
Chapter 1

After a few hours abhimanyu woke up, he was feeling a bit relaxed but his mind was not able to believe what happened, he got up and picked up his phone but it was not working as if it had zero battery, there was no electricity so he was not able to charge it too.

Abhimanyu started feeling anxious about what was going on, he went out of his room to see what was happening with others but he was not able to sense where everyone else was, he opened the door of his friend's room, he saw him still sleeping, so he went on to see about his other friends but everyone else were still sleeping but him, he did not know what to do now so he sat down on his balcony and began wondering what will happen in the future beacuse if what brahma god said in the dream is going to happen then a catastrophe is going to appear on earth.

He began thinking what his grandfather told him when he was just a little kid, he used to tell him about the lokas(realms), there were 7 realms above the earth and 7 realms below the earth the last realm is also known is patala loka where evil resides, and if they are really going to ascend to the earth then its our end. When he was deep in his thoughts his friends came to his room and they where all terrified and were saying if the dream is for real or not. none of our phones or any electronic devices were working and neither was there any electricity. They did'nt know what to do so they all decided to go to the college. As they were going to the college streets and roads were empty as no one knew what to do next. when they reached the college there were many other students too who had the same dream and one of them said "What if we all failed?". This question was scaring everyone and as soon as he said it a clock started appearing infront of them, it showed the time remaining "43825 hours remaining" and the clock went to the side of the window and the main window appears infront of their eyes, it said "Abhimanyu Singh Level 1 Chakras activated 0/7". Everyone could'nt believe what was infront of their eyes, they could see their name and stats in a window which only they can see and at the corner of the window reamining time was shown. As they realized what was going on the main chaos started. Many students started crying and many were'nt able to say anything. Electricity was not there so no one was able to watch news and connect with the world, they can only talk to the people around them but they started loosing their sanity little by little. and suddenly a helicopter appears above them, inside the helicopter it was the district megistrate of that town. He came down and after seeing him with the army everyone calmed down a little.

The DM started telling all the people about what was happening in the other parts of the country and they first need to calm down and think about the situation and have faith in the authority.

On the other hand, there was a huge battleship in the arabian sea with the indian flag on its top, its captain was looked shocked while staring at an island which was a few kilometers away from the sea. He told his men to take him closer to that island and he start looking for the map, no electronic device was working on the ship except for the propeller. Captain saw the map and realised something was wrong as according to the map there should'nt be anything on the sea at that direction as the ship went closer to the island. He jumped out of the ship and swim towards the island, as he went to the shores he stood up and started slowely walking forward, a weird smell got inside his nose, he never smelled anything this strong and suddenly he saw a weird looking stone with the number 12 on it and as he touched the stone, a large monster came infront of him.