
Game that change ecosystem

Money,fame, power you will get everything just follow your own path and get one battle royle game

It's been 1.5 years since one battle royle released and still gaing popularity. It has massive esport community, people love to play and watch this game

When this game released nobody thought it will become number 1 game out there. People buy VR pod just play this game

6 months ago they Introduced market for buying and selling stuff from game. One market become famous overnight some players start making real money even though they are not pro and don't play esports

But they make money by killing monsters and successfully raiding dungeons. They sell artifacts for money in one market it even has auction for high level item

But pros and streamers are making real money and org backing them with tons of money

After some time it has effect on economy so government also start helping them with new scheme and such out of nowhere this game something nobody ever thought of

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