
Chapter 11

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On a merchant ship sailing the waters of East Blue, a young lad with tousled, black hair found solace on the guardrail of the deck, seemingly entranced by the vastness of the sea before him.

Cloaked in predominantly black attire, the boy adorned a peculiar ensemble – a white bottoming shirt secured by three belts. The top belt maintained standard width, the one below slightly narrower, and the third, only a finger's breadth wide. Strikingly, one end of these belts hung loosely, defying the typical waist-hugging convention. Paired with black pants and shoes, the ensemble was dominated by darkness, interrupted only by the white shirt and the boy's fair complexion, creating a unique and captivating aura.

The most conspicuous element of his attire, however, was the unconventional method of carrying his swords – unable to hang them conventionally at his waist while seated, the boy slanted them on his legs, presenting an unusual but intriguing sight.

Despite his relatively tender age, an undeniable air of distance surrounded him, discouraging any would-be approach. Yes, this was Vail, the adventurer who had set sail five days ago, leaving the familiar shores to explore the mysteries that awaited him.

Having acquired survival skills from a seasoned master, Vail embarked on this journey well-prepared. In contrast to his past life, where survival programs emphasized the bare essentials, he carried an assortment of items – ignition tools, salt, various seasonings, and a limited supply of medical aids, primarily needles and bandages. Notably, Vail discovered that activating 'Lightning mode' after sustaining an injury prevented infections, allowing wounds to heal in a matter of days.

Amidst the vastness of the sea, Vail found respite in his laptop, providing entertainment through downloaded movies, compensating for the occasional lack of network connectivity. The Pirate World, a realm defined by unique talents and wonders, left Vail overwhelmingly bored, seeking distraction in the limited pastimes available at sea.

Standing up, Vail adjusted the dual swords at his waist and made his way to the captain's room. There, a tall and thin middle-aged man greeted him. "I still have a few days until 'Arabella.' I'm growing impatient," Vail expressed, a plainness in his tone.

The middle-aged man responded with a reassuring smile, "Fear not, my swift guest. By this afternoon, we shall reach 'Arabella.' We sail straight for our destination." Despite the seemingly modest reward of "100 Berries," the middle-aged man admired the young child standing before him – a small figure, alone on a desert island, armed with a sword, yet capable of handling it skillfully. In the Pirate World, where age often belied one's capabilities, the middle-aged man recognized that this child possessed a certain prowess that transcended his apparent youth.

Post-conversation, Vail turned toward the deck, seeking solace in the warmth of the sun. The Pirate World, different from the anime landscapes he had known, lacked the exaggerated tropes of young heroes challenging death at every turn. Vail, now equipped with some formidable strength after intense training, chose a path of subtlety and caution, avoiding unnecessary confrontations as he navigated this mysterious realm.

Upon the arrival of the merchant ship at 'Arabella,' a seemingly deserted island, Vail grappled with a momentary confusion. Uncertain of his next steps, he took a contemplative stroll, pondering whether to familiarize himself with the terrain or strategize for what lay ahead. The island, almost entirely shrouded in dense forest, presented a dilemma for the young adventurer.

As he ventured deeper into the woods, Vail observed the peculiar nature of the Pirate World's forests. Despite their vast expanse, the trees stood slender, adorned with clinging vines, while the grass underfoot, though uniformly green, remained notably short, engaged in a silent competition for nutrients with the towering trees. Boredom, a companion during the days at sea, transformed into awe as Vail immersed himself in the captivating beauty of the forest.

However, nature, with its unpredictable ways, interrupted his contemplation. A sudden gust of wind prompted Vail's senses to heighten, and in an instant, he found himself facing an adversary. A colossal lion, standing over four meters tall, launched a surprise attack. Reacting with swift precision, Vail activated 'Lightning mode,' transforming his body into a light-blue blur, and engaged the lion in a fierce battle.

The ensuing clash left Vail wounded but exhilarated, the taste of triumph over adversity lingering in the air. The defeated lion lay in segments, a testament to Vail's newfound strength and swordsmanship. Sitting atop the headless body, Vail experienced a mixture of emotions – not just pain and discomfort, but an unexpected sense of excitement and happiness. As the forest echoed with the aftermath of the battle, Vail's resolve to grow stronger solidified.

In the aftermath of the confrontation, Vail's awareness sharpened. His encounter with the lion served as a stark reminder of the challenges that lay ahead. Bolstered by a strange cocktail of excitement and happiness, he reflected on the necessity of a formidable heart to complement his developing Strength and Sword Technique. The path to becoming a true Swordman, it seemed, involved not just physical prowess but a mental fortitude to face inevitable failures.

