
CHapter 1 | Renegade

Music:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS31VZCeD7c 

YouTube Title : Cézame Trailers - Omniverse [Epic Music - Powerful Orchestral Hybrid] by Pandora Journey


In the vast expanse of the cosmos, a solitary figure finds solace upon a desolate and enigmatic world. This celestial body, shrouded in an ethereal cloak of tranquility, presents an awe-inspiring sight to behold. As far as the eye can perceive, a pristine canvas of purest white stretches out, seemingly infinite in its scope. The heavens weep upon this enigmatic realm, as raindrops cascade from the heavens with a resolute determination. Each droplet, heavy with the weight of the heavens, descends upon the barren landscape, leaving behind a trail of glistening tears. The rhythmic patter of rain upon the ground creates a symphony of melancholic beauty, echoing through the stillness of the atmosphere. 

 Within the confines of a humble vessel, the lone dweller seeks refuge from the tempestuous elements that assail their surroundings. The winds, like ethereal specters, whisper hauntingly through the cracks and crevices of the ship, their mournful melodies carrying tales of forgotten worlds and lost dreams. 

The individual, ensconced within the sanctuary of their vessel, listens intently to the haunting symphony, their thoughts drifting amidst the echoes of the wind. In this desolate and serene abode, the individual finds solace amidst the bleakness. 

The air was thick with a symphony of noises, a cacophony of life that enveloped the surroundings. Amidst this vibrant tapestry, a faint radio chatter could be discerned, its words muffled by the myriad of sounds that danced in the air. 

Lost in the labyrinth of her ruminations, she found herself immersed in a sea of contemplation, revisiting the myriad of situations that had unfolded in her mind's eye. Each scenario played out like a vivid tableau, teasing her with the tantalizing prospect of what could have been. And as the weight of her musings bore down upon her, she lifted her gaze towards the heavens above, as if seeking solace in the vast expanse of the sky. A soft murmur escaped her lips, barely audible, yet pregnant with longing. "If only I were unshackled from the chains that bind me, what grand adventure might I find myself embarking upon in this very moment...?"

Suddenly, a piercing alarm reverberates through the vast expanse of her interstellar vessel, its shrill tones echoing off the cold, metallic walls. The sound, a haunting symphony of urgency, jolts her from her reverie, sending a shiver down her spine. With a surge of adrenaline, she springs into action, her senses heightened, her mind racing.

"Warning! Warning! 6 hostile ships at orbit! I.D. tagged, Corvus" stated by a ship AI in an urgent manner. The individual flinches and dashes to her ship's control panel to prepare for flight. As she prepares her ship for flight, she exclaimed "Rhaul! Use false radar!". The AI that was claimed as "Rhaul" then replied, "As you command, False Radars initiated". The individual then gives a sigh of relief as she knows that her ship will be invisible on the enemy hostile radars. 

With no time wasted, the individual has successfully tuned the ship for launch. "Heya commander! Where are we going next?" stated by another AI. "To the Black Glen, thank you Celer" replied by the individual. The AI which identified as Celer then replied with a joyful tone, "Allrighty! Commencing Auto Pilot! Destination...The Black Glen!". The ship then accelerates into the air, piercing the clouds and landing at the location of the astral sea, a realm where numerous worlds reside and countless wonders await discovery. The infinite horizon, the cosmic splendor known as the Void.

The vast expanse of the void, shrouded in mystery and whispered tales, stands as a celestial canvas of untold wonders, beckoning the intrepid souls who dare to venture into its uncharted depths. Its name resonates through the cosmos, a symphony of intrigue and possibility, for it is a realm where the laws of known reality bend and twist, offering a tapestry of limitless potential. 

 No solitary being, no matter how valiant or audacious, has ever claimed to have conquered the void in its entirety. It remains an enigma, an unyielding labyrinth of cosmic secrets, forever eluding the grasp of mortal comprehension. Yet, it is precisely this elusiveness that fuels the allure, for within the void lies a trove of untapped opportunity, a realm where the boundaries of imagination dissolve, and the extraordinary becomes commonplace. 

