



"Bassey!!" Tiwa shrieked. It had become her new found love.

"You either have to be suffering from insomnia, or dumbness just runs in your family to let you understand that this building houses just four bedrooms and no stall or market square to lend you the confidence to rain your voice down upon this house." Bassey spat, softly.

This had become the remains of what used to be their lives since Tiwa was awarded a #200,000 cash prize and an endorsement deal from Coca-Cola for emerging as the best social media influencer amidst the 250 contestants. For a woman who dedicated her entire being into daily 2GB data subscriptions despite the fact that she didn't have any actual job asides her regular "baby I need money", " baby this MTN is trying me oh. 2GB has just finished as if I was using it to cook", or most times when 'baby' chooses to be stubborn, "this man, you're stingy oh," job, she deserved the award.

Bassey, 27, is a freelance writer who made a life for himself with his "BEAUTIFUL DARKENSS" writeup, which won him 2 million Naira for THE BEST DARK WRITER 2016.

"From somebody who has only one apartment and a car to his name, you have some nerves to talk to me in that manner." She fired.

"Oh, and you have??" He said sarcastically, placing his left hand behind his left ear as though he was trying to her her talk, then continued,

"That's right. Two hundred thousand Naira which only exists in your mind now, an endorsement deal from Coca-Cola which you will most definitely lose in the next two months or less, and a smelling attitude which should be added to your CV; who knows, it could give it an upgrade." He ended, wearing a smirk.

"You son of..."

"Shut the fuck up!" He commanded with a more intense voice, glaring into her eyes.

"I'll be stepping out now. You wouldn't want me to come back and meet you, or any of your stuffs in my house,"

"Or what??!" She retorted. He moved closer to her, awaking a sudden fever in her.

"Or I'll beat the living Satan out of you." He replied calmly, then started towards the door, fuming.

"Three hours. That's all you have; three hours." He added, then walked out, jumped into his 2012 Toyota Camry "spider" hybrid vehicle, and drove out of the compound.


Sarah wasn't up for the cliché meet up-talk-date cruise, but she had to accept Charles' request for an "unusual date", in his words, so Anthonia who happens to be her flat mate would let her walk around the house in peace.

"For God's sake Sarah, all he's asking for is just one date!" She'd always say. One date. That was all it took to let one stranger feel entitled to her space because he bought her food.

"Well, if you feel that way, you can opt to pay for your own meal, or better, pay for your meals." She would add whenever Sara brought up the issue of entitlement, so she decided to give it a try, with the mindset of boldly walking out on him if he tried anything silly.


"Sarah! Its 4:15pm already! How much longer do you intend to keep this gentleman?" Anthonia's voice rang loud in the flat.

"A true gentleman would wait for a woman, regardless of how long she spends making up. After all, she's only trying to make herself beautiful for him, isn't she?" She replied sarcastically, walking gracefully into their living room.

She was cladded in a black body fitted polo, making her cupped boobs stand out regardless of her inner wear, an ash jogger that gave space for her wide hips and endowed ass to stand out, and a black sneaker.

"What in God's name are you wearing?!! Do you..."

"He made it clear that it was going to be an 'unusual' date, didn't he? Well, what's better than going unusual? By the way, why don't we ask the gentleman if he has an issue with my outfit? Huh, Jeremy?" Sarah replied swiftly, shifting her gaze to him.

"Eh...I mean...there's no problem with it at all." He responded, stuttering.

"You see, he loves it!" Sarah reposted.

"Oh, Sarah" Anthonia sighed.

"Shall we?" She asked, smiling softly and making her way to the door.

Outside, she walked to the passenger's seat, turned around to look at him, and he walked past her to the driver's seat.

"Are you not goi…anyways, don't worry. Its fine." She said, heaving a sigh.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was…"

"Its completely fine," she assured, cutting him short. "So much for being a gentleman!" she muttered under her breath.


"What are we…wait, are we…" she tried to ask.

"Yes, we are here to see a movie. What's better than having a movie date?" he asked, wearing a smile.

"Oh well." She replied, throwing her hands in the air.

"Shall we?" he asked, stretching his right hand to her.