Adaptation became a crucial skill for Vail. In the moments following the battle, he chose not to linger, heeding the wisdom imparted by his master – in the face of significant bloodshed, it was best to leave immediately. If not for the need to acclimate to the brutal scenes of the Pirate World, Vail might have departed even sooner.

As Vail traversed the forest, his mind oscillated between the scenes of past battles and speculative scenarios of potential future encounters. Would beheading be the next trial, or perhaps an opening of the stomach? He entertained these thoughts with a curious mix of apprehension and anticipation, using them as mental exercises to fortify his optic nerve.

Finding refuge in the embrace of a large tree, Vail ascended, securing a vantage point to assess his surroundings. Sitting on the broad trunk, he delved into his bag, retrieving a needle, which he meticulously sterilized with fire. The small mirror he carried served as a makeshift operating theater as he began to suture his wounds, a practice he had come to realize was, in its own way, more torturous than the original injury.

The process of sewing wounds, Vail mused, was an intricate dance between mending and hurting, a tangled web of sensations and conflicting emotions. The aftermath of the procedure left him perched on the tree, a silent observer of the forest's symphony.

With the sewn wounds, Vail descended from the tree and resumed his exploration. The vigilant policeman within him, honed by recent experiences, remained on high alert. The next challenge appeared in the form of an elephant, similar in size to those of his past life. What followed was a tragic collision, as Vail, utilizing 'Lightning mode,' clashed with the elephant, leaving a trail of carnage in their wake.

The aftermath of this battle, though less satisfying than the lion encounter, left Vail less uncomfortable but still far from jubilant. Amidst the elephant's remains, he discovered a particularly well-positioned tusk, serving as a reminder of the intricacies of survival in the Pirate World.

Continuing his exploration, guided by the scent of blood from the elephant, Vail stumbled upon a cave – a natural stone house, as he termed it. The exterior presented a modest one-meter-wide entrance, leading to an internal space exceeding 20 square meters. Nature, it seemed, had provided him with an unintentional sanctuary.

Upon entering the stone house, Vail discovered remnants of past human habitation, likely left by Marines. Discarding the worn-out garments, he sought to make the space his own. Armed with his sword, he selected a sizable tree, severed it with a deft stroke, and activated 'Lightning mode' to expedite the crafting process.

Several water buckets, a rudimentary barbecue, and a wooden door for added concealment emerged from the hands of the determined adventurer. These improvised items not only enhanced his shelter but also served as a testament to Vail's resourcefulness and adaptability.

As night descended, Vail delved deeper into the forest, discovering a thick, dead tree. Employing his sword skills, he felled the tree and resumed the pruning process from earlier. This time, however, the endeavor resulted in a dry log and a small branch, fashioning a comfortable pillow.

Returning to the stone house with his handcrafted items, Vail observed the sky reddening as evening approached. Glancing at his black pocket watch, he noted the time – five o'clock. Swiftly, he set about securing the wooden door in the entrance, reducing the opening's size for added security.

With the preparations complete, Vail began his evening routine. A makeshift wooden bed awaited him, and as he reclined, thoughts of the day's adventures flooded his mind. The juxtaposition of encounters – a lion and an elephant – showcased the unpredictable nature of the Pirate World. Though the wounds lingered, Vail felt a sense of accomplishment, a step closer to the strength he sought.

Retrieving a black pocket watch, Vail checked the time once more – five o'clock. He quickened his pace, securing the wooden door to make the opening smaller. Outside, he initiated a makeshift barbecue, seasoning the meat and tending to it as it cooked. The aromatic spices wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of roasting meat.

As the evening progressed, Vail, having satisfied his hunger, retreated to the confines of the stone house. Lying on the wooden bed, he reflected on the day's exploits – the battles, the crafting, and the introspection. Amidst the quietude of the forest, Vail found a moment of tranquility, a respite from the tumultuous world he had entered.

Sleep enveloped him, and as the night unfolded, dreams intertwined with the rustling leaves and distant nocturnal sounds. Vail, in his makeshift sanctuary, embraced the mysteries of the Pirate World, eager to uncover the secrets that awaited him in the days to come. The stars above, silent witnesses to his journey, marked the passage of time as the adventurer rested, recharging for the challenges that lay beyond the stone walls of his forest refuge.


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