the Marine siege were Kuina, Max, and a girl who of course was Sera.

After the three of them arrived at the side of Lepus and the others, Lepus looked at the Marines and spoke.

"Let us introduce ourselves."

Lepus then took off his mask and cloak.

"We are the Ouroboros Pirates! I'm the Captain, Rex Lepus. Nice to meet you~"

After Lepus, Brisa followed, taking off her mask and cloak, then introduced herself.

"Vice-captain, Brisa!"

Then Muret calmly continued.

"Ship Doctor, Muret."

Kuina slightly swinging her sword followed.

"Swordswoman, Shimotsuki Kuina."

Amber with a grin and clenched her fist introduced herself.

"Fighter, Nova Amber!"

And then, Max also introduced himself.

".... Member, Recht Max."

While Sera who just found out about this was quite surprised but finally understood the situation and followed her fiancé.

".... Member.... Lifths Sera."

After they all introduced themselves, Lepus smirked and said.

"Okay.... Let's get started! No need to kill!"

The Ouroboros Pirates are starting to move!

And so, that day the Marine base on Loggins Island was destroyed by the Ouroboros Pirates.

Hundreds of Marine soldiers were injured although not too badly and no one was killed.

However, Captain Anchoor, lost a leg due to this incident.

A week later, Captain Anchoor loses his rank and status as Marine after an incident investigation is carried out and he and his minions are found to have committed various acts that abused his authority.

Captain Anchoor and his minions were then dismissed with no respect and imprisoned.

And from this incident and truth about the high bountied criminals hunt, the name Ouroboros Pirates began to spread widely.

In an instant, the Ouroboros Pirates became the pirates with the highest bounty value in West Blue!

Their bounties include:

> Rex Lepus "Empty Hare" - 65.000.000 B

> Brisa "Chaos Maid" - 32.500.000 B

> Nova Amber "Berserker" - 21.500.000 B

> Shimotsuki Kuina "Moon Storm" - 20.000.000 B

> Muret "White Hand" - 19.000.000 B

Total Bounty: 158.000.000 B

A month later, Lepus and others received a great news!

Muret is pregnant!


#6th Member

Name: Recht Max

Epithet: Twin Fangs

Bounty: -

Position: Dual-wielder

Hometown: West Blue

Age: 21

DF: -

Haki: -

Skills: Gun-kata with dagger-gun combination.

Information: Former bounty hunter. Former Heir of a Mafia Family that elope with his fiancee.


#7th Member

Name: Lifths Sera

Epithet: -

Bounty: -

Position: Sniper

Hometown: West Blue

Age: 21

DF: -

Haki: -

Skills: Sniping. Gun-kata with a Sword-rifle.

Information: Former bounty hunter duet with Max. Max's childhood friend and fiancee. Gillian's younger cousin. A former Mafia Family's Daughter.


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