
Chapter 3: First Encounter in Red Line

There are two methods of elevator the Rotor Company are using.

One is the cart that we're currently using who uses burst of momentum to push us up and/or down, while the other is only as slow as a flying balloon where Rotor Company uses as normal transportation, transfering materials or bunch people and etcetera. Just that, we used [Burst of Elevator] after my father commands his men in advance.

"So why do have we to use that instead of a normal Elevator!? That's a minute of hardship!"

I reprimand the person guarding the other end of the elevator, after arriving atop of the Red Line.

I look at my party who has trembling leg and purple faces, then at the man whose in charge of the other end of this elevator.

"Elevator?" with tilting head he muttered but continue "I-I'm sorry Boss, but Mr. Apache told us so" and with scratching his head, the guard apologize "Also, using normal Bondola would take your group 3 hours at most before arriving, so Mr. Apache strictly told us that your group should use the burst Bondola instead"

That old man said so, what is he up to? I know they created the other method for emergency purpose but, Urgh damn old man, I'll punch you later. I'm sure he is laughing his ass off right now, knowing my reaction.

Oh that's right, instead of an elevator, they called this thing [Bondola] instead.

If my memory serves me right, Navy is also using this kind of transportation towards the Marejois whose also in the red line. I see, so was it Rotor Company who created it? I'm curious, maybe I'll ask father Apache later.

"You guys are good to go now?" I'll let my party rested as they looked limped and weary but they shake their head off.

Well, I'll let them rest for a bit. So with that, I walked around where the company workers worked.

According to the fragment memory of mine, after arriving atop is another civilization but to think its just the workers of Rotor Company.

They quadrupled the count of combined Aegis Island and red mountain foot worker.

I see now, it make sense why Rotor Company and father is well-known and is a big company.

In this place, rests another 'Aegis Island' or a fortress like that in a popular anti-titan wall. And inside is where the workers of Rotor Company leisurely do their job.

Materials and minerals rested neatly in one place while some are sawing woods. Some are hammering while there's also this machine like that of a crane. There's also a place where rice field is separated from the aforementioned above. Surely, to make this place independent and self sustained.

And in this place that instead of a fantasy, its safe to assumed I'm inside the another advance civilize city or a construction site.

"May I ask what is the use of this wall?" I patted one of the worker as he answers politely, after:

"Ah yes, that wall serves us to stop the invading unknown creature lurking. There are many kinds of creature lingers beyond it so we created a wall to decrease the fear and anxiety of our workers"

Looking at me, he seemed to know my standings but well, its none of my concern. And its safe to say that father always introduced me to them, either that or they were informed of what was happening in the Aegis Island.

After a few more minutes or so, four of us gathered and arrive at the northernmost gate wall and another guard welcomed our group.

"Boss Apache told us in advance but sir, what's beyond this wall is uncharted territory, creature of unknown and..."

"It's alright, we know how dangerous what's beyond, just give us what my father told you" I rudely cut his words. Of course, what's next after adventure lurks danger. If we're not firm of what we believed, better yet we gave it up before entering the red line.

With that, the man quietly gave us another backpack, bigger than Jirod is using.

"Is there any notable place out there? For example, resting area, or the most dangerous we should be wary of" Sorting our items and whatnot of what's inside, I questioned him again.

"There is, oh right! here!" He then hand me a map. "That map covered the copy of only what we explored so far, there are many dangerous creature lurking from everywhere whilst sacrificed many, but that didn't stop us and instead what stopped us venturing is what's beyond after a certain incident"

"Incident? when was it?" perplexed, I ask.

"Two years ago, creatures mutated in unprecedented rate so we stopped and instead focus on constructing the wall, enough to defend from this indigenous creature and install traps in advance"

"Mutated? Do you have an idea where the source is?" but he only shook his head

"We hired many explorers and adventurers but either they die or losing some limbs and gain nothing, so instead we stop spreading our territory"

So, explorer and adventurers do exist in this world? Such fantasy world, indeed. Anyway, hearing his words like this and the urge of charging outside is kicking in, but we'll better be prepare than losing my party for nothing. I have the promise that I return this three to their family without scratch afterall, and I didn't bring them with me to be a canon fodder anyway.

