16 and here he stood

And there he was, sitting in the empty seat next to me. A young man sat there with a playful aura radiating immensely around the classroom.

To be honest, I couldn't actually sit down until our professor arrived and put everyone in check.

Because so many people were rushing over and crowding around him.

It was awkward at first, since everyone was eyeing me, but sooner or later, I had to sit down, whether I liked it or not. After all, that was my seat.

Class went by pretty fast, not much had been said during class, and not much had happened either, apart from the usual whispers around us.

I left hurriedly after class in order to avoid all the commotion, and while that succeeded at first, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down. It was so obvious to everyone that something was going on between us, but i didn't want to tangle myself with any boys at the moment.

I kept nudging him to let go; his grip only became tighter.

Once everyone in the class had left the room, it was just him and me sitting in the middle. It felt very uncomfortable until he let me go. I truthfully just wanted to get out of there because my palms were getting sweaty and me cheeks were flushing.

But he obviously didn't.

"What's your name?" he asked in a light playful manner.

I originally hadn't planned to respond but as time flew by awkwardly silently i just gave up this once.

"My name is Li Na. What is yours?" *(side note: i decided to change the characters name so it would have a deeper meaning behind it. Now, the main character, the narrator, is Li Na meaning Elegant)*

I asked, hoping he would let me go.

"My name is Li Wei."

It then hit me, wasn't he the one that was in the hotel that day. It was because I heard all the other men mention that name. It took me aback because I had never expected to find myself in this situation, rather, it brought back even worse memories from that day.

I turned around to leave before he stood up and turned my body towards him.

In front of me stood and tall boy with a small face, brown hair, typical looks from a rich spoilt and playful boy.

These are the type of people i don't want to acquaint myself with.

"Excuse me, Li Wei, but I must attend business now, thank you."

And just like that, I dodged his body and swiftly left to the exit, with no more disruption.

At lunch, I had already packed a sandwich and a nectarine this morning, so I made my way to the library to study and clear my head.

1 hour went in a click and found myself walking to class once more. Afternoon classes weren't that long and energy-taking but they still required us to be alert.

I only had that class with him as he didn't appear to come to any other room that I was in, thankfully anyways. I thought to myself, however, that it was strange the sequence of events that happened that day. Being distracted easily did not help me concentrate in class but rather focus my attention away that i had no idea what was going on during class.

Thoughts kept spinning non stop around my head until the bell finally rang and we were let out to go home. I took the bus today, with no delays.

When I got home, I received a few DM's from a few close friends in England saying how boring school was without me. Of course, I missed them very much, but the kept reminding me of my past, and that's not the reason I moved to the other side of the world for.

I answered with short replies and went to the bathroom to have a shower.

After I came out, I had a message sent from an unknown sender.

It said:

Hello, it's me, Li Wei, from your class.

I couldn't believe how quickly he got my phone number, so I just saved it and simply replied with a:

Hello, I am currently busy.

It felt mean of me, not going to lie, but who cares. I had no idea who this boy was, and I really didn't care.

Drama isn't what I want. I just want peace. Simple.

Next chapter