
103 Revolution Army Become a Scapegoat

As soon as Blackbeard said these words, everyone around him was shocked.

Doflamingo's eyes widened in shock, he began to click thing together about Blackbeard goals here was, and he, Donquixote Family, are all just a chess piece in Blackbeard board

"Is this your scheme?"

Doflamingo asked with unbelievable eyes.

Although he didn't know how Blackbeard learned about the relationship between Sabo, Ace, and Luffy, Blackbeard's action was like a bait to start war with another formidable force in the sea.

Sabo, as a member and Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, being handed over to the Marines... not only concerns the Marines but also warrants caution from the World Government itself.

After all, the power of the Revolutionary Army is huge!

It's highly likely that Sabo's capture will lead to a direct war between the Revolutionary Army and the World Government.

"Blackbeard, I've heard rumors about you ever since I became an Admiral. Though I can't see you clearly, I can discern your cunning nature through your actions!" 

Fujitora stated with a heavy tone

"Blackbeard, you are really a dangerous person..." 

Vice Admiral Tsuru stared at Blackbeard with her wise eyes and sighed.

The top brass of the Marines looked at Sabo, whom Blackbeard had delivered to their doorstep, and felt a headache coming on.

"I'm mainly worried you might gang up on me, so I thought I'd do you a favor, don't you think?" 

Blackbeard chuckled, observing the tense expressions of everyone around him

That's the reaction he's aiming for.

If Sabo is handed over to the Marines, the World Government will have to carefully consider whether to take action against him.

Because the Revolutionary Army, led by the Dragon, will fight for Sabo, keeping a close watch on the World Government at all times.

Shortly after, Blackbeard and his crew leave Dressrosa aboard the Ghidorah, sailing into the depths of the sea.

This made it difficult for the Marines to track their location and ascertain their whereabouts.


At the same time, everything that happened in Dressrosa has spread around the world, causing a sensation in the world!

No one anticipated that Blackbeard, on the brink of facing a Marine encirclement and suppression, could use Sabo to create a conflict between the Revolutionary Army and the World Government.

Anyone with understanding can see that this is actually Blackbeard's strategy to escape!

His move to escape from the incoming crisis shocked countless people!


The Island of White Earth, Baltigo.

This is the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

When the news of Sabo's handover to the Marines by Blackbeard reached here, the atmosphere at the entire Revolutionary Army headquarters grew tense.

Inside the huge conference room.

Monkey D. Dragon, leader of the Revolutionary Army, wearing his iconic green coat, with a red tattoo pattern adorning his left face. While his expression remained calm, his heart was anything but peaceful.

As the Chief of Staff, Sabo held huge importance for the future of the Revolutionary Army.

Now that Blackbeard has handed Sabo over to the Marines, as the most dangerous enemies of the World Government, Sabo, as a key member of our Revolutionary Army, will undoubtedly face a cruellest trial.

He has now summoned many high-ranking figures of the Revolutionary Army

Today, they must make a critical decision: whether to rescue Sabo or not!

"Blackbeard is truly crazy character, putting his schemes directly over our heads" 

Dragon remarked.

"Dragon, don't worry about Blackbeard for now. What's our plan now that Sabo's been captured?" 

Ivankov asked with concern.

"Yeah, Sabo must be suffering right now."

Koala said with tears in her eyes, her voice trembling.

She was deeply concerned about Sabo's safety now.

"We will definitely rescue Sabo, but not at this moment" 

Dragon replied solemnly.

"Why? Shouldn't we save Sabo first? Just thinking about him in the hands of the World Government makes me so restless. They won't just let Sabo go to prison!" 

Koala burst into tears and completely lost it.

"Calm down Koala, take it easy. Let's hear what Dragon has to say" 

Ivankov replied to Koala.

At that moment, Dragon stood up and spoke: "I understand everyone's worried for Sabo's safety, and I am no exception, perhaps even more than anyone here."


Dragon interrupted: "This isn't the right time for us to act. If we move now, the best-case scenario is rescuing Sabo, but it'll cost our revolutionary army dearly."

"Let's be realistic here. Saving Sabo is impossible for us, and all our efforts over the years will be wasted"

"Now's not the time to be emotional; we need to wait for the right moment. The World Government won't immediately harm Sabo's life, so we've got time to get ready. Only with proper preparation can we have a better chance at saving Sabo!"

Dragon's words brought a sense of calm to many of the revolutionary troops there.

Starting a war with the World Government now would be a reckless move. They'd have almost no chance of winning, let alone rescuing Sabo. 

Just like what happened to Whitebeard at Marineford. He lost nearly half his pirate fleet there, unable to rescue Ace, and in the end, Whitebeard himself died.

"Yes, we need to be calm and prepared now, otherwise things will only get worse." 

Ivankov nodded, speaking slowly.


Koala's eyes welled up with tears, her expression hardening.

Now isn't the right time for our revolutionary army to act.

"Next, it depends on how the World Government decides. If they insist on encircling and suppressing Blackbeard, we may not be able to take the opportunity to attack the World Government and save Sabo!"

Dragon spoke with a firm voice.

Many members of the revolutionary army present nodded in agreement, left to wait and see what would happen.


Three days later, Sabo was handed over to the World Government by Fujitora himself.

In his office, World Government Commander-in-Chief Kong was also feeling anxious.

Originally, capturing Sabo should have been a cause for celebration. After all, as the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, losing him would be like a direct hit, cutting their strength by 10%.

This is a major blow for Dragon.

But the price in exchange was that they had to give up the encirclement and suppression of Blackbeard Pirates

Even though Blackbeard had already committed acts like killing three Celestial Dragons.

He was the one who informed the Five Elders about this matter first. After all, such huge decisions still need to be handled by the Five Elders.

Soon, he initiated a conversation with the Five Elders. This time, it was Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, one of the Five Elders with Mediterranean hair, who answered the call.

Chief Kong swiftly recounted the entire story from start to finish.

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn frowned. "Blackbeard is quite cunning. His escape plan was well-executed. We need to keep our attention on him and not underestimate the Revolutionary Army. If we rashly attack Blackbeard now, the Revolutionary Army might seize the chance to retaliate against us. It's a real headache!" 

His concern was evident, and he couldn't shake it off.

Even he couldn't provide Chief Kong with a clear answer on whether they should abandon the campaign against Blackbeard or not.

After all, the decision to surround and suppress Blackbeard was made by Lord Im, so he needed to get Im's answer before daring to make a decision.

Then he continued to say to Kong, "We'ill discuss it first and then provide you with an answer."

After saying that, he hung up the den-den mushi.

Kong was a bit puzzled. Now that they had Sabo, they should have abandoned the plan to surround and suppress Blackbeard.

But why were the Five Elders still hesitating? 

Shaking his head, Kong finally stopped thinking about it.

Even if he pondered it further, he wouldn't know about Im, who stands above the Five Elders.

After all, Im is the final decision-maker.





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