

"Isn't it Fiore? How are you? We haven't seen each other for a while." A Blue haired girl was walking at the street browsing at the market. Dressed like a princess wearing dress holding a red parasol. Behind her was 2 of her servant carrying clothes and jewelries she bought. As she go to her next destination she saw Fiore dressed up in green and white dress together with his brother Roland dressed in his green and blue knight armor.

"Oh my... Jenny. How have you been?" Fiore forced a smiled as she noticed Jenny called out to her.

"You know just shopping around. Prince Jack just gave some gold to spent around as a gift for passing the successor exam.." Jenny let out a big smile just like a victor in a game.

"Good for you if anything else we will be on our way." Fiore just brush it of and was about to go on her way but seeing her reaction Jenny seems to be offended and stopped her once again.

"Hey... How's Zoey? You know I'm really sorry for what happened last time. I'm getting worried about her." She said as she made a sad face. Hearing this Fiore was about to ignore her but instead smiled and looked at her.

"Oh my.. Jenny cut your acting its disgusting. Don't worry about your Zoey. It just happened that we found a clue in curing her curse. So enjoy this moment while you can. Well then I'm reaaaally busy and don't want to waste your time since your having a day. Please excuse me Future ma-jes-ty.

Jenny was filled with rage as she saw Fiore go with a smile. She was sure that the curse was hard to cure since Chaos creature was last seen ages ago and about them is just less. Even the arcane empire with their history isn't enough.

"You!" She pointed at one of her servant. "Find out where they are going and all about this clue." Her face isn't happy. Although she knew the curse is strong and powerful she still want to make sure. "If things go south then I guess we will just need to prepare a Funeral cousin."

Fiore and her brother met with Zoey and Joe at the entrance gate. At the entrance she saw Zoey in her battle attire dreased in a blue tight suit and in her waist lay a silver rapier that owned by her father. Next to her was Joe dressed in brown leather armor and a brown hat. She then remember someone dressed like him but can't fully recall. On Joe's waist is a black crossbow while carrying a large bag. On the ground lay 2 bags. A little one that belongs to Zoey and another that belongs to Joe.

"What's with all the things?" Fiore ask. "I'm a hunter. We fought with tricks and equipments. These are just preparations.

"You know that we will be escorted right?" Fiore sighed.

"Yes but just when we reach the lost tribe village I will travel alone from then on."

In a split second after Joe reminded Fiore two carriage has come together with 10 knights riding a horse. One of the carriage opened and revealed Charles in a black suit. The four then went inside. The first carriage is where the Roots family is. Although Fiore wants to go with Zoey her father and brother insisted. Zoey and Joe went on the second carriage. In public it is viewed that the purpose of the travel is to visit the lost tribe village and said that the Roots family is very interested in it.

Meanwhile, in a dark room illuminated by a candle light. Jenny is in rage about the report she is reading. "The hell!!! Even the Roots family is backing her. I can't believe lord Charles is in it." She bit her mouth out of anger and calmed down. She then called out of darkness as if someone is there. "Come out. Report to Hang and tell her there is a change of plan." Eyes shone bright red in the darkness then a voice was heard. "As you wish."

3 weeks later Zoey and the rest went through Iima city smoothly after resting on the city for a day they began to venture inside the mystic forest.

*tsu* A crossbow bolt flew and hit a boars eye. Normaly boars were just around a meter in length that stands at least 20 to 30 centimeters but as the bolt flew it hit a black boar with skin as hard as metal that stands a meter and a meter and a half long. It has two big tusk atleast 30 cm long. This wild boar that was hit in its eye began to trash around in rage.

"Carefull!! Prepare to use bull rush!!" A knight yelled. 5 knights in green and blue armor raised their shield painted in green stripes. Behind them was a Captain Knight that wore a different helmet that depicts its status.

