
Part 1

My sweats covered my forehead as my heart beat quickly and someone screams , " 2 minutes !" I was running on track , my instinct tells me that today would happen something .. I am afraid something bad would happen !! Oh , I forgot to introduce my self , my name is Shino Akihiko , I am 15 years old . Yes ! I got detention for bringing phone to school which is violating over School's rules , " 4 , 3 ,2 , 1 , STOP !" shout the black hair and stupid guy , my P.E. teacher .

I walk to my bench and sigh , " Moving to my real place isn't bad .." I whisper and my teammate smile , ' You might meet cute girls there , Shino " he joke and I sigh , " I can't speak Japanese , stupid .. I've been here for my entire life , which is 15 years .. I only know how to talk in Korean " I say and he laugh , slapping my back , " Just learn it , one by one " he say and I hum , he is right .

I walk to my house and I see my parents packing things . I sigh and get in the car which they actually groan , " Pack your things , kiddo " scold my father and I sigh , " No . I will borrow some things from Japanese people .. " I answer before closing my eyes and they sigh . .

< At Tokyo >

The boy is whip as he kneel on the floor and hold on his scream . He is use to this and his brother sobs , " It's not his fault , it's mine ! Whip me " he say and the boy silent , " He disobey me " say the guy and the boy look up as he raise his gun . It's a gun for professional killer so the guy is killed . The guards gasp and bow , " You are our new boss !" say the guards and the boy hum , " get this animal off my throne .. " say the boy and the guards pick the body up and throw it away , " As for you , brother .. " say the boy and the brother look up at him , " You would be my secretary .. " say the boy and the brother nod . The boy hug his brother and his brother sobs , " I am scared when he whip you .. Don't leave me , please !" say the brother and the boy hum .

< At Japan Airport >

Shino sigh and look to his next as he see a luxury car stop Infront of him , " E-eh ?" whisper Shino and he move out of the way but then , a big body guy stop behind him , " Get in the car " he say and Shino sweatdrop , " E-eh .. Why ?" ask Shino and a man who look like 30-an get out of the car , " Get in the car , Mr. Akihiko " say the man and Shino back a bit , " No , I-i mean , there must be a mistake" say Shino and the man look at him , " Shino Akihiko , Father , Juuzen Akihiko , mother , Shii Akihiko , that's you ?" ask the man and Shino nod . The man sigh and hit his head . Shino fall and his world turn black , " It's okay , for drama " say the man and the people hum , " Looking forward !" they say and the man nod .

The boy look at them from the car and sigh , " Troublesome Akihiko..." say the boy and they get in the car .

Shino wake up in a room and his head is bandage . He sit and shake his head , " My head spin .. " he whisper and he see someone undraw the curtain , " Excuse for my previous Behaviour , it's must be hurting " say the guy and Shino gasp , " I am Xiao Yu , I am Boss Chen Ming's secretary's helpers " say Xiao Yu and nod . Shino back a bit and a cheer guy get in , " Ah , did the client wake up yet ?" he ask with a bug smile and then , a serious boy walk in , " Yes " say Xiao Yu , which make Shino confuse since they talk in Chinese , " Since you are Japanese but understand Korean and fuck it , I dunno who you are ! Your father and mother sell you to my brother !" say the guy and giggles . The boy just do nothing and say , " What's his name again?" Xiao Yu smile , " Shino , Shino Akihiko " say Xiao Yu and Shino sigh, " Why would they want to sell me to you ?" he ask and the boy sigh . His black hair shine as it hit the sun light and say , " Simple , Their loans .. They borrow us billions but can't give us anything so they gave you " Shino feel his tears is forming and Chen Xiao say , " All you need to do is obey our -- no , Your boss's wish " Shino silent and hide under the blanket as he sobs . Chen Ming sigh and walk out of the room , " Troublesome .. " he whisper and Xiao Yu just sigh .

Shino wake up and he sit . Xiao Yu smile and say , " Ah , you wake up , here eat your breakfast " Shino take his breakfast -- wait what? Breakfast ... " What o'clock is this ?' ask Shino since Xiao Yu speak in Korea , " 8 in the morning " say Xiao Yu and Shino gasp , " No need to worry , You sleep yesterday so peacefully .. " say Xiao Yu and Shino sigh . He hold his head and shake his head , " My parents won't do that .." he say and Xiao Yu look at him . He sigh and take out his phone .

He see all the videos of the agreement between Chen Ming's parents and Akihikos and he sobs . He shake his head and Xiao Yu pat his head , " Stop crying and eat this food or Boss is gonna be angry .." say Xiao Yu Nd Shino nod . Xiao Yu smile softly as he see Shino eats the breakfast and sigh , " After this , have bath and serve boss , okay ?" ask Xiao Yu and Shino nod . Xiao Yu stop when Shino ask , " What kind of serve ?" Xiao Yu hum , " Just follow what he says , barely he would stay in his room , so .. It would be awkward by try not to talk to boss if he didn't talk to you " say Xiao Yu and Shino nod , " I will , what your name ?" ask Shino and Xiao Yu smile ," Xiao Yu " say Xiao Yu and Shino hum , " Okay , Bro Xiao " say Shino and Xiao Yu look at him . He smile and walk out of the room .