As the intrepid explorer traversed the vast expanse of the cosmos, her sleek vessel glided effortlessly through the ethereal sea of shimmering stars. With a sense of both awe and weariness, she found solace in the embrace of her ship's panoramic windows, leaning against their cool surface. Her gaze, vacant yet filled with contemplation, fixated upon the distant horizon, where the boundaries of known and unknown merged into an enigmatic tapestry of cosmic wonders. 

With a wistful glimmer in her eyes, she softly murmured, "It is a sight to behold, an array of ethereal beauty." As she gazed into the vast expanse of the horizon, a pang of longing coursed through her veins. Oh, how she yearned to traverse the uncharted realms that lay beyond!

Alas, the cruel hand of fate had denied her the ability to venture into the unknown, forever confining her to the boundaries of her mundane existence. The tantalizing mysteries that awaited her, like celestial sirens beckoning from distant galaxies, remained forever out of reach. It was a lamentable tragedy, a cosmic injustice that she could not pierce the veil of the horizon and embark upon a grand odyssey through the cosmos. Yet, deep within her soul, a flicker of hope persisted, whispering of a future where the shackles of revenge is no more. 

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, a tragic tale unfolds, where the fates of individuals are entwined with the threads of vengeance. Alas, a sorrowful lament echoes through the celestial spheres, for she, a mere mortal, finds herself ensnared in the shackles of retribution. Her heart, once a beacon of love and compassion, now smolders with the searing fires of wrath and indignation, all directed towards the formidable Emperor of Corvus. Oh, how her spirit yearns to break free from the clutches of this consuming rage, for it was the Emperor's wickedness that befell her beloved brother, casting him into the abyss of suffering. 

The weight of her burden, like a celestial anchor, tugs at her very being, threatening to plunge her into the depths of despair. Yet, she remains resolute, her determination a flickering star amidst the darkness of the cosmos.

Simultaneously, her heart overflowed with gratitude towards the illustrious Red Fleet, whose unwavering support had enabled her to elude the relentless pursuit of the Empire of Corvus's ferocious hunting hounds, all in exchange for a modest remuneration. 

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where the glimmering stars paint the canvas of the night sky, a lone wanderer finds herself entangled in the intricate web of destiny. Devoid of wealth and fortune, she is compelled to embrace the perilous path of a mercenary, her allegiance pledged to the illustrious Red Fleet. With a heart as resilient as the titanium alloy that adorns her battle-worn armor, she navigates the treacherous currents of the galactic underworld. Her every step echoes with the weight of her past, a haunting melody of sacrifice and survival. 

In the depths of her soul, she carries the indomitable spirit And thus, she found herself entwined in a vast web of intricate alliances within the illustrious Red Fleet, a formidable force that traversed the cosmos. 

Amongst the myriad of influential figures that graced her life, three revered admirals stood out, their prescience guiding the destiny of the Fleet itself. In the vast expanse of the cosmos, she clung to the belief that her very essence hinged upon their presence. Without them, she feared she would be reduced to a mere vessel, a hollow shell devoid of purpose, consumed by an insatiable thirst for retribution. 

Her ambitions, like distant constellations, shimmered on the horizon, forever out of reach. Only through their companionship could she hope to transcend her limitations and forge a path towards her coveted aspirations. In the depths of the mortal soul, there resides an insatiable yearning to transcend the limitations of earthly existence. It is a primal longing, an ancient echo that reverberates through the corridors of time. The desire to soar through the boundless expanse of the cosmos, unburdened by the shackles of gravity, is a dream that has haunted the hearts of countless dreamers. 

Imagine a world where the laws of nature bend to the will of intrepid souls. A world where the mortal spirit, unyielding and resolute, defies the very fabric of reality. In the depths of her slumber, a vivid vision unfurled before her, a dream that transcended the boundaries of reality. It was a tapestry woven with the threads of the extraordinary, a glimpse into a world far

"Commander, we are now at a location eligible for Void Warp!" exclaimed AI Celer joyfully.

