
1. Last Year, First Day

'Shine bright like a diamond

Shine bright like a diamond

Find light in the beautiful sea

I choose to be happy

You and I, you and I

We're like diamonds in the sky' - (Song by Rihanna)

"Oh goddd...", I open my eyes partly and yawn, turning off my alarm.

"WWHHHYYYY!!! WHY !!! Why do I have to wake up so early !!!" I mumble yawning.

The worst thing about having your favorite song as your alarm tone is that you will eventually end up hating it. Also, you end up changing it a hell lot of times until you finally stick to some lame default alarm tone from your mobile.

My long, kind of black and brown mix hair are now all messy as I wake up from my dreamland and enter the realm of reality. But, I don't care.

Singing, ''Oh oh oh I really don't care.''

I get up and stare into the mirror, lost in my thoughts.

Have the pimple gods blessed me with another one of their kids today?

Are my big cute eyes, my precious gems, not symmetrical?

I look healthy but have I gained more weight? Damn, this chocolate addiction is going to be the end of me.

Oh! I've grown another inch. Finally tall enough for my parents, standing at 5'6ft.

Ugh, let's get going Abby, enough of self assessment for today. Don't wanna be late.

The thing I hate most about school is that I have to wake up early in the morning. By no means am I a morning person, I wasn't even born in the morning, I'm a child of the night! And yet, I love school so much. The reason behind all the love is to be able to spend time with my friends. And that is why, with all the strength and will in me, I try my best to end my beauty sleep and wake up early everyday.

*A bit too dramatic? Eh, that's just me! I'm a movie and fiction buff, as you will see through my story. Not revealing too much, let's start!!! *

I get up, turn on my morning playlist and start to get ready. There is nothing as pleasant as a hot shower. I swear, it's like meditation, so soothing and relaxing and where the world of ideas erupt. I think Einstein would also have taken long showers, maybe all the genius people in the world do, maybe I am the next genius too?

Anyways, moving on to the next task i.e. de-tangle my long silky hair (brunette kinda) and dare I say it takes a lot of effort to be a modern Rapunzel because it takes me at least 15 mins everyday just to get my hair done. That being said, everything else happens in 15 mins. I get dressed and pack my bag in 5, have breakfast in 10 and run off to school.

The first thing that goes through my mind while I'm on my way to school is what will I do when I see him? What will I do when those eyes meet mine? How will I be able to look at him after two months of missing him like hell!!! HOW?! What if I say something and he doesn't reply. What if he does reply and I get all awkward and run away?


Yes, running away is the best option. Need to run away from these pestering thoughts too.

The trees on the way give me a warm hug. The birds sing melodies so soothing and yet my heart chooses to ignore the best of nature and worry about confronting him. Stop it Abby, sttaapppp. With no strength in my heart to confront him, I slowly walk in with my head bowed, hoping no one sees me.

Actually, just expecting him to not see me.

With a huge playground, my school was about the oldest in my town. It's structure reminded me of ancient convent schools. The corridors were huge and classes relatively small which could hardly fit 30 people at once. It had four blocks and all painted half in cream and half brown color which made no sense. A little like Hogwarts but legit like 15% alike. The classes were simple with windows and wooden benches and a green board along with a whole box of white chalks.

As I walked through the corridor, all my friends greeted me and I smiled back. They seem happy to be back and I pretend to be so too, even though I didn't feel like it. I'm happy to be back but not ready to be hurt. They'll never know what I'd been through last two months trying to forget Drake.


To them, it always was the best fun time teasing Drake and Abby. DrAbby, Abake, ugh, I don't even want to recall the list of weird ship names all these people had the brain to come up with.

"Humph", I let out a long - tired sigh.

There's this thing about our school, we have an assembly before our classes start everyday. It starts with the whole school gathering at the ground and led by the School Captains where we do prayer, listen to a quote, current affairs and sometimes a short play or display by subject wise students like a science experiment or a cultural celebration by various students.

I was on my way to the assembly when my best friend decided to tag along.


Alice was pretty, fair and short. She had dark black hair which she kept short till her shoulders and a cute little dimple on her right cheek. She had a beautiful voice and would often sing at the assembly. She was social butterfly if you ask me. I was one too, but right now my depression's in such deep love with me, that would not leave me be.

"Abby !! Look who's walking your way! " she giggled.

"Oh shit!" I said as soon as I looked the way she pointed.

That face. I stopped as though I'd just seen a ghost. A ghost of my past whom I loved once. Maybe I still do. I don't know. Those shiny black eyes, they could summon an ocean amidst them. That hair, finely styled in a way that made him look so hot. And why not god, you could not have let it be so that you had to add the prettiest smile with those black hole like dimples where I shall be forever lost.

How can someone be so perfect?

I was about to turn back and run away like I had planned but then, his eyes met mine and I stopped. I could stare at him all day long and still not be satisfied. He was like a Greek God. And my inner goddess bowed to his beauty. I stood speechless and motionless gazing at him for how long who knows until Alice poked her elbow to mine.

Damn it! I was caught staring at him. How embarrassing. My emotions always take over my conscience. Shit ya Abby!

I smiled and pretended that I was listening to Alice when Drake saw me and smiled back. Had to cover up my embarrassment somehow. God, I would die a thousand deaths to see that smile everyday. Literally. That smile made my day. That smile that could fill a million hearts with love.

Yet, all I could do was just smile back and walk towards the ground for assembly. I wish that smile could fill my heart with love too and not make it feel like a desperate and love-hungry scavenger.

All through the assembly my thoughts were focused on him. Maybe because of the effect he has on me or because he was standing just two rows away from me. Maybe it was his proximity which felt like an invisible magnet pulling us together or maybe I was just starting to lose my mind. I was trying to overcome the adrenaline rush to just run to him and hug him tight and not leave him.

I should stop watching all those romantic movies for a while. Get back into reality Abby.

After staring his way for about 10 minutes I decided to give up and let myself calm down. It's gonna be a long, long day Abby Singh. Stay Strong.

Next chapter