
One Piece - Supreme King

Once your average 15-year-old; now the son of an exiled celestial dragon and a member of the clan of D. Will Achilles search for Wealth, Fame, and Power? Or will he be content to live on the sidelines whilst watching everything play out? One thing is for certain, things will definitely be interesting, especially in the era of Rocks. >>>>>>>>>>> *Cover Image isn’t mine *I don’t own One Piece *AU I will also be posting this on royalroad.com as well once it is approved >>>>>>>>>>> Join the Discord server, as there is news on updates, and chapter images, and you can ask any questions you have about the story. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/NMmtDbwHVQ

noname_marco · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

The Helix Pirates

[ 3/27/1482- Next Day ]

[ Word Count 2030 ]

" Hello" - Speec

' Hello' - Thoughts

*Boom* - Sounds


( Achilles' Pov )

" What's the matter, Masterson?"

" You nervous?"

I asked looking at him. He was sweating a little and was walking around the ship as the Voyager headed for Red Sand Island.

The rest of the crew and I were standing around the deck of the ship doing our thing as the ship kept moving.

We were each doing our own thing with me steering the wheel, Bullet was reading a book, and Marco was training with his sword. And I was steering the ship towards the Red Sand Island.

It was still early in the morning, so most people are sleeping right now. Hopefully, most of the Helix Pirates aren't awake either when we bomb them to Kingdom King.

" Hey, guys I've been wondering about this since yesterday. If the knowledge of the Helix Pirates base is widely known, why don't the Marines attack and capture them." Marco asked the crew.

" Probably cause they have the Marines in their pocket. And second, cause their too strong for the Marines in the North Blue to deal with."

" And if our guess is right, they have some connections with the Hutts as well. Giving them more protection to rely on." I answered Masterson while a small size island, well at least in the One Piece world, appeared in our sights.

The island had a massive flat top in the back which extended all the way to the front and even the ocean a little. The mountain had the shape of a giant's foot. It had a beach in the front although the sand was colored red it didn't look natural at it. I could see dead human bodies just laying around the beach.

The island had several hills and on top of the highest one was a castle. Guess we know where to find them. The island was barely defended with anything, with no cannons stationed on the island or any form of watchtowers.

I guess they are that confident no one will dare to attack the. Well, they are about to be in for a rude awakening.

[ Red Sand Island > Image Here ]

" Guess that explains why they call it Red Sand Island." I heard Marco whisper looking at the end.

" So we can't attack from the back which leaves one option just charging straight in," Bullet said to me.

" No we have another option, let's just bomb from away and maybe it will kill them all," I said to him as this was probably our safest option. Deliver freedom and justice by bombing the shit out of it just like the Founding Fathers intended. And if our luck is good, we won't have to fight at all either.

" Huh, that works," Masterson said a little surprised I since figured he thought we have we just charge in and have this massive ass fight. But I didn't want to do that since we don't know anything about the Helix Pirates.

" Get the cannons ready, I'm gonna get the ship in range," I ordered as the guys started bringing all the cannons we had which were around 20 to the deck along with the cannonballs.

[ 5 Minutes Later ]

The ship is now currently 60 feet away from the island. And while we were doing it some of the pirates saw us but it was too late as we started raining down freedom on the island.

* Boom *

* Boom *

* Boom *

Was all I could hear with the crew firing all the cannons we had toward the castle. Most of them hit the castle which I hoped killed William. The castle was broking down with the rubbles hitting those who were in the lower levels and killing them as well.

" Who in the fuck did this!"

Could be heard from the island sounding like the man was on the brink of going insane.

" Well, guess the Captain is still alive," Masterson said with a chuckle to hide his nervousness. I steered the ship to the island since we ran out of cannonballs. And to finish off the remaining pirates alive on the island.

' I was hoping for too much. I should have known something like this won't kill William. But at least we managed to kill of almost all of the Helix Pirates with like 15 pirates left alive.'

" Marco, go all out if your life is in danger. And deal with the remaining grunts as well."

" Bullet and Masterson, you two deal with Charles if he's still alive," I ordered as the ship got close enough to the island and jumped down from the ship to the island.

' There you are.' I thought to myself sensing the biggest presence on the island with my observation haki who should be William.

I started using Moon-Walk to get over the hill where I sensed William was. Bullet and the rest of the crew started attacking the remaining pirates that are alive.

I managed to reach the top of the last hill where a tall blond dude around 7 ft was standing with an eye patch over his left eye looking pissed. I honestly thought that man was about to go insane as his right eye was going almost turning from pure rage.

He was also half naked since he wasn't wearing any shirt, just a pant. Looking like the man just woke up from his sleep which he most likely did.

[ Captain William > Image Here ]

( Switching To 3rd Person Pov )

" So it's your —-- before William could finish his sentence, Achilles appeared behind him and landed a kick to the head sending him crashing to his now broken down castle.

Achilles didn't do any of his usual greetings when he fought against his opponents. This dude required all of his attention to fight otherwise, he'll be dead. He could sense the strength of William with his observation haki. Which was far greater than anyone he fought before.

