
Chapter 15

Ikari and his crew of five walked onto the mud pavement. It unnerved them to explore the island. The climate was gloomy and dark, it was unsettling to not see the sunlight.

"This is one edgy island, I tell ya. " voiced Penguin and glanced around the area, all of a sudden, he saw a silhouette. "Now, there are ghosts. This is a haunted island! Did the record truly tell that there is a kingdom in this godforsaken place?"

Shachi tightly held his scabbard and his right hand on its hilt. "Yeah, the wench said that it came from her father. So it should be credible, at least. And it is old, kingdoms rise and fall. "

"True. This island looked ravaged by war. Those ruins," Ikari pointed at the building with moss growing in it. "It must be years ago, this Muggy Kingdom is unfortunate enough to not survive the war. "

Rustle! Rustle!

Ikari turned his head to the sound, activating his observation haki. He heard voices and felt a presence aside them. "They are strong... Be careful."

As his words fell, the rustling of the bushes and trees intensified. "What the hell is happening?" asked Caribou.

Penguin had a grim expression. "You should have doubled your haki training. Look at how unaware you are at the moment. If not for the captain noticing them, we'll be caught off guard. "

"Now, now, don't bully the poor newbie. " sounded Law. "It took you years of beating from sensei to sense her intent, you should be ashamed of yourself. "

"Huh...!? What was that all bout? Still not getting over on our last mission? " Penguin taunted.

"Be quiet! Bickering like little kids. " Ikari scolded. "They are here, you can take this as a practice match Caribou. Perceive their intent, strength, and aura. They are different from humans, only exhibiting their carnal instinct. You'll not be confused... "

Caribou nodded and his tongue whipped on his lips. "Kehihihi! The captain is more a skilled mentor than Penguin. Even his words enlightened me already. "

Caribou was about to attack the humandrills when Ikari spoke. "Don't be complacent on your fruit. They may not have haki, but they are still strong enough to make you fall. "

Caribou nodded and dashed unto the humandrills. They were a type of monkey, but this type of mandrill suffered from war. They learned to wield a sword and spear that humans used.

Caribou faced two humandrills that both wielded a cutlass and barraged him with countless slashes. He heeded Ikari's advice and only dodge their attacks. Caribou still hadn't had the slightest clue about the beast's intent and emotion. "It is difficult to sense their emotion!"

"Continue to anticipate their attacks. Beginners still hadn't developed their empathy, you should be able to hear 'voices'. " Ikari began to instruct him like what his mother did.

Caribou nodded and started to close his eyes. His logia devil fruit helped a lot in receiving deadly cuts. He can train with no care for his well-being as he can instantly phase through their slashes.

Ikari left Caribou to his own devices and started to explore the peculiar island. Law, Bepo, Shachi, and, Penguin followed behind him. There were many encounters with humandrills but they only disarmed them and continued strolling.

"Look!" Law pointed at the distant castle, it was painted in white with blues on the side. "I think that the architect wasted such a valuable opportunity to paint it black, matching this gloomy atmosphere."

"Yeah. Such a waste. " Ikari began to make his way to the castle. "Oh, there are farms here. Fresh veggies. "

Ikari was greeted with a black gate, it spanned across the field. "Are there any buzzers here? Or we should just knock...?"

"Why knock? We can just open this and enter. " inquired Shachi.

Ikari glanced at the window, he saw a silhouette and instantly turned his observation haki on. "We are not savages. Mom should have taught you manners... He didn't mean what he just said just now. "

"Who are you talking to... " Bepo trailed his voice and saw a man step outside of the castle. He had a hat with a green feather attached to the side. There was a black blade on his back, the hilt had an emerald glint.

"'Hawkeyes' Dracule Mihawk, the strongest swordsman in the world, holder of the legendary Yoru. One of the supreme-grade swords. " Ikari noted all he knew about the legendary man in front of them. "It is nice meeting you here, I didn't know that you resided on this island. "

Dracule Mihawk gazed at the man speaking before him. "To what do I owe the pleasure to meet the super rookie of the north blue? 'Silver Tongue' it seems that the nickname suits you. "

Ikari scoffed at the mention of his nickname. "That damned Drake... " he mumbled under his breath. "Curious, our first island would be the territory of one of the warlords of the sea... If you'll excuse us."

