
The F4

Ashley was on her way to her class while thinking about everything happened, especially the mysterious things. That was the time when she suddenly bumped into someone , "uh... sorry." She apologized as she didn't even looked up. She suddenly heard from behind, "Shoot! it's already time! We should head at first !" Then some footsteps came running from behind and three boys went in the same direction of her class. "same class huh?" she said to herself.

Ashley was right in front of the class. She took a deep breath before going in. It felt to her like the time has stopped, as soon she opened the door everyone was staring at her. Ashley hated this kind of situation, so without spending much time standing there she went it. She found a seat beside the window where a girl was sitting , not beside that seat. Ashley headed towards that. In her way, she saw a guy was sitting keeping his legs out. She could even feel him doing that on purpose. Without pausing for a moment, as she went she just innocently stepping onto it. "Arghhh!!! That bitch-!" Ashley slightly smirked as she knew what she did. Without minding any business she sat down at that seat and looked outside through the window. That day suddenly turned into cloudy.

"Hey! Hello! You know you were pretty cool back then, when. you. stepped. onto. our. vice President.! oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Linda. and you?"

Ash stared at her hand which was hanging for a handshake. Before she also did the same she started to speak, "Well... I guess you're pretty much talktative , but sorry to say I'm not that much. I'm Ashley. Nice to meet you too." She finally shook her hand with Linda.

Linda smirked at her attitude.

"Well I guess we'll get along pretty good."

Ashley smiled as her answer. Suddenly something caught her eyes. She saw that across their seat there was also someone sitting and she knew who was that. That's Raymond. But what surprised her the most that she didn't see him sitting there just a while ago.

"um... Linda...Was Raymond sitting there before? While I came in I saw that seat was blank though. when he even came?"

Ashley could clearly that something shinny sparkled in Linda's eyes. But she just blankly stared to her.

"No, who said that? He was sitting there from the beginning. You must saw an illusion. Still, how you know him though?"

"Uh...that's a long story. Leave it. Btw- "

Ash was about to say something as the classroom door bursted open.

"S-sorry guys!! I-I'm l-l-late!!"

"There we go man." Ash saw a blonde haired guy spoke after a boy cane through the door and stared to say those while going to them.

"who are they Linda? "

"Ah...they're the F4. You know right fantastic four? That blonde one is Simon, the one who just came is Howth. And as you can see the one over you stepped is also with them... he's James and the one beside him is his twin. Jimmy. Can you even believe that the rat Howth ended up the F4? Interesting right? it makes me dig out the reason behind it."

Ash could sense Linda smirking as she spoken. But what Linda said at last also make her wonder why. But that time what caught her off guard was ,

Raymond was smiling as he saw Howth scratch his head in embarrassment. But somehow that faded when he was him sitting with Simon.

"much more interesting to say...." Ashley mumbled. "Sure thing man..!" Linda joined to complete her words.

To be continued...

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