[ When he awakened his observation haki, he could barely use it so he didn't sense his dad and mom's strength. ]

" Ah, I see now, your Achilles. And those guys below should be your crew. Rather brave of you to attack my stronghold with just 4 people." William said after getting up with no apparent damage. And calmed himself down as well.

" I suppose you will die braver than most," Williams said before dashing towards Achilles at a rapid speed.

' Fast', Achilles thought to himself as he dodge a barrage of attacks from William using his observation haki.

' What's going on, why is my arm bleeding.' Achilles grabbed William's right hand as he was about to punch him but once again he started getting cut by grabbing William.

Achilles jumped back to get some distance and figure out what devil fruit William has eaten. Which wasn't that hard to figure out as several blades spurted out of William's hand and started spinning making a loud sound from how fast the blades were spinning.

' Ah fuck, that's the fruit Bonez guy had.' Achilles said to himself trying not to get his body sliced wide open.

As the two Captains duked it between them, the pirates below them started fighting as well.

" So I'm guessing your Charles, the Slasher?" Masterson asked a slender man with a square-like face, long sharp fingernails, and purple hair curled upwards in the shape of a hook. He had very thin glasses going around his entire head.

[ Eric The Slasher > Image Here ]

" And your Bullet, The Iron Gaint. I heard quite a bit about you. The perfect soldier from Galzburg, born and raised in war itself." Eric said to Bullet who now had a thin amount of metal armor surrounding his legs, arms, and chest.

Eric just completely ignored Masterson which just annoyed him.

" Enough talking," Masterson said interrupting the talk as he fired two bullets at Eric who simply got out of the way while also blocking a punch from Bullet at the same time and kicked him to the stomach blasting him away. Bullet got up pretty quickly as the kick didn't do that much damage and his armor protected him a little.

" I'll teach you brats the foolishness of your actions. Weaklings like you shouldn't even be pirates." Eric said with his nails growing longer and sent out three slashes of razor-sharp wind from his finger towards Bullet and Masterson.

The slashes shredded everything in their paths but fortunately for the duo, they managed to evade it in time.

' That's gonna be a problem.' Both Bullet and Masterson thought at the same time looking at the damage the attack caused.

" Your crew is too weak to challenge us," Eric said as he kept firing winded slashes.

" Fuck, this guy is more trouble than we thought he would be," Bullet said as he built a giant wall created from reshaping swords, cannonballs, and the ground below them. Anything Bullet could get a hold of.

" At least Marco is doing fine," Masterson said to Bullet behind the shield as it barely withstood the attacks.

Marco was fighting against the grunts that survived their initial attacks which were about 10 people in total. Something Marco can deal with quite easily.

" Distract him for a second," Bullet said to Masterson as he started forming a giant metal hand in his right-hand similar to a certain red-haired pirate in the future.

" Fine, but I'm not sure for how long I can fight him," Masterson said firing multiple shots at an angle from behind the shield which was starting to crumble away.

" You can't hurt me at all," Eric screamed cutting the bullets in half with his slashes.

" I know I can't hurt you but he can," Masterson said as Bullet used shave to appear above Eric with a giant metal fist.

" Eat this, you bastard!!" Bullet screamed out as he smashed Eric to the head with the giant metal fist.


The whole island heard the loud explosion as Bullet's attack destroyed the ground where they fighting at. The attack didn't make cracks but just up made a giant hole.

" Seems like your Vice Captain is done." Achilles said with a smile to William looking down below at the destruction Bullet caused.

" Shouldn't you be worried about yourself?"

"After all you can barely fight me without losing your arms."

" You talk too much." Achilles said to Willaim sending out multiple air punches toward him.

" Very well, prepare for your death." William said with both of his hands becoming sharp blades and managed to cut one of the air punches in half while tanking the other attacks head on.

' Well fuck.' Achilles said to himself evading a sword slash from William which cut the ground in half.

" Are you gonna stop holding back or what? Don't think I didn't notice you were just gauging my level of strength so far."

" Have you seen enough now? If you don't stop holding back, I might kill you before you could even blink."

" Yeah, I guess your right."

" Now then let's get down to business," Achilles said for the first time to go all out against someone in the North Blue other than his parents which he doesn't count as opponents.


And that's the end of the chapter folks.

That's it, hope you enjoyed it, peace with all that said, I legit hope you guys actually enjoyed this chapter. Take me a while to read and edit everything, maybe like 2 and a half hours.

So with all that said, if you like the chapter drop some power stones, I would appreciate and it helps with getting the story more viewers and thus more famous.And it makes my ego bigger, lol.

Also, leave some comments as well if you want. You can leave a review as well on what I can improve on. Like seriously leave some comments so I know people are reading my story. And Im not writing to the void.

If there's anything I can improve or made any mistakes let me know as well.

Join the discord server if you want to as well.

Server Link: https://discord.gg/NMmtDbwHVQ
