
Please for...

"Give it to him miss Zoey!!"

"Finish him!!"

The Knights cheered Zoey as she ran to Ghoyin whose whole body is frozen. As she got close cracks has already been seen on the ice as Ghoyin struggle to break free.

"Zoey look out!!!" Jenny began to warned Zoey out of the blue making her distracted as if to what Jenny jas been warning.

*crack* *stab*

As Zoey began to acticate the spell Ghoyin manage to crack a hole enough for its tentacles to stab Zoey's Finger.

"Zoey!!!!" All of them shout as they hurried to save her.

"Hahaha... I don't know your plan but my tentacles disturb the flow of energy inside a creature that its stab as long as it's inside of you."

*crack* *crack*

"Noooo!!!!" The knights yelled as they saw Ghoyin cracking the ice that cased him.


"huh?" Ghoyin was surprised an arrow came hitting the tentacles that stab Zoey.

"Close your eyes that's a blinding arrow!!!"

Zoey looked at the one shouting and saw 3 hunters on top if a building.

The arrow that was fired has a cylindrical object with a fuse that is about to blow.

Zoey didn't know these terms but she trust the hunter and closed her eyes.


"Graaaahhh" Ghoyin screamed in agony as the arrow flashed with light. Zoey is confused as the tentacles disappeared but it gives her the chance to activate her magic.

"tsk... Zoey do it!!!" Jenny yelled as she looked at the hunters with displeased.

(Water world)

The sphere of water on Zoey's hand travel onto Ghoyin slowly. Soon Zoey step back and run as far as possible.

The sphere of water began to expand swallowing Ghoyin's body pressuring him at the center. The sphere of water expand and everything that it touches drags the object at the center of the sphere. The sphere stretches and float much higher from the ground.

Ghoyin on the other hand tried to expand gus tentacles out of the sphere but the pressure was just that strong. When the sphere stop growing Ghoyin can only scream in pain as the pressure he felt became stronger and stronger.

Outside the sphere the ones watching right now saw the big sphere shrinking as they heard somebody screaming inside. The water worl stopped shrinking at a fixed size then *boom* all of the compressed pressure made an explosion inside ending the magic.

As the magic ends they saw a black figure fell down. Thes saw Ghoyin's body in an unexplained manner but the part that they are surprised is that his body seems to be dissappearing slowly.

Zoey came near as she saw Ghoyin dissappearing slowly.

"Human!!!! You think you have won? Chaos Empire Will Return!!! Its only a matter of Time!!!" Ghoyin yelled as he glared with its six raging eyes.

"Bring it on. When they return we will defeat them once again."

"Foolish human.. I admit your strength will truly be problematic but.."

"Gyaaaahhhh" Suddenly Zoey screamed in pain. All of them panic as to what is happenig.

"Hahaha!! Struggle foolish human!! My curse has taken effect!!!" Ghoyin laugh as he disappear from the world.

"(As for you betrayer. I don't know why you freed me into my seal but I assure you will lose more than whatever you gain today!!)"

As everyone heard Ghoyin laugh till its death only Jenny heard his last threat.

Meanwhile Zoey was unconsious due to Ghoyin's curse. The Knights can only carry her now in her bed and report to the city soldiers and delivere a message to the capital about what happened. As for the hunters that made a little assist they are nowhere to be seen.

"You just waisted your only trump card are you sure you're not going to demand some reward?" A mascular red haired mohawk guy asked as he stared at the young guy in brown hat with silver mask covering his face.

Not even answering he just walked away and leave. "Hey that's the Leader of the Hunter's guild talkin to you!!!" meanwhile a young girl in green twin pigtails shouted at the guy.

"Forget it Fia. Besides, he is the first one to run into the battle field when a servant came to report. Although thanks to him that monster is gone. "Well i can't believe it either. Doing a full incestigation that monster has a danger of 8.8 that specialized on defense." Fia stated as she hold a piece of the Ghoyin's skin.

"Well that explains even tanking those 2 big magics it can still manage to have th e last laugh." The leader of the hunter's guild can only sweat in relief as he remember that last scene.

After the incident. Words came to the capital about a remnant of the Chaos empire came and attacked and how Zoey manage to defeat it and her condition. The reports stated that 10 local people including nobles died and 5 Elite knights of the Roots family. It is also stated how Jenny acts to evacuate the people in order to prevent further loss.

In that incident the capital sends an agent from the holy kingdom to check on the curse and hope to dispel it. They are forced to cancel the succession ceremony due to that.

"What do you mean cannot be dispel?" Zoey was shocked as at priest's diagnostics. "I'm so sorry Miss Zoey but the curse is much complicated as it seems and the technique to dispel it is not yet to be found. I'm afraid miracles isn't enough to dispel it.

The curse that Zoey was given to took away her vision at the same time gave her a weakened state lowering her dangerness. The Priest cast a dispel and manage to made Zoey see but after half an hour or so dark shadows returned and took away her vision.

"I have 10 miracle waters with me but that can only give you atleast 6th of a sand time to see(10minutes)" The priest left the miracle waters in the table and left as Zoey cried in tears.

Next chapter