
And then...

A month passed by like a blink of an eye. When the queen found out about my situation she ordered her men to find out a cure to my curse. At first I had my hopes up but as the time passed it gets harder to believe that i will ever be cured. It gets even worse as my uncle seems to stop caring for me. He then sends me to the upper section of town where most nobles live and prepared a two-storey house with 2 maids for me to live. Her house was located just like ordinary house of the upper level along the road where merchants and people pass by. Thankfully Jenny and Fiore visited me often and sometimes Jenny came with Prince Jack. How sweet of her. As of now even if I can burn my money buying miracle waters from the holy church I rather accustomed my self into the darkness. By doing so I think my other senses became Sharper. I think so... Most of my time spent having a tea on the balcony enjoying the fresh air. It sometimes lighten my mood and forget my problems.

"Miss Zoey" as Zoey enjoyed her cup of tea a blond long haired girl in maid uniform called her. "What is it Vina?" although she never saw hee Vina has a low tone of voice and smelled freshly like a honey and that's how Zoey identifies her.

"Miss Fiore is here." Vina replied. "Oh send her here. Thank you Vina." Zoey said as she sip her cup of tea.

After a while Fiore came in with a light green dress that matches her green short hair. "Zoey how have you been?" Fiore greeted her first as if making her know that she was there. "Great Fiore. Come have a sit. I miss you already."

"I am glad you're okay. I miss you to Zoey." Fiore sit across Zoey as Vina serve her some tea.

They talk a lot and most of the time Fiore came with lots of stories to Zoey. Every time she was glad to see her still able to laugh despite the hardship she was having.

"Haha!! Fiore that's too much. To think your Dad thought of building a tower where there are no doors just to keep you away from men."

"Can you believe him? Just because a guy Lance came to ask me for a dinner even my brothers gone crazy."

"Wait Lance from Lake family?"

"Yes? Why?"

"Can't believe he had the courage now to ask you out. I remember him having a crush on you but he is alway so shy back in the school."

"Zoey, I'm really glad you're okay." As the two girls enjoyed their conversation Fiore made a remark that made Zoey suspicous.

"Hey c'mon Zoey I can still see if i want to although it would be some few minutes if i keep chugling miracle waters I'll be fine. Beside it was still a month. Who knows maybe they will find a cure tommorrow." Zoey reassured her friend with a smile.

"Its not only thay. I mean with Jenny and Prince Jack seeing each other and the rumor of re-exam for succession-" Fiores words was just cut off as Zoey drop her cup of tea.

"What did you say?" Vina and Fiore was shocked and immediately help her clean up.

"Fiore!! What is it that you just said!!? I heard it wrong right?! Right?!" Even Fiore was stunned at Zoey's action.

"You mean Jenny and Prince Jack?" Fiore asked a second time. Zoey began to have tears in her eyes as she asked as if hoping she heard it all wrong.

"I mean isn't it why Prince Jack and Jenny came here. I thought you already knew..." Fiore explained since she knew Jack and Jenny have been visiting her this past few weeks.

"H-how long.." Zoey murmured.

"Pardon?"Fiore asked back.

"How long has this been going!!!! Tell me!!" Zoey yelled as she can no longer express the mixed feelings she has now as she hold Fiore with strong gripped.

Fiore was shocked and can only hate the two people right now as she saw Zoey broken like this and on top of that she has been the one that triggered it. She can only shed tears along with her friend as she answered her.

"Zoey.. it has been 2 weeks... uuu... I'm sorry.... I should have known better... I'm sorry... I should have come early..." Fiore hugged Zoey as both of them cried.

Noticing how they attract some passersby on the road they continued their conversation inside.

"*sniff* Vina, Deb," Zoey called her maids that are standing behind her. Deb was the other maid serving her. She has a tanned skin and long green hair wearing her maid uniform.

"Did you gals already know? *sniff*" Zoey asked them as she calmed down a little.

"I'm sorry miss Zoey." Deb answered in her voice like cat. "Jenny was scary and more Prince Jack was scarier. We are still in our young and hope to have kids yet.. waahhh"

"Its alright. I don't blame you for this. "

"Fiore. Please do me a Favor and take me to where they are now."

Not far from Zoey's location. Jack and Jenny are enjoying their food in a luxurious Dining restaurant for high class people. Jenny wore a blue dress that matched her long silky blue hair on the other hand Jack wore a fancy white suit that goes along well with his curly short red hair. Both of them are laughing and even kissed in public while other customers are looking.

"Aaahhh youth.."

"Prince is so lucky..."

"How bold.."


The mood was broken when they heard a crash sound near the two. It made all the people look even Jack and Jenny.

"Hey look isn't she..."

"Oh my.. don't tell she still haven't accept it."

"This is bad"

Jenny was surprised as she saw her cousin together with Fiore just a few meters away from them. However, Jack was a little surprise but regained his calmness in his face in a second. They look at the item that break and saw the miracle water bottle which means right now Zoey can see and saw the two of them kissing.

"Zoey... I can explain." Jenmy was the first one speak as she stand on her chair.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me? You were my friend..." Zoey started to have a mental break down. She was just going to see both of them and congratulate them but after seeing them with such intimacy the prince had never shown her before and kissed she just couldn't handle it and her heart began to hurt as her head can't handle the situation.

"You two were even at my house... and... and.."

Fiore on the other hand never said a word and can only support Zoey from standing or else she has already fall down on her knees.

"Zoey its not that.. its just its hard to tell..." Jenny tried to explain but he was interrupted by the prince. Prince Jack raised his hand interrupting Jenny as he looked Zoey with his sharp red eyes.

"There is no need for explenation here." He said in cold voice and smiled. "We just can't tell you because we simply don't want to trouble you with the news and simply wait till you are cured."

"Still you should have told me!! You two were even at my house!!" Zoey yelled.

"Oh. Why are you mad? Is it bad that I have another woman? Or are you mad that she might steal your succession as a queen?" With a smile he asked Zoey as if enjoying what's happenning.

"Its not about the throne!! I thought that.... that you... I..." Zoey seems to have less and less strength to talk anymore.

"Oh.. why didn't you say so.. Don't worry I can still take you as my mistress.. I can be with you in your bed every night if you wanted to..."


"What.. don't you want me? Although you should take many miracle waters with you every night. You might mistake a slave for a prince.." The prince continued talking as he got close Zoey and touched her chin. Then he got close to her ear and whisper.

"Do you also want a kiss? I can give it to you if want."


This time Fiore can't hold her anger any longer and slapped Prince Jack.

"You are terrible!!!" She shouted in anger. "How can you say that her. She loved you and even believed in you. And You!!" This time she looked at Jenny. "You were her cousin and friend..."

Zoey was broken as Fiore defend her she fell with her knees on the ground. She can't take it any longer and finally burst out in tears as she run away as fast as possible.

"Zoey!!!" Fiore chase after her as she saw Zoey ran away aimlessly.

After that the people inside the diner already began talking to each other meanwhile Jenny's face whose like an angel before turned cold and smiled as she saw Fiore and Zoey Leave.

"Why? WHY? WHY?... I DID MY BEST.. YET WHY? WHAT DID I DO WRONG? WHY ARE ALL OF THIS HAPPENNING? I CAN'T BREATH... ITS SO HARD TO BREATH..." Zoey ran aimlessly as she ponder in her thoughts. She ran and stumbled but she get up and ran again. She ran and bump unto a stranger and ran again. She didn't recocgnize the area but she ran and soon enough her vision began to darken slowly until she cannot see no more.

"Can't breath... Can't see.. I ca-" *Thud*

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