
Chapter four : A Friend

Loveth's POV

This school is nothing like my old one, but the teaching standard here is amazing, they make learning fun and easy.

After a busy and stressful day I got home feeling tired but when I worked into the the sitting room I felt like puking out blood cause of the scene before me, what I saw was disgusting, I came home to find my mom making out with a man who she told us was a family friend and brother figure,

I stood there like I was glued my head was screaming at me to leave but my body was too shocked to move.

After felt like forever they finally noticed me, instead of feeling ashamed about what she did my mom choose to hit me and screamed at me for being disrespectful.

Meanwhile her lover just watched the scene like it was something fresh out of a movie.

How dare you work in on me without knocking you insolent child, does this look like your father's apartment my mother said while putting her hands on me she then hit me like never before, while dragged me up to my room and lock me away I cried and begged my mom to let me out but she said brutally refused.

She kept screaming that I will be locked inside till I have learnt to have manners,

Suddenly I could hear my siblings asking my mom why she locked me, she yelled at them to go to their rooms and do something productive.

Recalling everything that's been happening in the part few weeks I fell apart ,

I felt my heart freeze, I couldn't believe that this is happening to us no need for a second opinion my childhood is ruined.