"Thank you for reminding me Celer, You may now begin Void Warp, towards Red Fleet territory," the individual said.

Celer answered, "Ok! Hold on to your seatbelts! It's bound to get rocky! Commencing Void Warp!" .

With a surge of power that defied the laws of physics, the sleek spacecraft hurtled towards the distant horizon, where the formidable Red Fleet lay in wait. Its engines roared with an otherworldly intensity, propelling it forward at a velocity that surpassed the very limits of light itself. The vessel, a marvel of advanced technology, sliced through the fabric of space-time, leaving behind a trail of shimmering stardust. 

As the individual's sleek starship emerged from the depths of the void, six hours had passed, marked only by the ethereal dance of distant constellations. The ship, a marvel of advanced technology, now glided effortlessly through the vast expanse of space, drawing closer to its destination - the infamous Black Glen, a forbidden realm under the dominion of the Red Fleet. 

Through the gaze of the solitary being, this ethereal realm emerges as a haven, a clandestine sanctuary where renegades and miscreants find solace. In the depths of the Black Glen, a treacherous realm cloaked in shadows, she found herself amidst a motley crew of individuals who proudly embraced their outlawed existence. These daring souls, driven by an insatiable thirst for wealth, knowledge, and the thrill of the forbidden, had willingly delved into the abyss. 

Each step she took through the twisted foliage brought her face to face with these audacious renegades, their identities boldly proclaimed to the world. They reveled in their defiance of the law, their very presence a testament to their unyielding spirit. In this clandestine realm, they sought not only material riches, but also the secrets that lay hidden within the enigmatic depths of the Glen. 

For some, it was the allure of untold wealth that beckoned them, their eyes gleaming with the promise of unimaginable fortunes. Others sought forbidden knowledge, their insatiable curiosity driving them to unravel the mysteries that lay shrouded in the darkness. Pleasure-seekers and thrill-seekers alike flocked to this forbidden domain, craving the exhilaration that only the Black Glen could provide. 

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, a place shrouded in mystery and intrigue emerged. It was a sanctuary, a haven for those seeking refuge from the chaos of the universe. This sanctuary, known only as "The Black Glen," was not governed by ordinary beings, but by three figures - the Red Fleet admirals. 

These admirals, revered and feared in equal measure, were no ordinary leaders. They possessed an uncanny understanding of the individual who had now found herself within their domain. Her reputation as a skilled mercenary had preceded her, her exploits whispered among the stars. The Red Fleet admirals, their minds intertwined with the cosmic energies that flowed through the universe, had already delved into the depths of her existence. They had studied her every move, her every triumph, and her every defeat. They knew her strengths, her weaknesses, and the secrets she held within. Their knowledge of her was not limited to mere observation. 

It was as if they had In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where stars twinkle like distant dreams, there exists a marvel beyond mortal imagination. Behold, the Black Glen, a colossal citadel ship that defies the laws of gravity, soaring through the celestial abyss with an air of majestic mystery. Within the labyrinthine corridors of this ethereal behemoth, a thriving civilization has taken root. Its inhabitants, a diverse tapestry of beings from countless worlds, traverse the bustling streets that wind through the ship's interior. Each step they take resonates with the hum of advanced technology, harmonizing with the symphony of life that permeates the vessel. Yet, the Black Glen is not without its guardians.

The Red Fleet, an elite force of stalwart defenders, stands as the vanguard of this floating metropolis. Clad in gleaming armor that reflects the starlight, In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where lawlessness reigns supreme, a lone individual clings to the fragile notion of order. Amidst the swirling chaos of interstellar outlaws and renegades, this intrepid soul holds steadfast to their conviction, convinced that a semblance of harmony can still be found amidst the cosmic pandemonium.

"Captain! We have successfully arrived on Red Fleet Territory! we are safe from hostiles! We will now be landing on the Black Glen's ship port!" AI Celer said.

