

The day was humid as George walked out of the shop. It's been a long day, one almost like any other. The key word here being almost. The one thing that set this day apart from any other was walking in the same direction as him.

"Why are you following me?" George didn't dare look back as the sun blinded his eyes.

"I'm not." Clay responded, a few feet behind George.

"You so clearly are," George continued to walk. "And for the record, I don't trust you."

"Well I never said I trusted you either."

GOOD, George thought as Clay continued to speak.

"I will say that these circumstances merely happen for a reason. Do you believe in destiny George?"

George slowed down and thought for a moment. George never really had believed in destiny. Instead of living life with destiny luring behind him, George had always moved forward with what he wanted to do as his motivation.

"Not necessarily," he mumbled as he looked up towards the sky. "There was never a need for destiny." This time he spoke clearer for the other party to hear.

"I see," Clay responded. The was silence as the two continued to walk almost side by side. Gradually the silence became unbearable for George to handle.

With a sprint, George headed off to his apartment. "Bye" was all that Clay had said.

When George reached his apartment, he dreaded the grueling work of tomorrow, and most likely the appearance of Clay. Clay was a creep, and George couldn't shake off this indescribable feeling that he had. There was no telling whether it was good or bad