
Family Doesn't Pay Rent

Joy started job hunting once Rachel's school started but it took her a few weeks of endless applications and interviews to get something. She was a part-time teacher's assistant at a preschool since she didn't have to be credentialed for that. Just have basic background checks run. 

This particular preschool only ran for three hours in the mornings Monday-Thursday. There was a Monday/Wednesday class and a Tuesday/Thursday class. Since she now had Fridays off, that became the new girls' lunch day with her friends. 

She wasn't making much there but it was enough to cover her portion of the rent. The highly unfair portion tipped in her favor that Derek instituted solely because he wanted to get her out of there when she was struggling living with Carter. He hadn't changed that after Rachel got back and she wasn't paying for private investigators anymore because she wasn't working over the summer.