So, with that in mind our preparation is officially finish as we leave the Aegis Fortress after.

By the way, I am informed that there is indeed a way to enter the White Sea through another Bondola, but that place is only the entrance towards the White White Sea, and going up there is useless if one doesn't have any types transportation such as ship.

Also, father once told me that what's beyond is only a trading island between Rotor Company and them, so going there in my opinion is utterly useless. After all, just like the island in Blue Sea, island in White White Sea is likely an archipelago. So yeah, one needed a ship to venture that sea, so I gave up the idea. There's a place that I wanted to go on that same Sea but lets leave that to the future.

And with that in mind, we finally departed.

: : :

"This is the first time I witnessed your ability, Sky, is there any inherent ability that Devil Fruit of yours other than eating?"

Fishing rod in his hand as it lays over his shoulder, Jirod looked at his companion and ask the man in front whose spreading its arm, forming a blue liquid-shaped that extends like a rope, eating grass in its wake in which, made him questioned his friend.

Although its only been a few month since Sikorsky lost his memory and the news about him eating the Devil Fruit, it spreads throughout the island whilst Jirod and others didn't find it weird right now. But just like he mentioned, this is the first time seeing Sikorsky's using his devil fruit in this way. After all, having the devil fruit is quite of, very rare.

"There is, according to my experience, slime can devour anything and store it and at the same time uses it as its own, I can also regenerate some inflicted wounds through reconstruction though I don't have an idea how much I could heal"

Sikorsky answered while leading their group. Jarvan besides them has pavise-type shield resting on his back, while Jiyah is at the very front above, jumping from tree to tree, serving as the group's scout.

"Something's coming!"

Jiyah's perky ear twitched with close fist signing towards their group, indicating them to stop. Thanks to her who has the blood of an elf, she's the most suitable in this job.

Momentarily, Jarvan equipped his shield and taking the lead, pummel it unto the ground. "Formation ready!"

Thanks to the formation Sikorsky once presented, the other three knows their position in advance.

Its like this:

As a Shield-bearer and bear the will of Aegis Island Militia Soldier, Jarvan serves as their team's front line, or the "Main Tank"

Using his fishing rod on the other hand, Jirod is their "kiter" if there are multiple enemy present but right now, he's the secondary tank and also their "damage dealer"

With her agility and maneurability, Jiyah can attack an enemy from above or below trees using her bow and arrow. She's their "range DPS" and responsible for small enemies and support.

While Sikorsky on the other hand will fill the gap where their formation lacks, so he's an all-rounder per se.

Momentarily at the battlefield, the said hostile creature finally arrived, bulldozing grasses and small trees along the way, charging towards the party.

With its semi-curved horn with greyish color hide don with metal-like carapace on its back, big physique, husk and legs, this creature is none other than the rhinoceros, but its height is quadruple more than that of an adult elephant.

What's more. . .

"It has scratched on both side of the leg!"

"Leave it like that, just don't let your guard down!"

Jiyah explained but Sikorsky ordered them to stick to the original plan.

"This thing, is bigger than the Sea King we defeated!" In front, Jarvan snickered and sweated violently, welcoming the charging creature.

"Red Line, is it?" running not far from the side, Jirod muttered. Indeed, this place is different than the Aegis Island. Just their first encounter and its a tough looking one already.

"Commence!" atop of the tree, Jiyah pulled her arrow at the same time, aiming towards the said creature.

"Don't overdo it, warmonger bastards!" Sikorsky grin after noticing the trio's aura as it changed incomparable to when they talked casually.

Contrary to his expectation, this three is eager to fight this monster head-on.

'But this is what you call a real 'Party', heheh' Never did he notice that he wore more excited expression than the trio.

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