
An Idea For Jade and Jode??

Hi guys, its your boiiiiiii Carlos here with a question! The next chapter will be out somewhere around 10pm today so make sure you stay awake for that....now on to my reason for being here

It involves the Gum Gum Devil fruit and how to work it. Since this IS a fan fiction, I'm able to bend things as I please but I prefer not to change things too much so heres my idea......Have Jade possess the Gum Gum powers and not be able to swim but Jode is a pure fighter without this advantage (Cause lets be honest, if Jode had this, he'd be too OP)

How this works in my fan fiction is that the devil fruit recognizes that there is TWO people inside of one body and decided to choose only one person....its just an idea

Let me know what you guys think in the comments section while I go and finish that other chapter

Stay beautiful peeps

Next chapter