3 Testing time

I turned Kanjuro...

I mean, I basically have a paramount of creating ink just like his, so... I took his place in the story?

That's what I thought at first while looking at the big black puddle on the floor. But I soon found out I was probably wrong.

How did I figure that out? Well, let's just say no matter how hard I tried or imagined, none of my drawings came to life.

I drew a fish (very badly done) on the floor with my finger and it didn't come off the floor no matter how much I concentrated on it, nothing happened.

Besides having a strange feeling every time I tried to imagine the drawing coming to life, as if I was doing something wrong.

So I started to experiment more to find out what the real extent of my power was.

First I went with what I already knew and started pouring ink from the palm of my hand, it was something simple and powerful considering the force that the liquid was expelled along with its surface tension and density.

Ahh, how useful it was to be a good chemistry student at times like this.

I used some trees as targets of my 'paint cannon' to see the result, and my friend, the bark of the tree was well screwed. With that I discovered that the greater the surface tension of the liquid the greater the damage caused.

I created several liters of paint and so the ground and my clothes were completely soaked.

Normally I don't like to get dirty with sticky liquids like this, but it was strange.

I didn't care about this paint, it was comforting to be covered with it. Like it was a childhood toy that gave you good memories.

I felt like my element was like my best friend, and we were symbiotic.

It explained why the guy who controlled poison always got covered in toxic liquids, and it also explained why Smoker got a cigar lit all the time.

After that I continued with new tests, this time making the ink move with my mind, telekinesis style.

It worked like a beauty. The ink would come together and go up in a cylindrical, rounded shape as it went from side to side as I wanted. But in a matter of minutes my body became very tired.

This proved that my power is very limited, I had expected that. After all, I had only been able to do it a short time ago.

I had several bodily problems thanks to the excessive use of my ability.

Tiredness, weakness, sleep and several others. Hunger was the worst, it seemed I hadn't eaten for days. Finally I can understand a little better how Sanji felt, even though I still don't agree at all.

I picked some of the fruit I had that was now stained with paint, it was easy to clean as the paint came out with a little mental command leaving them clean as before.

I could control the movement of the ink, this had already been proven by the jets that could change direction just by thinking. That opened up a good range of uses.

I put a blue apple in my mouth and bite... The taste was new and sweet as a pear, with a few more bites the fruit was reduced to a small stump in seconds.

And so it was the next fruit and then my stock was reduced to nothing in a matter of minutes.

I had even stopped wondering if they could be poisonous or not and even forgot to feel the varied tastes, it was just to fill an almost endless void...

In the end I was still hungry... Power really comes with bigger problems than I imagined.

My mind wandered between hunger and rationality, one side wanted to train more to discover new things while the other wanted to eat, eat MORE.

But then I thought... Why not do both at the same time?

That's why I'm now going back on my old path in search of a tree full of fruit that I had ignored because it was too tall.

I was short so I could do anything back then. However, I am not the same now.

I try to control the paint on my body, as if it were an extra appendix. My first thought was to copy something like the power of ReZero's Petelgeuse.

The ink would build up and stretch out of my clothes in the form of a long, dark hand, it was strange to see that in real life, surreal in fact.

With a little concentration I controlled the paint from the floor so that it would go up and join with the arm increasing its volume and before I knew it, I had a pseudo-paint arm over 3 meters long in my control.

My idea was that with an increase in the already high surface tension of a paint it should be possible for me to bring fruits that are solid without them passing through the liquid.

Hoping that only imagination was needed, I tested this hypothesis by making the ink hand climb towards the fruits and grab one of them. Then I pulled and it came together without any resistance.

Soon after I was eating several fruits again happy to have found out more about my powers. I can not only create paint, but control it from a distance and even change its basic chemical properties.

This opened a margin for so many new possibilities, my curious side was tingling with excitement.


My head feels a little shock, as if it were instinctive, warning that something was wrong. I didn't know why, but I was sure the warning came from my ink.

An uncomfortable feeling, as if something was making direct contact with it. I was stepping on it.

Carefully, I walk behind the plants in the direction the ink pointed to me and find the cause of the problem, or better, the causes.


POV - DAYU (A few minutes ago)

"Are you sure this is the way?"

"Of course I'm an idiot... Unlike you I have a good driving sense," I say wiping the sweat on my forehead.

It was hot as hell on this island, I really didn't want to stay here anymore. But, I had no choice.

The boss was very angry that we'd brought so few supplies and said we should go back or he'd kill us right there.

I didn't want to die...

Now I'm back with my dumb brother on the way to the place we were before to get lion meat. Our captain said they have interesting market value.

So me and him got guns and ammunition for the fight, hopefully not too many...


"What is now Akio?" I was already pissed off with that chatterbox, he can't seem to keep his mouth shut ever.

When I turn my face I realize that he was staring at something out front, it looked very strange, with the ground and trees almost completely dark. "What the fuck is that?"

I leave my gun in my hands ready to fire, not knowing what could cause such a thing. My brother perceives my actions and does the same, but with his body trembling as it was, I was afraid that he would accidentally pull the trigger.

"Stop shaking like a little girl, are you a pirate or not?"

"B-But you're shaking too."

"Shut up." This idiot thinks he can disrespect me like this, I should leave him as bait. Grrr, if he just wasn't my brother...

A few moments later we finally arrived on the scene, it was like the part of the forest we were in earlier except for one small detail.

It was all destroyed and dirty with black paint, as if a giant squid had had a fight with another giant squid.

It was pretty scary to think what the hell could do that. I'm not staying here any longer.

"Hey Akio, I think we should..." I closed my fist in anger as I looked at my brother who was playing with the black liquid.

"What are you doing, you idiot!?"

"Huh? I was just seeing what kind of liquid that is..."


Before Akio finished his sentence a huge black jet hit him throwing him away.

"But what?" I turned my face to the direction the jet came from in search of the origin, but it was too late. Another jet was coming and this time in my direction, I didn't have enough time to shoot nor to divert.

In the final moments of my consciousness I could only feel like a trapped animal. Then a giant force hit my body and I saw black, only black.

And goodbye consciousness.
