
One Piece: Biggest Scum in Marine History

At the Marine internal hearing, Marine executives conducted serious questioning on Marine's "scum" and North Blue Admiral Darren. "You have inappropriate relationships with royal princesses and noble ladies from many countries in the North Blue?" "I care about the people." Marine senior management:...... "Then how do you explain the ridiculously high pay for soldiers in the North Blue Marine you lead?" "Otherwise, relying on the salary from the headquarters, you will let others work for you?" Marine senior management: (ーー゛) "Why does the North Blue fleet possess Germa technology?" "Military-civilian cooperation, Germa 66 was inspired by my justice." Marine senior management: ( ̄o ̄) "How do you explain the unnatural deaths of Celestial Dragons in North Blue?" "Oh, it was a shipwreck... It's so unfortunate and I'm personally deeply sorry." Marine senior management: (‧_‧?) "Last question, how would you describe yourself?" Hearing this, Darren, who was the highest officer of Marine North Blue at the time, bit his cigar and smiled calmly: "I smoke, I drink, I'm greedy, I'm lustful, I fight for power, I cheat, I do everything, but I'm a good Marine." Marine senior executive:? ? ? Garp: The fucking old man can't take it anymore, Sengoku, don't stop me, I'm going to beat this kid up! ! Well, this is the story of a rebellious, depraved Marine scum.

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135 Chs

Chapter 87

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Chapter 87: Darren Must Not Let Anything Happen to Him

"Admiral Sengoku! What is that?" 

"Someone suddenly appeared on the island! He is fighting the World Pirates!" 

"In an instant! In an instant... except for Byrnndi Waldo, hundreds of pirates on the island have been killed!"

On the surface of the sea several nautical miles away from the target island, the Marine soldiers on the watchtower were observing the island with binoculars. They suddenly screamed excitedly:

"It's Colonel Darren! He showed up on the island!" 

"Killed hundreds of Byrnndi Waldo's men in an instant!" 


Sengoku exclaimed in astonishment. He hurriedly took the lookout glass handed to him by the guard and quickly searched in the field of vision. But at this moment, Polusalino, who was lowering his head to pick his nails, suddenly raised his head and said with a half-smile:

"There's no need to look for them. They're here."

Sengoku was startled when he heard the words. He then subconsciously opened his Observation Haki perception. As if he had sensed something, his pupils suddenly shrank into thin needles. He looked far away toWorlds the sky above the island among the clouds. 

Then, the eyes of all the Marines on the warship widened suddenly. Their mouths opened slightly, and their minds went blank, as if they had seen something unbelievable.

In the sky far away, one Marine warship after another pierced through the clouds. They flexibly switched camps high in the sky as if not controlled by wind and gravity, and lined up. A pair of black and huge heavy cannons protruded from the hull.

After a second of silence, they suddenly fired! The storm-like firepower covered the harbor of the deserted island like washing the ground, blasting clusters of crimson flames one after another, and then exploded into a blazing sea of flames. 

The tremors of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking continued to come from afar. The turbulent waves visible to the naked eye howled and churned in the offshore sea of the deserted island.

"The four pirate ships of the World Pirates... all destroyed..." 

In the dead silence, someone on the deck finally swallowed a mouthful of saliva and spoke hoarsely. With the breaking of the silence, all the Marines on the warship burst into cheers.

"That's our Marine's warship..." 

"That's right, the seagull flag of justice!" 

"But where did this Marine fleet come from?" 

"Flying Marine Fleet?" 

"We haven't received any signal of reinforcements from our headquarters..." 

"Wait! We're in North Blue!!" 

"Could it be..."

The Marines chattered and chatted. They immediately realized something and turned their eyes to their Marine Admiral in unison.

"Nice job!!!" 

At this moment, Sengoku suddenly swung his fist heavily and shouted excitedly. The wide cape of justice flaunted behind him. He gazed fiery and salivatingly at the North Blue fleet lined up in the sky, and his heart was beating wildly.

A Marine fleet that can fly freely in the sky! Darren, this brat, actually hides it so deeply!

The corner of Sengoku's mouth couldn't help but twitch into a hearty smile. As Marine Admiral, the most "resourceful" man in the justice camp, Sengoku knows better than anyone how important a flying Marine fleet is in war. 

Among other things, their old opponent, Golden Lion Shiki, relied on his Lion Fruit's ability to forcibly raise his pirate fleet into the sky. Its whereabouts are secretive and elusive. Even in the face of the encirclement and suppression of several times the number of Marine fleets, it can easily escape from the battlefield. Coupled with the incomparably powerful combat power of Golden Lion himself, he is completely invincible!

With such ability, Golden Lion Shiki surpassed Roger and Whitebeard in one fell swoop, becoming the pirate that caused the Marines the most headaches and fear. The Marines had been struggling to counter Golden Lion's powers, only able to adopt a defensive strategy.

But now, things were different!

If they could use Darren's abilities, maybe the Marines could create an invincible flying fleet. At that time, the fleet of justice could freely enter and exit the New World without impediment, reach every corner of the world, ignore the interference of currents and routes, and use the fastest speed and the most flexible strategy to fight against evil.

Thinking of this, Sengoku's heart raced with excitement. They even subconsciously ignored the fact that the North Blue fleet was equipped with far more powerful firepower than usual.

"Admiral Sengoku, shouldn't we take action?" Polusalino said with a smile.

Sengoku was stunned and suddenly realized this was the signal to attack.

"Attack with all forces! Advance at full speed!" he commanded, raising his hand in a serious gesture.

The moment the words left his mouth, the Marines on the warship sprang into action, raising the sails and turning the power engine to maximum.

"And Borsolino! What are you doing!? Hurry and get support!" Sengoku suddenly turned and roared angrily at Borsolino, who was still slowly adjusting his suit. "If anything happens to Darren, you are the only one I can rely on!"

Four pirate ships were sunk instantly, and Byrnndi Waldo was now in a desperate situation with nowhere to escape. What kind of counterattack would a cornered beast unleash? Darren was the only one on the desert island at that moment.

Borsolino raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and muttered, "Yes, yes, if I hadn't reminded you, you would have been so excited that you forgot to attack..."

His figure dispersed into countless golden photons, whizzing and shooting toWorlds the distant island. Watching the golden light swiftly leave, Sengoku was so anxious that his head was covered with cold sweat, and veins appeared on his clenched fists.

In any case, nothing should happen to Darren!

"Marine brat, you are courting death!" A furious shout echoed.

Byrnndi Waldo's eyes were bloodshot with rage. Looking at the coastline of the deserted island, which was "blossoming everywhere," he realized he had fallen into a Marine trap. The four pirate ships and thousands of his subordinates were wiped out in an instant by the devastating firepower of the North Blue fleet.

The Marine kid in front of him was just a Marine colonel; he couldn't keep him. That also meant... Sengoku must be nearby. But his escape route was cut off!


Byrnndi Waldo suddenly remembered something, and a ferocious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Darren kid, do you think you've cut off my retreat?" He took out a phone bug from his pocket. "Hahahahaha! You didn't expect this, did you? I still have a boat!"

He dialed the phone bug signal.

One second. Two seconds. Three seconds...

No response.

Byrnndi Waldo froze.

"It seems that your phone bug signal is not very good," Colonel Marine said with a half-smile.