

Marcus an army officer, joined the army when he left college, and work till he become an army officer in the navy. Everyday living a average life, watching anime and dreaming. one day walking home he sees a girl that were about to be run down by a car, instinctively he ran straight towards her and push her away but he got crashed instead.

"what the hell that was nuts" Marcus said he look around the white room, seeing a figure of an old man sitting on a chair.

"hello where am i" Marcus asked

"hello there mortal i am what you called a god, now usually when you die you get judged and sent to either heaven or hell but because you saved my daughter i will reincarnate you in another world and grant you three 3 wishes." God said

"ok this is cliche much" marcus said as he was deep thought about what wishes he wants.

"ok i would like to be reincarnated into one piece, and for my first wish i would like the ability to learn and teach nen to others, and i would also like to affinity to all nen categories as well, for my second wish i would like to have a body that would be extremely adaptable and talented in all types of martial arts, and for my final wish i would like a library that contains all the scientific and martial arts style in the world." Marcus said excitedly

"ok that can be done oh and you will also be reincarnated as a prince of a run down country" God said as he open a portal that sucks marcus away.

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