
What Was So Great About Normal, Anyway?

The following morning, Richard ended up eating breakfast with Laney solely because they woke up around the same time and planned on taking the tour after lunch. She headed out to go to the beach again for a few hours first and he got back to work. 

He couldn't deny he was annoyed at having his work interrupted again but knew that photo evidence was necessary and neither he nor Laney knew how to use Photoshop convincingly. So here he was, on a tram listening to someone talk about pineapples of all things. 

Laney seemed rather interested in everything that was being said and took lots of pictures, making sure that both of them were in a few. When the tour was over, she was particularly interested in the gift shop. 

And the food. They sold Dole whips here like they did at Disneyland/Disney World.