

"My arms, where are my arms ... AH, MY ARMS, WHERE ARE MY ARMS ?!"

I continued to scream with all my might while looking horrified where my arms were supposed to be; All I had were bandages that covered most of my chest.

Crazed by the loss of my limbs, someone broke into the room where I was. I did not look at it, my mind and all my person was in shock.

I screamed for a few more seconds until I felt my heavy eyelids, I did not even feel that I had been injected.


Unknown time after I woke up, but now calmer.

I did not want to believe that I had lost my arms, but I know there was nothing to do; I had assimilated the memories of this body.

Yes, I am a foreign person in this child body.

I do not remember the cause of my death, but, I'm sure I lived to be an older adult. Also, from the memories of the previous body I knew that I was in the world of One Piece.

The sailors, pirates, bandits and a map with very separate islands confirmed it to me.

"Now, What am I going to do. I am only ten years old and my arms were amputated due to an infection. Being a pirate? I would need to be very strong to travel the free world without having to fear dying. Bandit? No, it's almost the same as being a pirate, only that most stay on the islands for a certain time. Marine? It may be a good idea, even if they are under world government and even have to protect the celestial dragons, only those with the highest command have contact with them. I can do like Garp and stay in that position. "

Leaving aside the revolutionary army because it would be very difficult to find them, and I do not think they accept anyone.

Long time to think about my indecisive future, I close my eyes to go back to sleep. Mir wounds are cool and I do not want to risk it.


I woke up abruptly from the alarms and explosive noise outside my room.

No matter how nervous I was, I got out of bed and tried to leave the room. When I got closer I realized that there was no way to open it.

I gritted my teeth in anger at my uselessness.

I was pacing the room from side to side as the explosions continued non-stop outside.

Unknown time after the noise ceased. Minutes later the metal door of my room opened and a uniformed person of marine recruit entered.

"You have to go out, the ship is sinking. We're evacuating. "Without bothering to say anything else, he ran to the next rooms.

Following the crowd I went outside and finally I could breathe fresh air. I looked with astonishment at the sky and the vast sea. I also observed how the ship had a lot of damage and black smoke spread all over the place.

When I was about to ask how we were going to get out, a big explosion shook the damaged ship. The ship was shaken too much causing it to fall to the ground.

Everyone ran away when they felt that the ship was beginning to sink; In the distance he looked at another marine vessel approaching at full speed. Hailing with happiness, the recruits and all the passengers of the damaged marine vessel jumped into the sea or to lifeboats.

I tried to do the same but before even doing it the marine vessel was shaking again and was sinking much faster.

Scared, I ran but unfortunately when I touched the water I started to feel physically and mentally tired.

"What's happening to me…? Feeling weaker and weaker, I grabbed hold of the ship's rail and crawled with the little strength I had left.

In the end I was trying to swim.

Feeling that it is near the end, something itched on my low sword.

And when I was sinking along with the ship, I could see how ten tentacles were stuck in the lifeboats preventing it from falling to the bottom of the sea.

In the end I saw how a human figure launched from the surface and swam towards me. I could not see its characteristics to know who it was, but what I did know is that the ten tentacles began to return to my body.

The darkness embraced me when I knew I was safe.

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