The individual then uses her radio and sends a message to a port master, "Hey Gauzzman! I'm landing on the usual spot!" The person she named Gauzzman replied in the radio with a small click of his mandibles, "Allrighty boss!, Space is cleared for ya!" before adding, "Gunn told me that he wanted to see ya, It's about the mission he sent you to".

The individual then replied with a thankful tone, "Allright, Thanks for telling me". Portman Gauzz then replied, "Anytime".

The individual's ship then arrived safely at the harbor, surrounded by Valkaryanns such as Gauzz.

The individual was hailed by the Valkaryann she spoke with, Portman Gauzz, as the ship's door opened. "Welcome back Rhox! and welcome back ACE!".

Rhox was the name of the individual, while ACE was the name of the individual's beloved ship. "It's good to be back" Rhox replied while she was smelling the air of the Black Glen and added, 'It smells like shit as ever".

Portman Gauzz replied while laughing, "What do you expect?"

As Rhox walked to meet Gunn, she handed a bag of credits to Portman Gauzz and said, "Will you clean my baby for me? She's been roughed up from the last mission" "Consider it polished and ready for battle!" Portman Gauzz answered. "Oi! Cleaning time boys! Check for dents and scratches, I want this beauty to be polished when the day ends!" Portman Gauzz exclaimed to his thugs with a loud click from his mandibles. He and his companions then began to clean and inspect ACE.

30 minutes has passed and Rhox has finally arrived at the gates of the Black Glen's outer sector where she is greeted by 2 guards of Kirin descent. "Name? Purpose of Visit? Ya new here?" said by the guard as he clicks his reptilian tongue.

His guard mate then shouted at him saying "Dumbass! she's Rhox Aggro, Personal mercenary of Commander Redd, and Admiral Laxuva's Lover, she's one of our mercenary ACE pilots!".

The other Guard then apologizes towards Rhox and specified that he was new to the job.

"It's fine, we all make rookie mistakes" Rhox states as she taps the soldier of the Guard. 

The guards then opened the gate for Rhox to proceed. "Have a nice day you two" Rhox said while entering the Gate.

"Hey...she's kind of allright! couldn't imagine her being a traitor from her emp-" the rookie guard said after a few period when she entered.

The rookie guard is then hit on the back of the head by his guard mate, who says, "Quiet! that subject is taboo here...do you want to get executed by Admiral Gel'hyne Laxuva!?". "S-Sorry, I didn't know that," the rookie guard says as he glances down at his blunders for the day.

With a determined stride, Rhox ventured into the outer sector of the Black Glen. The air was thick with anticipation as she stepped into the familiar surroundings that had once been her sanctuary. In the dimly lit streets, where shadows danced with the flickering lamplight, a cacophony of drunken voices filled the air. The weary souls, lost in their intoxication, stumbled and swayed, their laughter mingling with the distant echoes of street brawls. Amongst this chaotic scene, a woman walked with purpose, her eyes fixed ahead, determined to navigate through the labyrinthine alleys. As she made her way, the flickering lamplight revealed a peculiar sight. 

On the corners of the street, ladies of the night, each belonging to a different species, beckoned to her with a seductive allure. Their painted lips curled into inviting smiles, their eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. They were like sirens, luring unsuspecting souls into their web of temptation. 

 The street itself seemed to be a stage, with various amusement buildings standing tall like grand columns. Each structure boasted its own unique charm, enticing passersby with promises of excitement and escape from the harsh realities of life. 

The air was thick with the scent of fried food and the distant melodies of carousel music. The atmosphere hung heavy with stickiness, suffusing the surroundings with an oppressive weight. A putrid stench permeated the air, reminiscent of the foulness that clung to the inhabitants of this wretched place, their very essence tainted by the stains of blood. 

A gentle smile graces her lips as she gracefully traverses the bustling streets of the Black Glen. Her eyes sparkle with a hint of nostalgia, for she knows that she has returned to the place she calls home. With a soft voice, she utters those simple yet profound words, "I am back home."

Revised chapter 1

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