
steal a horse

Crown wriggled out of his hands the minute they were alone. "That should be the last time you touch me that way, I do not appreciate it."

"Get over yourself, we are married."

"You call this a marriage. The authenticity of your intentions and why you married me is still unclear. Do you really think I buy the story of an evil coming for us all." She arranged her dress as she spoke.

"Doesn't change the fact that you are my wife now, and you better do well to get yourself ready tonight. I'd be doing so much more than just holding—"

She shoved him hard enough for him to stagger a step back, the shock on his face was clearly registered. "Who do you think you are! On what grounds do you believe you get to throw orders around on a matter concerning my body!" She was going to shove him again when he caught her both hands in one of his and pulled her close.

"Be careful princess, there's a full moon above us. It will serve you well not to anger me."

"Let me go!" She fought to free herself but he drew her even closer.

"You seem to forget who you married. . .what you married." He didn't intend to push her hard but he underestimated his strength at that time and she almost landed on her back before finding her footing. Her hair had come undone from the pins that held them.

The look in her eyes when she turned to him again would hunt him for days to come.

His last words carried a faint warning almost, spiking fear in her. "I guess this is my life now, right? I simply have to deal with it and do as you say?" Tears of vexation was starting to form in her eyes.

"A ladies maid will be sent to have you ready for me. Try not to piss them off." He said flatly and finally walked up the steps to his new chamber.

This wasn't how he had pictured the start of their marriage to be, but everything that could go wrong was starting to do so and he had no clue how to make it right.

With him gone, silence surrounded her, she really wanted to be back in Ashford, in her home, with her family. She missed them so much and wished she could run home. All was quiet and then she heard footsteps from behind her.

"Your highness please go inside." One out of the three guards that came to her said.

"Don't come close!" She warned when they continued to walk towards her. "Thank you, I will find my way."

She climbed up the stairs and into the home that was now hers. She had only stepped into the grand hall entrance when a voice that was pleasing to her ears startled her. "Hello princess."

"Goodness! Do you all appear out of nowhere all the time!" Crown yelled holding a hand to her chest.

"Forgive me princess, I was sent to come fetch you."

"By who?"

"The prince."

"Let me guess, you are the one to have me dressed for whatever it is that this night is meant to be." Crown stared at her. The woman stood a few inches taller than her and likely older. Her skin was the fairest Crown had ever seen. She had a beautifully full and curvaceous figure, radiating confidence and self-assured charm. She wore a welcoming and warm smile. Her crimson hair was cut short but pulled back from her face, her green eyes were striking. She almost reminded her of old Mick's beautiful wife Mila

"Well yes, but I am also your personal maid servant my lady. Whatever you need, I provide for you."

"I want to go home." Crown blurted. "Take me back to Ashford, we could steal a horse or something."

"Oh, I am sorry princess I can't—"

"Stop calling me that!"

"What can I call you?"

"My name is Crown. What is yours?

"Eli, your highness."

"Eli, please take me home. You said you will provide me with whatever I need. I need to leave this place."

"Your highness please. I can't do that. We will be in trouble for even attempting such."

"I've been in and out of trouble all my life, I do not fear it."

"Princess." Eli said quietly. She had been eager to meet her new lady all week, since the moment she had been chosen for the job. She had imagined all the ways the princess could be but nothing prepared her for the rather outspoken woman she was meeting. She was however more beautiful than she imagined her to be. "Permit me to say that this is your home now. You belong here as much as you did back in Ashford." She said softly like she was comforting a child. "I promise to make your living here as easy as it can be. And safe too." She said at last.

"So you can't take me home?"

"Do forgive me your highness. I promise you that if you give me the chance to serve you, you will not find me lacking in anything." She assured her.

"I do not doubt your capabilities Eli. I just—" she shook her head as words failed her.

"You will be treated here with all the respect and love befitting to a princess. Soon this place will feel like home." Eli said kindly as she pitied her new lady. She could see the sadness in her eyes and partly understood her circumstance well enough.

"Come now, princess. The prince must be waiting for you now. Let's get you ready for him."

Crown nodded in a resigned manner. "Ok."

Eli led her up the stairs and through another hallway that looked endless. "Here is your chamber, for now. The Prince is having your home built as we speak. It will be ready soon I believe."

"My home?" Crown asked stepping into the room. She stopped in her tracks to admire its beauty. Her room was a vision of opulence. Soft pastel colors adorned the walls, with intricate floral patterns. The floor was polished marble. A canopy bed draped in sheer, flowing fabrics took center stage, surrounded by plush cushions and delicate lace. A large crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, casted a warm glow. Ornate mirrors and vintage furniture stood the right, while a vanity table that carried an array of exquisite cosmetics and accessories fit for royalty was on the far left. The wall opposite her bed stood out though, it was the painting of a forest, it looked almost dark and enchanting. She noted the reading nook and cushioned window. It was a space that truly, filled with beauty and comfort.

"Well it is for the both of you. He has the best of our builders on it." Eli answered.

"Okay." Crown replied. "This room, is it really mine?"

"Surely. The Queen and the prince took their time to put it together. Do you like it?"

Crown refused to answer. She didn't want to find anything worth liking in Tahu. Nothing at all.

"Let's get you cleaned and ready."


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