
Its just....

It hurt so much... The last time I felt this way. 4 years ago. I was at school doing my best to be the successor of the 2nd Hero. I was in school tournament fighting that round with immediately. A knight from my family came and told me my parents died on the way here at school. They said that it was done by the group called Reapers.

I was so skocked by the news and fell into despair. I was forced to take a week of leave at the school. During that time all I did was crying.

A week has passed by and we buried my parents and my leave was up but I didn't have the courage to continue on. One day I wandered onto the central park and saw an entertainer dressed up like a clown. I don't know why but I watched him perform for a bit. The clown seems to be still young and I think 2yrs older than me. I don't know maybe its because of the make up. Kids came and very entertained as he perform a simple tricks. At the last part he tell a story about the 5 heroes. I never new he was a great story teller since it was different from my history book at the school. The 5 heroes and a guide. It was pretty funny and can't believe made me laugh that day. The story goes as how the guide helped the 5 heroes find and helped them survive in the wilderness as the 5 heroes were still 15yrs old and are still naive on surviving in the wild. In the end it was the same. The 5 heroes defeat the Chaos emperor and the guide went back to its tribe and the heroes built a kingdom.

After the show I was bit cheered up at least. Seeing those children laugh with all their parents. I decided to be a hero and protect them and that they will never feel what I have felt.

And so I worked harder to become a hero more than anyone else. Even the King and Queen was impress and even prince Jack.

Why Prince Jack.. When did you become like this.. you always cared for me back then.. but after the exam of succession you became more distant to me. Why...

"Unngghh...." As the memories came rushing to me one by one, I felt pain in my head that woke me up. It was dark as usual but I felt the soft sensation of a bed in my back. Also, a soft hand like a girl was holding my hand as I lay in a bed. "W-ho?.. W-here am I?" I spoke hoping someone or the ine holding my hand woke up.

"Huh? Ah!" That voice!!! "Fiore?!"

That time I asked about what had happened. Fiore made me drink a miracle water first just to made me calm down. What I saw was my house and Fiore sitting in front of me with her green dress she was weaeing yesterday in my bed. I scanned the area and saw Fiore's 2nd brother Roland wearing white clothes and a black leather pants with a sword on his waist.

"Miss Zoey, you really are something to make my little sister and me worried about you." Roland stand up and told me how I was unconcious for a whole day. I asked him if he was the one who found me but said that a stranger was just came out of my house when everybody was looking for me yesterday. They never knew who the stranger was as he was wearing a silver mask all over his face with a brown hat. After they told me what happened my vision met with darkness once again.

"Still I can't believe how the prince treated you." Roland remarked. "Those kind of men.. I will never make the likes of those come to my little sister" Roland began to make a fist in his chest. "So little sister make this promise and never gey mar- ugh" Roland never get to finish his sentence as Fiore punch him in his stomach.

It was already afternoon when I woke up and after having some meal Fiore decided to stay with me one more night. The next day early in the morning we part ways as she was summoned by her father. It seems it was about the time she slap the prince.

For one week Fiore was unable to visit me due to the mess I got her in. I spent my days Just sitting in my balcony afterwards I eat and sleep. I haven't got the mood for anything since all was still fresh in my head and dealing with it slowly yet the pain still lingers in my heart. Its as if I'm just waiting now for my death.

That next day something happened or yet someone happened.

I was sitting just the usual in the balcony when I heard somone. "Excuse me miss!!" Someone just shouted and it was a man's voice. His voice was cheerful and I think annoying as he still not shutting up. "Miiissss!!!" This past week I told my maids that I want to be alone so the only person here is me.

"Whose there?" I shouted. "Finally got your attention." The sounds happy as I shouted. "Miss I'm your new neighbor!! I just got here!!" The man yelled. "Helloo??? Miss???" the man yelled again. "I'm your new neighbor!!" this man was persistent. "Yeah? What the hell do you want???" i finally snapped and yelled in anger. "Nothing just wanna say hi!" Graaghh for god sake this man is annoying. "Okay you got your hi!!" Hope he shut up. After a while i finally got my peace and quiet. But then when I thought everything was over. "Hey miss!!" theat man shouted again. "What!!!!" I think my veins started to appear in my face. "I forgot to introduce my self!! My name is Joe Kreth!!!"

"I DON'T CAAAAARE!!!" I think my veins are about to pop as I shouted throughout my lungs.


[Zoey Aqua] (cursed)


element: water

Fighting level: 3

Destruction level: 5

Defense level:5



Tech/skill/Tricks: 3

[Danger level: 3.5]

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