4 A Project to Brotherhood (III-PERSEVERANCE-last english roleplay)

In a high school… there are 3 girls whose friendship is more than best friends… I think their relationship is BROTHERHOOD

Rinna: Hey! Wait for me! >‸<

Shara: God! You're late! ò‸ó

Narinyl: It's alright… nothing will change though… we're late… (╯◕_◕╰)☝*DINGDONG*

Girls: pfftt… hahahaha ^O^

Shara: Let's go! ^w^

*Start of class*

Ruel (Professor): Before I go… can you pick a representative to go into me, recess time… I have an important project to give into you guys…that's your clearance… Good Luck! d^__^b

All: Yes Sir! ⊤__⊤

*Recess Time*

Shara: (run into the hallway) sir, wait! *huff* our *huff* Project! *huff*

Ruel (professor): Oh! You're the representative?

Shara: y-y-yes, yes! <Hesitating>

Ruel: Here, Good Luck ^__^

<shara come back to her classroom>

Jerome: who's going to be the Leader or what I mean representative?

Angelito: *pointing Rinna*

Rinna: me?

Jerome: then to go and get Prof—

Shara: Guys! I have an important announcement! It's about OUR project! ^___^ <holding a folder>

Jerome: *whisper* Looks like someone's didn't consider US <irritated> =___=+

<shara announcing about the project… apparently no one is listening>

Narinyl: Rinna, may you help shara from announcing? I can read from her face the difficulty announcing.

Rinna: okay… (╯◕‿◕╰)

<Narinyl go in front to comfort Shara…Rinna is about to shout and stop them from their businesses, when>

Jerome: Rinna, don't you think you're being betrayed? <Confused question>

Rinna: no, not at all… ^__^

Jerome: Why?! O__O!

Rinna: because I have trust in them… they will never betray me as their best friend ^___^

Jerome: well if you say so, but in my opinion… I think shara knows that you will be our leader that she abruptly go into professor to get the project… *evil glare at Shara*

Rinna: really? ◕__◕?

Jerome: yeah… if you analyze the situation very well… it's too obvious… really *look into Rinna boringly* --___--

Rinna: why would she do that? ◕__◕?

Jerome: simply because… no not because… ALWAYS… she wants to be in front instead of you… ò‸ó

Rinna: really it's been so long that I've been betrayed right in front of all the people in here without me noticing (╯◕__◕╰)

Jerome: seems that you understand your situation now… ò̬ó

Rinna: wait… why do they make noise? Just because their irritated? ◕__◕?

Jerome: yeah looks like that… they're irritated to a frontal pretender like her *so evil glare*

<Rinna started to pile up her anger to infuriation>

Shara: Guys! Listen to me! Please!

Rinna: no one will listen!

Shara: how could you know?

Rinna: simply because they're not interested

Shara: but professor said so—

Rinna: you put yourself there then you should also get yourself out there… gets?

O___O <--- Shara & Narinyl

Shara: Doing this to me, why? You were putting your anger into me? Why?

Rinna: why? You should know for yourself why!

Shara: I don't know! I didn't know!

Rinna: I think I'm not the right person to—

Shara: stop the nonsense Rinna! Say it!

Rinna: if that's what you want… simply… you're not the leader but you're acting like one

O___O <--- Shara & Narinyl

<Shara walk out followed by Narinyl>

Rinna: seems like I hurt her feelings much than what I thought

Jerome: its okay, it's better than nothing

Rinna: my conscience is pestering me --__--+

Jerome: you conscience will thank you after you reconcile your friendship

=___= <--- Jerome

*in the other hand*

Narinyl: shara stop crying… it is the right thing to do after all… and she has all the points in proving that you're wrong

Shara: but the way she said…

Narinyl: it's like telling the truth and face the consequence…

Shara: I didn't mean to be the leader…

Narinyl: even though you didn't mean the damage has been done nothing will change unless you make a move

Shara: right…?

Narinyl: yeah… I think Rinna wanted to tell you earlier that you also need to consider the opinion of others before taking an action

Shara: Really?

Narinyl: think so…

<They came back to the room>

Shara: I apologize for my actions earlier… I'm really sorry…

Rinna: next time you make an action consult an opinion to others so that you don't make others feel anxiety

Shara: okay I will…

Rinna: don't feel bad because it's not on your character

Shara: okay

<END> KiNg25©Copyright2014

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