"You have just arrived, and don't bother leaving. The log pose will finish recording this island's magnetic field until a week." Mihawk revealed the vital information for their journey.

"Would you be so kind to allow, our humble selves, to reside in your mansion?" Ikari inquired.

Mihawk nodded and opened the gate. "Don't worry, I won't go out of my way to arrest you. So you can speak like a normal person. "

Ikari still had his guard up. "Whatever do you mean?"

"You know what I mean... "

Ikari had an idea, not so good idea that will likely get him killed. "Care for a duel? I have been training my way of sword since I was five years old. Having this opportunity wasted is foolish for an aspiring swordsman. Let me witness the strength and swordsmanship of the strongest swordsman in the world."

Ikari unsheathed his Uzuki Kitetsu and coated the blade with hardened armament haki. "I shall refrain from utilizing my devil fruit ability. My skill with swords will be tested. "

"Very well, then so be it. " Dracule Mihawk turned to face Ikari. "Then, as a swordsman myself, I will personally use Yoru. Come!"

Law, Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin took multiple steps back, avoiding the confrontation between the two skilled swordsmen.

Ikari gripped his katana with both hands. "It is my first time experiencing this kind of excitement. I have yet to meet my match, holding out against a man of your caliber shall be the testament to the years of hard work I put into my sword skill. "

Mihawk observed Ikari's sword and his eyes lit up. "It seems that your katana has faced countless battles. It is on the verge of attaining the realm of the black blades. "

"My father was a samurai and daimyo of udon in Wano. So, it is possible to assume that this katana faced countless battles. It could also be due to my devil fruit, this sword has accompanied my training for nine years. Meaning, that it withstood almost a decade of heat and cold, as I can manipulate temperature." he said with enthusiasm.

Ikari and Mihawk stared at each other for a full minute. Never taking a step from their spots since Ikari stopped talking.

Clang! Clang!

Soon, they both dashed forward and clashed with their swords meeting each other.

Tak! Tak!

Ikari took a step back after the first confrontation. He had his observation haki at full speed. His perception seemed to stop for a moment and he immediately leaped. "Uzuki One Sword Style,"

Swish! Swish!

"Moonlight Sonata!" a rhythmic clanging sounded from their frontal assault. Yoru against his Uzuki Kitetsu.

They both took a step back again, Mihawk had his sword raised in the sky. Readying his stance, "Midnight Sky!"


A green light shot out from his downward swing. "Truly the strongest slash in the world," Ikari mumbled under his breath, the terrifying emerald light continued ravaging its way toward him.

"Uzuki One Sword Style," he took the katana horizontal to his left shoulder. "Ragnarok!"


Ikari used, for the first time, the armament haki emission in a battle. His mastery over armament haki paled in comparison to Dracule Mihawk's.

Screech! Screech!

He managed to block Mihawk's emerald slash but he slid a few meters from his previous position.

"Finally, a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!" Mihawk this time had a smile of his own.

"Being at the top did bother you, huh...?" Ikari mused and strode forward.

"I had a rival until he lost an arm. I lost interest as he was not the same as he used to be. " Mihawk reminisced.

"'Red Hair' Shanks was your rival? It is a pleasant surprise. " Ikari said. "Shall we dance?" he had a maddening grin plastered on his face.


They both simultaneously jumped into battle.

Clang! Clang!

With their swords clashing against each other, they had smiles as they fought.

Ikari took this opportunity to train his emission armament haki in battle. He knew that pressure brings out his true potential. Always doing the same routine bored him. If not for his revenge, he would stop swinging his sword.

Mihawk also felt that as they clashed with each other. Ikari seemed to improve his fighting style, creating unique ways to utilize his emission armament haki. Mihawk indulged him in his endeavor, only when Ikari truly becomes stronger will he enjoy himself.

July 28, 2022.

Parasyte32creators' thoughts
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