The knights were at a distance far from the enraged boar. As the boar began to wane its stamina and strength due to its rushing The five knights began to move. Two knights used bull rush and raised their shields aimed at the boar. *clang* The shields broduce a metalic sound as they crash unto the boar's skin. The boar was down on the ground due to the shock it takes and three of the knights drew their swords. [Burst Strength] Arms of the three knights grew big as if they gained extra muscles and swing their swords at the boar. The skin is hard but after a few swings it finally broke ending its life.

"It's just 20% deep and we already encounter a danger 6 creature." Charles walk by still in his black suit clothes. Behind him was Zoey and the rest. On top of a tree Joe jumped down putting his crossbow on his waist.

"That bolt of yours does it have something to make such a wild beast enraged so furiously?" Charles asked as he looked at the numerous trees that fell down.

"The bolt was just dipped in a spicy jar. Nothing special." Joe then walked to the boar and picked up the bolt. Seeing that its already broken he then dropped it and began to move.

"Somebody carry the boar and lets be on our way." The Càptain of the knight yelled as they follow Joe.

The sun began to disappear when they arrive at the lost tribe village. Their Some people can already be seen occupying the village.

"Lord Charles!!! A girl in Green twin pigtails rushed as her brown leather dress wave through. "Its an honor to have you with us sir." The girl bowed infront of Charles and his company. "Thank you young one. Sorry for our late arrival. Nasty wolves have come distrubing us along day." Because of the scent of the black boar it attracted the nose of wild wolves along the way. Joe argued to leave the boar behind but Charles said its to train our men.

"I'm very sorry sir. We have been dealing with wild creatures here so its hard to organize à party to meet you." The twin pigtailed girl bowed.

"Its fine I know the situation well. Listen we will be staying here for atleast a 3 days. 5 days at best would you mind showing us around?" Charles said in deep voice as if hint of fatigue is already showing.

"Oh.. I see. forgive me sir. By the way I'm the vice-leader of Iima hunting branch, Piria." Piria said as she salute holding her dress with both hands. Then she showed them around the lost tribe village.

The lost tribe village shows broken houses filled with burns and signs of weapon scratches all over the walls. It shows that the village was attack by humans or atleast other intellectual beings. Outside the village were wooden walls and towers made by the guild to defend against enemies.

"I'm very sorry but as for now we only settle down with tents as we are still investigating other houses thoroughly. But there are houses that are already done. If you want my lord you can stay their and renovate it tommorrow." Piria said as they stopped on the center of the village. On it there was a pole standing atleast 5 meters with a banner that is already burnt. On the ground was very wide open space that might tell the tribe must have been gathering here for important means.

"Understood we'll do that tommorrow." Charles then tell every one to prepare and brought the black boar and some wolves for the night.

"Are you nervous?" On a campfire Zoey is sitting with a sheet wrapped around her body. Joe walked beside her as he reached a bowl of meat soup touching her shoulder. Zoey slowly reach the bowl with her hand.

"Thanks." "Be careful its hot. Its only half filled, if you want some more tell me I'll fill it later." Joe said as he sat beside her.

"Truth is. I'm not nervous at all." Zoey said in a smooth voice as she sipped through the bowl.

"Its been already 2 months and they still haven't found a cure so I'm not hoping much." She then smiled and face towards Joe. "I'm just glad I could still go out like this you know have fun. Go to places and stuff. When you told me about it at first I thought. "Hey this could be fun. I'm always inside and never got outside lately" and then you told me about a sage and stuff about your discovery. I think I like it. Travel to different places and discover things."

"Haha don't worry.. When you're cured you can travel evrywhere. Lots of places everywhere. I could take you to some places I already have been through, there are many beautiful places out there." Joe smiled as he made a big laugh.

"Really? Can you promise?"

"Off course. I promise haha. Don't worry I know many places already you won't be disappointed."

Zoey then smiled and resumed her dinner. After sometime Fiore and her brother came and the four tell stories before going into bed.

Next chapter