
Sweet Life

I still can't forget the memories of my highschool days. That probably was the one short period of happiness. I, mom and (sighs) Jane. She was the one who changed my perspective of life forever.

It was my first day at the new school, I still had the same thought. The atmosphere around was new but the emotions were the same.

I was walking to my class. I felt like someone was following me so, I tried to walk fast but the person rushed behind me and hit me . I fell on the ground badly.

"What are you doing?" I said

"oh I'm really sorry " she smiled "I'm Jane and you"

I didn't know how to react I was really angry.

She gave a look at me and said "Oh boy! you're so arogant. Take it easy no one will steal your smile away."

I was completely surprised because no one ever said stuff like this to me. There was kind of a weird hope of friendship building in me